To start the process, please enter your email address below.

Our team of trained specialists will work closely with you to produce products (article reprints, plaques, etc.) and secure rights & licenses (for re-use of content in almost any form of media including books, advertising, presentations, etc.).

In order for us to assist you, we need to know the content you would like to purchase (article, logo, photo, video, etc.) and how you would like to use it (product or license).

A few important notes about our services:
  • We DO NOT grant or review gratis, free or no charge uses.
  • ALL products and Licenses provided by PARS International are subject to fees.
  • Fees BEGIN at $199.
  • Fees vary based on the source and type of content, your intended use, and the type of customer. (corporate, non-profit, personal)

By submitting a request, you are agreeing to receive communications from us on behalf of our partner publications. Please see our privacy policy for more information.