BEIRUT, LEBANON (1:30 A.M.) – Qatar has allegedly proposed to form a new coalition with four regional countries in the Middle East, the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) of Iran reported, citing Iraqi media claims.

According to the IRNA report, Qatar’s Deputy Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammad bin ‘Abdul-Rahman bin Jassim Al-Thani proposed the formation of a five-party coalition that would comprise of his own country, Iraq, Iran, Syria, and Turkey.

The proposal came during the Qatari minister’s two-day meeting in Baghdad with the Iraqi government.

Despite these claims, Qatar and Syria do not have any diplomatic relations, nor does Damascus and Ankara.

However, with the Gulf Coalition Committee’s (GCC) isolation of Qatar, a new coalition of this type could challenge the Saudi-led GCC and protect the small nation.

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GCC is “Gulf Cooperation Council”. Come on, Al Masdar.

This is good news though.

Hikmatullah sahib
Hikmatullah sahib

I am delighted with such a thoughtful proposal by the Qatari minister. The time has come for the dissolution of GCC which has become the mouthpiece of Saudi propaganda. The should also drag in Yemen and Oman at a later date.

You can call me AL
You can call me AL

Well, I was not expecting that.




Sounds good. That would really get up the backs of the Egyptians, the Saudis, and the Emirates.


Here we are! The masks are falling!