In a letter from International mental health specialists to the Egyptian Parliament: Proposed amendments in mental health legislation violate patient rights and established rules regulating this field globally

The Egyptian initiative for personal rights publishes the text of a letter sent by international mental health professionals to the Health Committee of the Egyptian Parliament, the Secretariat for Mental Health and the Ministry of Health, prior to the discussion of new amendments to the Mental Health Law in Parliament on December 12.

News14 Nov 2019

The first two were presented jointly with Adalah Center for Rights and Freedoms, one on the death penaly, and the other on the infringment of the State's economic policeis on the rights to an adequate standard of living, health, and education.

Press Release10 Oct 2019

These drastic economic measures are taking place alongside a severe crackdown on civil and political rights. Egypt’s civic space has been decisively evaluated as “closed” by international monitoring initiatives, and the government has recently ratified an NGO law that UN human rights experts have indicated could “devastate civil society.”