BEIRUT, LEBANON (2:06 P.M.) – In a sudden and decisive operation, Emirate-backed separatists have conquered the entire city of Aden, completely ejecting Saudi-led Hadi government forces from it in the process.

On Sunday, Yemeni separatists of the Southern Popular Resistance paramilitary group launched a powerful offensive against Hadi government forces (backed by Saudi Arabia) in the city of Aden.

According to reports, the separatists had their assault backed up by Emirate warplanes which conducted pin-point strikes against government positions and troop gatherings in and around Aden.

Less than an hour ago, Emirate-backed fighters declared full control over the city and the rout of pro-Hadi forces from it following their seizure of the presidential palace which until very recently housed the seat of Yemen’s internationally-recognized government.

The two-day battle which has now decisively changed the dynamics of political power play in Yemen was kicked-off after a deadline put forth by the Southern Popular Resistance group for the resignation of the Hadi government was not met.

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1 Comment on "Breaking: Yemeni separatists conquer the city of Aden from Saudi-backed forces after two-day battle"

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Daeshbags Sux
Rookie Mentor

It’s becoming complicated…
Especially when you consider MBZ is probably MBS main adviser!