Community Guidelines

At Snap, we contribute to human progress by empowering people to express themselves, live in the moment, learn about the world, and have fun together. We created these Community Guidelines to support our mission by encouraging the broadest range of self-expression while making sure Snapchatters can use our services safely every day.

These Guidelines apply to all content on Snapchat. Media partners in Discover agree to additional guidelines, including the requirement that their content is properly fact-checked and accurate. In certain cases, we won’t take action against content when it is newsworthy and relates to a matter of political, social, or other general concern to our community. 

Sexually Explicit Content

  • We prohibit accounts that promote or distribute pornographic content.
  • Breastfeeding and other depictions of nudity in non-sexual contexts are not considered pornographic and are permitted on Snapchat.
  • Never post, save, or send nude or sexual content involving anyone under the age of 18 — even of yourself. Never ask a minor to send explicit imagery or chats. We report child sexual exploitation to authorities.

Harassment & Bullying

  • We have zero tolerance for bullying or harassment of any kind. 
  • Don’t send a Snap with the intention of making someone feel bad. If someone blocks you, don’t try to contact them from another account.
  • Don’t take Snaps of people in private spaces — like a bathroom, locker room or a medical facility — without their knowledge and consent.
  • If someone is in your Snap and asks you to remove it, please do!
  • When playing a game, don’t harass other players or deliberately ruin the fun by playing in an unintended way.

Threats, Violence & Harm

  • Never threaten to harm a person, a group of people, or someone’s property. Encouraging violence is prohibited on Snapchat.
  • Don't post Snaps of gratuitous violence, including animal abuse.
  • We don’t allow the glorification of self-harm, including the promotion of self-injury or eating disorders.

Impersonation & Spam

  • Don’t pretend to be someone you’re not — this includes your friends, celebrities, brands, or other organizations — or attempt to deceive people about who you are. 
  • We prohibit spam and deceptive practices, including content that imitates Snapchat ad formats.

Hate Speech & False Information

  • Don't post any content that demeans, defames, or promotes discrimination or violence on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or veteran status. 
  • We prohibit malicious deception and deliberately spreading false information that causes harm, such as denying the existence of tragic events. 

Illegal Content

  • Don’t use Snapchat for any illegal activities — including to buy or sell illegal drugs, contraband, counterfeit goods, or illegal weapons.


  • Terrorist organizations are prohibited from using our platform and we have no tolerance for content that advocates or advances terrorism.

Please remember that you can always file a report with our safety team using our in-app reporting feature or by completing this form. We review these reports to determine whether there is a violation of these Guidelines and any action needs to be taken. Please visit our Safety Center for more information about safety at Snapchat and detailed instructions on managing your Snapchat experience, including taking actions like updating your privacy settings, choosing who can see your content, and blocking other users. 

If you violate these Community Guidelines, we may remove the offending content, terminate your account, and/or notify law enforcement. If your account is terminated for violating our Terms of Service or these Guidelines, you may not use Snapchat again. Please take these Guidelines seriously and honor them in the spirit in which they are intended. We’ll do our best to enforce them consistently and fairly, and ultimately we’ll try to do what we think best reflects these values in each situation in our sole discretion.