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DW Program Guide Themenheader DocFilm
Afghanistan, Mon Amour

Latest edition

Afghanistan, Mon Amour

Images of war, terror and violence shape our perceptions of Afghanistan. But there are some surprising stories beyond the headlines. Our film team went there and met a lot of Afghans who paint a totally different picture: musicians and writers, marathon runners and bakers, rappers and wedding organizers.

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Broadcast times

  • 28.01.2018 | 14:15 on DW (English)‎
  • 30.01.2018 | 03:15 on DW (English)‎
  • 01.02.2018 | 09:15 on DW (English)‎
Die Meisterin des Tattoos

Next edition

The Tattooed Lady

Whang Od is 93 and her body is adorned with snakes and millipedes. She is the last practitioner of a very special art form: her whole life spent tattooing warriors and headhunters in the mountains of the Philippines. These days young people from all around the world make pilgrimages to the remote village of Buscalan to meet her.

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Broadcast times

  • 21.01.2018 | 06:02 on DW (Deutsch+)‎
  • 22.01.2018 | 07:30 on DW (Deutsch+)‎
  • 20.01.2018 | 02:30 on DW (English)‎
  • 20.01.2018 | 23:30 on DW (English)‎
  • 21.01.2018 | 06:02 on DW (English)‎
  • 21.01.2018 | 11:30 on DW (English)‎
  • 21.01.2018 | 16:30 on DW (English)‎
  • 22.01.2018 | 07:30 on DW (English)‎

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