Official Brand Colors

Baylor’s iconic green and gold can be traced as far back as 1897. As legend has it, a member of the student committee selected to choose the official colors for the University was traveling to a debate tournament by train. Looking out the window, she was struck by the beautiful green fields covered with thousands of spring dandelions. Adopted by the student body, the “green and gold” would go on to define the school’s athletics teams, usher in the nation’s first Homecoming and become immortalized in the school song.

Today, the University’s signature colors of Baylor Green (signifying academic growth, renewal and hope) and University Gold (symbolizing excellence, courage and compassion) remain at the core of the Baylor Brand. As they are central to our identity, they should not be altered.

Matching University Colors

When used in each medium (screen printing, embroidery, plastics, clothing, digital, etc.), the goal is always to match the colors as they would appear printed on coated paper.

For Example:

On uncoated paper, the color closest to the official Baylor Green is PMS 3435u. However, as the closest color to University Gold (PMS 1235) prints towards orange on uncoated paper, PMS 116u has been chosen instead. When in doubt, refer to the original Baylor colors and match as closely as possible.


Baylor Green

Pantone Matching System (PMS) 3435
Coated Paper: PMS 3435c
Uncoated Paper: PMS 3435u
Four-Color Process: 93Cyan
10 Magenta
90 Yellow
70 Black
HEX: #154734
RGB: 21, 71, 52

University Gold

Pantone Matching System (PMS) 1235
Coated Paper: PMS 1235c
Uncoated Paper: PMS 116u
Four-Color Process: 0 Cyan
29 Magenta
100 Yellow
0 Black
RGB: 255, 184, 28

Note: For information on thread colors and guidelines for embroidery, please visit Baylor Collegiate Licensing.