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Close up of moth outside my window

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level 1
9.4k points · 2 months ago

"Hey buddy you have any LAMPS?!"

level 2
4.3k points · 2 months ago

“I’d love to smack into it until I die”

level 3

The way moths are attracted to light is actually really interesting. The behavior is called phototaxis, positive phototaxis to be specific, cockroaches would be an example of negative, their reaction to light is to seek darkness as a way of avoiding predators. The leading theory is that they do it as a means of navigation.

The majority of known moth species are nocturnal after all, and when they usually fly around the moon is their guide. They use the moon as a point of reference so that they're able to fly in a straight line by maintaining their angle towards the source of light. However, they aren't able to distinguish the moon from an artificial source of light, like a lamp.

This leads to an interesting kind of situation. When they use the moon as a reference, the moon's position is consistent in terms of their field of view. The same isn't true with a lamp because it's a lot closer. Therefore, the moth uses the lamp as a reference, flies, sees the, "moon" has moved in their vision, assumes that they've accidentally flown off course, so they correct themselves, only to see the, "moon" change its position again.

This process continues, the moth keeps turning towards the lamp, constantly correcting their angle. In real time this results in a spiraling flight path that gradually gets closer and closer to the source of light. Sadly, the moth often ends up hitting the source of light, zapping or burning it to death. The process is hardwired into the moth's neurology, there is a tiny but distinct clump of neurons in many species' brains that guides it, this clump is humorously called the, "Icarus cell."

level 4

That was very interesting and well put, thanks for the educational comment!

level 5

I read it, slowly waiting for it to turn into a hell in a cell copypasta.

level 6

Don't let the fact that it didn't turn into a copypasta distract you from the fact that in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer’s table.

level 7

Hell in an Icarus Cell

level 8

Great comment

level 8

Someone who isn't broke give this man gold!

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level 6

Glad I’m not the only one

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level 5

You are now subscribed to moth facts!

For only 2.99$ per day you will receive a daily moth fact!

Did you know that moths have no mouths and do not eat. They live for a week, during which they mate and lay eggs.

level 6


level 7

Thank you for upgrading your subscription to MothFacts Pro. For one low payment of $5.99 daily, you will now receive 4 moth facts per day!

  1. Did you know, moths will eat holes in ur clothes?!

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level 6

only certain moths don't have mouths, but yeh.

level 7

Yeah, I made a huge mistake looking up vampire moths

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level 6
21 points · 2 months ago

I paid my sub, can I have another fact? :D

level 7

Greetings subscriber! /u/beagleatemylunch is unavailable at this time. I have stepped in to honor the subscription! Here you go!

Though they lack noses, moths are expert sniffers. They detect odor molecules using their antennae instead of through nostrils.  Male giant silkworm moths have elaborate, feather-shaped antennae with hairlike scent receptors that allow them to detect a single molecule of a female moth's sex hormone from 7 miles (11 kilometers) away.

level 8
21 points · 2 months ago

7miles???? TIL those ads on pornhub are just run by moths.

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level 7

u/BeagleAteMyLunch better honor this

level 8

If not, should we take u/BeagleAteMyLunch to r/karmacourt?

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level 6


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level 5

Yes this has been a most edifying bowel movement.

level 4

Gonna need some kind of article in relation to the final statement cause Google says no.

level 5

The only papers I know that talk about the Icarus cell are all behind paywalls, but I'll see what I can do.

level 6

In that case nevermind. You did mention "humorous" and id imagine the humor is rather dry in those textbooks/ articles.

level 7

Yeah, it tends to be pretty dry stuff if you're not passionate about the topic.

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level 4

You seem to know a lot about moth behavior, so here’s a question for you: I’ve been seeing these white moths everywhere this time of year (New England, not uncommon, but I don’t think they are gypsy moths) and in particular on a street near my house that was recently paved. When I say on the street, I mean literally crawling on the pavement flapping their wings but not flying. This is happening in broad daylight. It seems like odd behavior and there are now like hundreds of crushed moth carcasses from cars running them over. What gives, any idea why they are doing this?

level 5

Sounds like Cabera erythemaria the Yellow-dusted cream. It matches the region, season, and color you mentioned. The behavior you mention is very very unusual, especially for moths in that particular family (Geometridae). This species is definitely nocturnal and it's very worrying that you were able to see them on open pavement in broad daylight. Not only that, but they were also able to be crushed in such high numbers.

It points to a complete loss of very basic instincts. I've studied what you're talking about before, and there's no good answer on why this happens, but there are a few decent theories:

  • Magnetic disturbance We know that there are numerous lepidopteran species which rely on the magnetic field of the Earth to some extent, especially for migration. It is possible that this sensitivity still exists even in moths that don't migrate, just as a vestige. Magnetic disturbances have been known to affect many different animals, even whales and other cetaceans. In this case, the moths could be picking up on some geomagnetic anomaly and its making them suicidal.

  • Neurotoxin It is possible there is something in the air or even the nocturnal-blooming flowers that these moths usually pollinate. There are organic compounds, like pyrethroids, don't affect vertebrates because we have sufficient enzymes to break them down. Insects, like moths however have no such enzymes and chemicals like that depolarize and degrade their nervous system, severely affecting movement and reaction. Most pyrethroids become inert in direct sunlight, so either they're, "hiding" inside flowers that only bloom at night or in soil sediments that the moths are getting into.

  • Epigenetics This is the least likely scenario out of all of them, and by far the most theoretical. There are some studies on, "inherited memories" in insects, especially butterflies and moths. Epigenetics is the study of how environmental factors change the phenotype of organisms, these changes while not originally caused by heritage are themselves heritable. We know how the migration patterns of lepidopterans are affected by the, "memory" of past migrations. However, the degree to which non-migratory moths like the Yellow-dusted cream are affected is unclear. That could be a part of it, perhaps even the cause itself.

Either way, this behavior is likely a coal-mine canary for ecological damage where you are. I highly recommend you try to find your local wildlife society and give them a call about what you've seen. If it goes on long enough, it could possible begin to interfere with the broader food web of your area, especially for animals which usually eat moths or moth caterpillars.

level 6

Woah great reply, thank you! I’ll look into what you mentioned about contacting a local wildlife society. I did think this was extremely odd but I do not profess to have any specific knowledge about moth behavior.

level 6

The epigenetics part is interesting. I heard before how the whole assassin's creed style "ancestor memories" was impossible, so it's interesting to hear about something possibly similar in insects.

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level 4

Wonder if it's a specific spectrum of light where you could make anti-moth lights that they aren't attracted too. I googled

level 5

Google now will make self driving moths

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level 3
728 points · 2 months ago


"Oh no! Someones robbing the bank. Light the moth signal!"


sizzle sizzle bang

level 4
124 points · 2 months ago · edited 2 months ago

True story, I once found a dead moth that was the size of a small bird (probably 6 or 7 inches long and 5 wide). It was about the size of a sparrow or a finch with its wings extended. Never ever found out what species it was though. It was here in Sydney Australia if there's any mothologists here. I was genuinely in awe of the size of the lad.

Edit: Found a photo of a similar sized one.. It looked very similar to this, but maybe a little larger. Here's The article attached for the curious.

level 5

I once found a dead moth that was the size of a small bird (probably 6 or 7 inches long and 5 wide). It was about the size of a sparrow or a finch with its wings extended.


It was here in Sydney Australia

Oh okay. Carry on.

level 6

I couldn't believe it either. I honestly thought it was fake at first. I edited it an article in my comment, but here's an excerpt that paints a nice picture of these things.

"The wingspan of the female Trictena atripalpis can measure up to a whopping 16 centimetres, their sheer size giving people quite a fright when they appear underfoot or moving around a room."

"Mr Hunt said if rains were on the way, his flyscreen door would be covered with 20 or 30 of the moths and when driving at night, "their yellow eyes glint like bats". But for many, the large, winged insects tap right into the stuff of nightmares — a legitimate phobia known as Mottephobia."

Tourism Australia should start advertising this amazing experience.

level 7

If a scientist says 'whopping' then you know that bitch is bigger than usual.

level 8
31 points · 2 months ago

If a scientist says 'whopping' you know they're from Australia.

level 7

Well, I'm never going to Australia. As someone who is deathly scared of insects, this would probably give me a heart attack

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level 6
17 points · 2 months ago · edited 2 months ago

Shit, I live in Texas and have had one that size divebomb me in a garage. I have pictures for proof too. I hate. Hate. Hate moths, so this was especially terrifying. Can I post an imgur link on here?

Edit: ooohhh I even have a video in my google drive.

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level 5
58 points · 2 months ago

Not a professional mothologist but I'd say the type of moth that was, is big. A big moth, sounds about right.

level 6

Hmmmm, I concur. Are you sure you're not a mothologist?

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level 5

Was he an... absolute unit?

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level 4

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level 2
89 points · 9 days ago

How does it feel to have pioneered the moth meme?

level 3
65 points · 9 days ago

Pathetic considering I've been here for 9 years and this is one of my best comments.

level 4

It's weird... I'm over here wondering what the hell all this moth meme business is about, so I go looking it up like a normie on Google. Which leads me to an article talking about it, and a link back here... where I already upvoted the main post and your top comment back when they first happened. Also quite a few of the other ones, like the Hollow Knight shout outs.

No memory of it whatsoever.

Should I be worried?

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level 2
34 points · 2 months ago · edited 2 months ago

"They mostly come at night. Mostly."

Edit: "mostly", not "usually" thanks, /u/AwesomeMcpants

level 3
10 points · 2 months ago · edited 2 months ago


Edit: 👍

level 2
level 3

Do you, moth? Do you really love lamp... or are you just randomly smacking repeatedly into the brightest object you can find?

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level 2

'Pssst... hey, ya you.. feel like gettin' dirrty? Dust my wings and I'll give you fiddy bucks'

level 2

Bro you made a meme

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level 1

"Mom said it's my turn to play the xbox"

level 2
level 3
108 points · 2 months ago

Why does this meme work so well.

level 4

Because #relatable

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level 2

Fuck I was gonna say that

level 3

No you weren't.

level 4

Ok well I guess he wasn't then.

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level 2

What reference is this?

level 3

My childhood

level 3

Just some silly meme

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level 1
1.8k points · 2 months ago

"You got any beans"

level 2

"Finna need some beans"

level 3
102 points · 2 months ago · edited 2 months ago


Every time I read this I assume the person is writing Icelandic, then I'm momentarily confused when the rest of the sentence is English.

level 4
28 points · 2 months ago

Is it short for "gonna" or "finally gonna"?

level 5

I thought it was "fitting to"->"fittin' ta"->"fitna"->"finna"

level 6

"fixing to"

level 7

Ahhh that makes sense. I dont think I've ever heard anyone say it all the way out.

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level 6
12 points · 2 months ago

The guy who wrote the second description has obviously had some bad experiences regarding the term.

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level 3

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level 2


level 3

lol -everyone

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level 2

I;m thinking about thos Beans.

level 2

Thinkin bout thoSe beans

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level 1
831 points · 2 months ago

Dad's dead, you're next. Love Moth

level 2
Comment deleted2 months ago(1 child)
level 3
level 2

One of my favorite Internet things of all time.

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level 1

Mothman be coming to visit you soon

level 2

Call Richard Gere!!!

level 3


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level 2

"Oh boy, here I go killing again!"

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level 2

Wake up number 37...

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level 1

"Dude! Let me in! I'm a fairy!"

level 2
126 points · 2 months ago

Don't you believe in fairies?

level 3

Don't you want a balloon?

level 4

Happy cake day!!!

level 5

Thanks! :)

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level 2


level 3
49 points · 2 months ago


FAiRy goD PArEntS!!!!!!!#

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level 1
434 points · 2 months ago

You in Point Pleasant, West Virginia by chance? 👀

level 2
level 3

That needs to be a sub tbh bc yeah

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level 2
107 points · 2 months ago

Almost heaven

level 3
104 points · 2 months ago


level 4

Blue ridge mountains

level 5

Shenandoah River

level 6

Life is old there

level 7

Older than the trees, younger than the mountains blowing like a breeze...


level 8


level 9


level 10


level 3

Can confirm am singing this now in my head bc am from West Virginia

level 2

Indrid Cold?

level 3


level 4

Underrated movie. 7/10

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level 3


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level 2

Was just about to comment to see if OP had a pet iguana to protect him. 😉

level 2

"Sir, excuse me sir! Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and saviour, Mothra?"

level 2

Mothra is my favorite kaiju besides Godzilla.

Not counting any MechaGodzillas though.

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level 2

LOVE Mothra!

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level 1


level 2

Personally, I think the moth is adorable.

level 3
27 points · 2 months ago

Personally, I think the moth is terrifying.

level 2
level 3

Exactly what I wanted to add.

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level 2

I agree. It’s so fuzzy!

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level 1
252 points · 2 months ago

Those Hollow Knight graphics look insane!

level 2

Have an upvote fellow Knight.

level 2

A reminder that I just FINALLY beat the radiance a few days ago :) thanks :D

level 2

Radiance did nothing wrong.

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level 1
235 points · 2 months ago

"you got any games on your phone?"

level 1

Where do you live, just so I can add it to my list of places I'm never going to?

level 2

Probably Australia. The land of 'nope' creatures

level 3

Can confirm, have come across a moth the size of my forearm

level 4

In any other place I would've said that's a bird you're thinking of. Australia though? Probably the size of a baby moth.

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level 4

A mammoth?

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level 4

I don't believe you. That's frickin huge.

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level 2
35 points · 2 months ago

Moths are totally harmless I would rather live in a place that has scary stuff that is actually harmless than in a place that has scary stuff that can fuck me up

level 3

I prefer living where there's neither.

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level 2
15 points · 2 months ago

We get moths that big in the UK. Nasty fuckers they are.

level 3

I genuinely find them cute. If you look close they gave nice fluffy faces and they don't do any harm.

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level 2

In Canada I've seen huge moths almost the size of a small bird. I mean a wing span of around 4 or 5 inches. When that asshole was "fluttering" against the living room window it sounded like a fan was on or something. It was wild.

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level 1
129 points · 2 months ago

Every time I see a night shot of a moth it reminds me of this pic where the moth is really close to the camera, but the focus makes it look like this dude has a giant moth behind him.

level 2

Some say the guy was never seen after this photo...

R.I.P jpegmafia </3

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level 2

I can't tell if your blissful ignorance to who MC Ride is is a joke or not

level 3
32 points · 2 months ago

I don't know who that is, but it looks like he's about to be in the death grips of that moth.

level 4

If I was him I'd be running for the Hills, and I'd take the next plane to Stockton. I'd rather be stuck in a Bottomless Pit than be him with that moth.

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level 1
117 points · 2 months ago

Moths are cute, heck y'all

level 2

they really are, i dont understand the hate.

level 3

I fucking hate hairy bugs. Thats why.

level 4

Its not a bug its a small dog

level 5

With wings!

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level 2

They are! My first reaction to this pic was "aww" then I saw what sub I was in.

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level 1

This troubles me severely. I have an immeasurable fear of bugs and my first thought is often, “...but if it was the size of a dog...”. This image hits too close to home.

level 2

I'm terrified of bugs as well and the only comfort I find is that most of the ones I encounter are small.

Anything big enough for me to distinctly make out their physical features is too big and needs to be eradicated.

level 2

I can handle most bugs but I have an immense fear of moths specifically. The way they move and the sound they make when they hit lights, and the way their legs feel when they crawl on you. They freak me out

level 3

I worked overnight security for a short time in the middle of nowhere. There were moths the size of birds out at night. They hit off the metal siding of the warehouses with unbelievable thumps. And foxes would stand under the security lights and jump up and catch them out of the air. It’s was disgusting.

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level 2
13 points · 2 months ago

You may be comforted to know that it is physically impossible for insects to get any bigger than their current limits, unless the Earth's oxygen levels increase dramatically

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level 1

I imagine it's waiting for you to fall asleep.

level 2

to moth into your mouth

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level 1
level 2

[Legendary] Queen Mothüs, Guardian of Lightbulbs

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level 1

" hello, sir. Do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and savior, Mothra?"

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level 1

Looks like an autistic owl

level 2

Owltistic if u will

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level 1

That's terrifying

level 1

I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords.

level 1

Fuck me nope nope nope nope nope. Had an irrational fear of moths and butterflies since young, but I won't feel a bit irrational for screaming like a little girl, moving to a different state, and burning my whole house down if that shit showed up at my window.

level 2

I've always rather liked moths Little fluffy night friends. Until a big one landed on my face while i was sleeping and i smooshed it into my cheek while half awake.

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level 1
34 points · 2 months ago

That moth looks like a nope. If I see some demon ass lookin moth like that I finna move country

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level 1

Absolute unit

level 1

“Y’all mothafuckas is gonna die tonight.”

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level 1

Here's mothy!

level 1

So this is where it all started

level 1
23 points · 13 days ago

And a meme was born

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level 1

Hide yo kids. Hide yo wife.

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level 1

Is this the birth of a meme?

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level 1

L͕E͏̴̟̫T̡͓̮̠ ͙̙̹̲̬̣͢M̷̙̘͇̭̻͎̳Ę̤̟͔͚̻̭̩̠́ ̧͈͇͎̙ͅÌ̴͎̻N̙̻̜̩̦̼ ̬̰̙͈̹̫͟I̗̼͘͡M͍̣͞ ̡̘͕͚̼̀͠A̗͔̘̯̭ͅ ̥̩̻̼̠͚̲̻͜͠͝F̵̫͕̻͍A̵̪͕̯͍̼I̸̲̖R͏̷̮̰̠Y͕͘͢ ̵̘̗̜͙̖̀͜Ḓ̮̗͇̻͎͙̹͜͡ ̀͏̤̙̺̠O̴̷̢̜͓̖̩̻͍̯ ͇͔͉͉͔̜̰͢N̩̜ ̼͓͉̤͘͜Ț̲̮ ̦̰̭̳̰̗͎Y̬̱̳̻͙̳̞̗ ̬͕̫̖̻͚̳͙O͏̬̳͔̠̼͞ ̷͡͏͈̼̳U̵̧̜̙͘ͅ ̴͔͙̣̭͘ͅͅL̢͕̮̺͉̘͎ ̶̠̱̗͚ͅÌ͍͉ ͖̠͓̹͖̥͉̕͜K̛҉͚͓͍̲̮̖͖̥̫ ͙͓̦̮̻̗̦̫E͉̯̱̭̞̳̥͠ ̴͙̩̞̗̺̼F̸̫̠͇̹͚̼ ͈̙À͉̯̮̲͕͓̖͞ ̧̡̲̤̗̬ͅI̵̤̣ ͓̪͓͚͍͉̝R̴̼̣ ̬͍̼͞I̲͉͝ ̡̛̖̭͕̤ͅE̬͠ ̢̜͕̱̞͉̦ͅS̹̕͡

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level 1

"You gonna eat that corn bread? "

level 1

So this is where it started

level 1

hello future meme historians

level 1

“I’ve come for the child”

level 1

*poof* just like that. this moth became a meme legend

level 1

Holy shit the foundation

level 1

So this is where it all started. I hope you’re happy with yourself.

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level 1

"Ah, Wielder, you've returned. Let me have a look at the Dream Nail..."

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level 1

Hugs moth

level 1
11 points · 7 days ago

It’s the fucking source guys

level 1

u fukn wut m8?!

level 1
12 points · 12 days ago

i need lämpa brother

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level 1

Have you realized what you have created?

level 2
Original Poster18 points · 5 days ago

Everyday I think about it

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level 1

So this is where it all started

level 1

Did there happen to be some really tiny girls nearby as well?

level 1
10 points · 3 days ago

This is your fault.

level 1

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level 1


level 1

Brøthēr do you have any lämp?

level 1

Can I have some lämp brööther

level 1

You're staring directly into the fiery pit of hell.

level 1

Hey everyone, it’s Mr. Fuck No!

level 1

“You got any wool sweaters”

level 1

"I saw your window was open, so I decided to be romantic and climb up here, babe"

961 more replies

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