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Letter from Brooklyn

The Grocery Store Where Produce Meets Politics

The legendary Park Slope Food Co-op carries sustainable food, low prices, and New Yorkers’ opinions in bulk.

The Political Scene

The Public Stage of the House Impeachment Inquiry

Behind the efforts to gather evidence, or else defend the President, is a partisan struggle to steal the show.

Annals of Gastronomy

Can Babies Learn to Love Vegetables?

No diet has been more obsessively studied, more fiercely controlled, or more anxiously stage-managed than baby food. Yet we still get it wrong.

Letter from the U.K.

Prince Andrew’s Noxious Interview About Jeffrey Epstein

Living at an elevated remove from the common people, perhaps the Prince imagined that he would be able to make his case to those same commoners. He could not have been more wrong.

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Cultural Comment

The Ordinary Brilliance of Big Thief

After releasing four albums in three years, the band, which plays folkish indie rock and gives off a day-three-of-a-camping-trip vibe, has come into startling focus.

Video Dept.

Bryan Washington Makes Soondubu Jjigae

Learning to make the Korean soft-tofu stew is more complicated than following a list of ingredients and steps; the process changes each time, according to the chef’s mood.

Photo Booth

The Double Vision of Alicia Rodriguez Alvisa

In the series “You Are There, Are you there?, There You Are,” each self-portrait is a composite of two images of the photographer—two Alvisas relating to each other in space.


The Sober Clarity of the Impeachment Witnesses

William Taylor and George Kent were direct about their sense of dismay, and essential questions emerged from the stories they told.

Q. & A.

The Laws of Forgiveness

The lawyer and academic Martha Minow reflects on the lessons of the #MeToo movement and just how forgiving Americans should be about the misdeeds of the Trump era.

Puzzles Dept.

The Weekday Crossword

Onetime bandmate of Victoria, Emma, Mel, and Mel: four letters.

The Latest

Lena Waithe on Police Violence and “Queen & Slim”

The screenwriter’s new film is about a first date that goes terribly wrong when a police officer is accidentally shot. “We create the heroes we need,” Waithe tells Jelani Cobb.

4:00 P.M.

Dating Material: Stalking Your Ex Throughout History

1348: Your ex gets the bubonic plague, confirming your suspicions that he was cheating on you.

Daily Cartoon: Monday, November 18th

“I have a newfound regard for government officials.”

1:36 P.M.

Trump Warns Republicans That If They Vote to Impeach He Will Campaign for Them Like He Did in Louisiana

In a series of intimidating early-morning tweets, the President said, “I will hold rallies in your state and support you with everything I’ve got.”

10:56 A.M.

Wayne Thiebaud’s “Stuffed”

The artist talks about the inspiration behind his ninth cover for the magazine.

6:00 A.M.
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From This Week’s Issue
Tables for Two

Paulie Gee’s, F&F Pizzeria, and New York’s Slice Renaissance

New pizza joints cropping up around the city combine nostalgic atmospheres with modern additions, such as vegan options and fermented-dough wizardry.

The Current Cinema

The Art of the Awkward Silence in “A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood”

Marielle Heller’s film about Mr. Rogers, starring Tom Hanks and Matthew Rhys, skirts the pitfalls of mush.

Mind Meld

Kehinde Wiley and Jeremy O. Harris’s Meeting of the Minds

The Yale alums have made provocative incursions into Times Square, where Wiley’s take on Civil War iconography chimes with Harris’s “Slave Play.”



“Our silences really, not our voices, engaged in conversation. Though I hear you singing. Softly. Clearly.”


How a Korean Stew Connected Me with My Mom

After frequenting Korean restaurants in Houston, Bryan Washington felt compelled to learn how to cook soondubu—and, in the process, found an unexpected way to renew his relationship with his mom.

Daily Cartoons


Lena Waithe on “Queen & Slim”

The screenwriter talks about flipping the narrative of police violence. Plus, Thomas Mallon on impeachment, and Philip Pullman on HBO’s “His Dark Materials.”

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