WATCH | Cape Town cleaners keep empty city streets spotless during lockdown

2020-04-08 19:27

Cleaners have been spotted all over the Cape Town CBD, hard at work on all major roads snaking between large skyscrapers, and in small alleyways behind eateries. 

They have continued to keep the streets in pristine condition, this despite the national lockdown. 

In fact, some might argue the streets are now cleaner than ever before, as they are able to access areas which would usually be tricky due to the sheer number of people normally crowding the inner city.

"The focus of the cleaning service at the moment is to cover the entire CBD area with regards to cleaning and we are concentrating mainly on the quality of work being produced," the assistant manager of CCID urban management, Kally Benito, told News24. 

But they too have made some adjustments during the lockdown, she said.

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"We had to cancel our nightshift team as our teams are struggling with transport and included them into our dayshift team," Benito added.

"So, our dayshift compliment has increased considerably during this lockdown period."

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She praised the workers for their commitment to the cause. 

"However, they have been able to come into the city on time, and we appreciate their dedication and commitment to the service," Benito added. 

Read more on:    cape town  |  lockdown  |  coronavirus

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