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Poll: Why Do You Subscribe to Email Newsletters?

Posted by Tony Hue on February 23, 2018


You don't have to go very far on most publisher sites these days before you're asked to subscribe to an email newsletter. Maybe you've noticed this already while reading your favorite food blog or catching up on the top stories from a local news site. You can even find an example right here on the Disqus Blog. Just scroll to the end of any article and you'll see a prompt appear inviting you to subscribe to our newsletter (please do if you like).

The challenges that publishers face today are only growing. Whether it's Facebook de-emphasizing publisher content in their News Feed, Google adjusting its search algorithm, or free content competing for readers' attention, publishers face mounting hurdles to being successful. The most successful publishers thrive by investing in owning the channels for distributing their content and building relationships with their readers. Email allows them to achieve both goals, so it's no surprise that publishers are doubling down in their efforts to grow their email list.

We'd like to hear from commenters and readers of this blog on where you stand. To start things off, let us know if you currently subscribe to any email newsletters in the poll below:

If you subscribe to any email newsletters, what is the reason why? When we shared some of our favorite publisher newsletters recently, we talked about the awesome job they do with curating their latest content, personalizing emails to a readers’ specific interests, or diving deep into a specific topic. What matters to you most when deciding whether you should subscribe?

Feel free to share in a comment below additional thoughts you might have or a different reason if it’s not covered in the poll below. If you don’t currently subscribe to any email newsletters, we’d love to hear from you too!

We look forward to the discussion with the community so let us know how you feel. We read every comment here and appreciate you sharing any feedback.

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The headline and subheader tells us what you're offering, and the form header closes the deal. Over here you can explain why your offer is so great it's worth filling out a form for.


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