Vendor & Supplier Information

Vendors & Suppliers


We Value Our Vendors
Turner works closely with responsibly selected partners to deliver the best quality products and services throughout the entire company. If you are interested in forging a business relationship with our company, please contact us via email or letter:

One CNN Center
Atlanta, GA 30303-2720
Phone: 404-827-1255

A Shared Commitment to the Highest Standards

Turner Broadcasting values the relationships we have with business partners and knows that an important part of maintaining these relationships is ensuring that we share a common commitment to the highest standards of integrity and ethics. Download our Standards of Business Conduct Summary for Business Partners pamphlet or expand the link below to read an overview summary we've prepared of the broad policies and principles that guide the business activities of all Turner and WarnerMedia employees*.

Our Code of Conduct for Suppliers also also highlights Turner’s expectations as to the manner in which Suppliers will conduct themselves in their business relationship with Turner.

Maintaining a Professional Workplace


Acting With Integrity

The Company promotes a culture of integrity, honesty, incorruptibility and fair dealing. The Company does not tolerate fraud or false statements. Employees may not seek competitive advantages through illegal or unethical business practices.

Diverse and Respectful Workplace

The Company is an equal opportunity employer and does not tolerate discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, veteran’s status or any other legally protected category. The Company supports a workplace free from unlawful harassment (verbal, physical, and visual).

Safe and Healthy Work Environment

The Company is committed to maintaining a work environment that is free from the influence of illegal drugs or controlled substances. This applies while employees are on the premises of the Company, or at any time employees are performing their duties for the Company. The Company is committed to complying with all environmental, workplace, health and safety laws and regulations applicable to our businesses.

Protecting Company Records and Information


Protecting Intellectual Property

The Company is committed to protecting its own intellectual property and respecting the intellectual property rights of others.

Integrity of Financial Records and Public Disclosure

The Company is committed both to maintaining materially accurate and complete financial records, and to full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable disclosure in material respects in reports and documents that are filed with the SEC or otherwise made publicly available. No false, artificial or misleading statements or entries should be made to the Company’s books, records, account documents or financial statements.

Confidential Information and Media Communications

All employees must take measures to protect confidential and proprietary information. Employees may not communicate to the public in an official capacity without authorization.

Securities Trading

Buying or selling stock or other securities based on material non-public information is illegal. Unauthorized disclosure of such information is prohibited.

E-Communications and Information Security

Employees should use the highest level of care and professionalism in preparing any communications on the Company’s technology assets. Such communications–including e-mail–may create an enduring record of conduct that may have to be disclosed as part of legal proceedings.

Employees may occasionally use Company resources for personal communications as long as it is clear that they are not speaking for the Company and it does not interfere with their work. There is no expectation of privacy in any communications made on the Company’s technology assets.

Employees must take all steps to safeguard the Company’s electronic information resources, which includes following all applicable policies and not downloading files from unknown sources. Our business partners should understand, and abide by, these principles if they use WarnerMedia’s facilities or technology resources.

The Company is obligated to protect the security and privacy of personal information collected by the Company, including information about our customers, employees and business partners.

Conflicts of Interest


Gifts and Entertainment

In general, employees should not offer or accept gifts when doing so may improperly influence, or appear to influence, business decisions. In addition, gifts worth over $500 from one source in any 12-month period, whether given or received, must be approved in advance by an employee’s supervisor and Compliance representative (in some Divisions, additional approvals may be required). Cash gifts are never appropriate. Some business units may have additional restrictions on gifts and entertainment; employees should consult the SBC or contact their Compliance representative for details.

Accepting entertainment invitations that are business-related, and not unusually lavish, is an acceptable means of maintaining business relationships. Employees must refrain from accepting or providing gifts or entertainment that may influence or appear to influence the decision to do business. We expect our business partners to be aware of, and adhere to, these standards when giving or receiving gifts.

Financial Interests in Other Companies

Employees are responsible for ensuring that investments in other companies do not cause a real or apparent conflict with the interests of the Company. Depending on an employee’s seniority and job responsibilities, there may be pre-approval requirements for certain investments.

Providing Service to Other Companies

Invitations for an employee to serve on a for-profit company’s board of directors, board of trustees or advisory board must be pre-approved in writing as described in the SBC. Doing work for a Company partner, vendor or competitor could create a conflict of interest and also requires written pre-approval. An employee’s service to other companies may not interfere with his or her responsibilities at the Company.

Working With Family Members

It would generally be a conflict of interest for an employee to have a reporting relationship with, or seek to inappropriately pressure another employee to hire, a relative or a household member. In addition, if an employee has a family or household member who is employed by a business partner, the employee should contact their Compliance Office to determine if a conflict exists.

Use of Company Position or Resources

Company resources should be used only for the Company’s benefit. Employees must not use Company position, resources, property or information for personal gain or for the benefit of a third party.

Conducting Business in a Global Marketplace


Anti-Bribery and Corruption

The Company strictly prohibits giving, offering, authorizing or taking bribes, including bribery of private individuals and government officials. Employees must consult with the Legal Department or their Compliance representative before they–directly or through a third party–provide anything of value to, or otherwise transact business with, a government official.

Fair Competition

Employees must avoid situations involving agreements or discussions with competitors on prices or terms of sale of competing products or services. Employees must also avoid discussions or agreements with customers or suppliers that involve fixing the resale price of a good or service. Employees should check with legal counsel in situations that concern possible restraints on competition.

Export, Import and Sanctions Laws

Company employees must comply with applicable U.S. export, import and anti-boycott laws. These laws regulate exports of U.S. goods, such as encryption hardware, software and technology, and prohibit certain actions that would support foreign boycotts that the U.S. government does not sanction. There are also rules restricting transactions in certain countries or with specially designated nationals (SDNs) identified by the government.

Political Activities

Employees may make personal financial contributions to political candidates, but should not use the Company’s name, funds, resources or services in connection with political activities. Some divisions also have restrictions on the personal political activities of certain employees, for example, those involved in newsgathering. Those employees should consult with their Legal Department before engaging in personal political activities. Coercive solicitations of any kind are prohibited. Employees may participate in the Company’s political action committee (PAC).



Who Is Covered by WarnerMedia’s Standards of Business Conduct (SBC)?

Employees of the Company are required to follow the SBC as a condition of employment. The SBC set forth policies and guidance on some important business and legal matters. There are other policies and procedures that are applicable to employees that are not a part of the Standards of Business Conduct.

The SBC do not apply to our business partners, of course, but many of the rules and principles discussed in the SBC arise from federal and state laws, which do apply to those with whom we do business.

The term “Business Partners” as used in this brochure includes WarnerMedia’s vendors, suppliers, distributors, consultants, independent contractors and other third parties who provide goods or services to WarnerMedia or its Divisions.

What Is an Employee’s Responsibility Under the SBC?

Because it is not possible to describe all business conduct situations in detail, the SBC are meant to provide employees with a general overview of their responsibilities. To ensure compliance with the SBC and applicable laws and regulations, we ask our employees to consider the following questions when making business decisions, and we encourage our business partners to do the same:

  1. Does it comply with the SBC and other Company policies?
  2. Does it comply with applicable laws and regulations?
  3. Does it feel right?
  4. Is there someone else who should be consulted?
  5. How would a third party view this decision?
  6. How would this look in the newspaper?
  7. Who Oversees the SBC and Answers Questions About Them?
  8. The WarnerMedia Chief Ethics and Compliance office oversees the Ethics and Compliance Program and the Standards of Business Conduct. Each of WarnerMedia’s divisions has its own Compliance Officer who administers the SBC within that division.

Contact: Turner Compliance Office

If you have concerns or questions about an ethics and compliance matter contact us:

Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.
Compliance Office
1050 Techwood Dr. NW
Legal Department
Atlanta, Georgia 30318

*While the SBC do not apply to our business partners, many of the rules and principles discussed arise from federal and state laws, which do apply to those with whom we do business. In addition, WarnerMedia has developed Ethical Sourcing Guidelines (ESG) for our business partners, which address matters such as fair employment, health and safety, and environmental standards. Our expectation is that our business partners will conduct themselves in compliance with local laws and regulations and industry standards. For additional SBC and ESG information, please visit

Our Supplier Diversity Program


Turner Broadcasting is committed to supplier diversity.  We value and encourage the use of qualified minority- and women-owned businesses in its company-wide purchasing process. We seek to form mutually beneficial partnerships with suppliers who offer products or services that are of high quality, competitively priced and come with excellent customer service.  Turner believe diversity improves our business, strengthens our communities and increase our shareholder value.

Please Register With Us

Companies that are certified as minority owned, woman-owned and small disadvantaged business enterprises interested in partnering with TBS, Inc. should register online with our parent company, WarnerMedia LLC, at:

For additional information on Turner’s Supplier Diversity Program send an e-mail to

What criteria must suppliers meet?

  1. Suppliers are chosen first on their ability to meet the needs of our business, all suppliers must meet the following criteria:
  2. Understand Turner’s business Innovation & Value-added capabilities
  3. Good financial standing
  4. Certification from National/Regional Minority Council, State or Federal Agencies
  5. References and proven track record

Purchase Order Policies


Turner Purchase Order Terms and Conditions

WarnerMedia EIS Purchase Order Terms and Conditions