BBC Mobile
BBC Home > FAQ > How much does it cost to use BBC Mobile?

Limiting Costs

There are several ways to limit the costs of browsing the mobile internet:

- Get a data bundle. Signing up to a monthly or daily flat-rate/capped data package will limit your monthly spend on surfing the mobile internet or downloading video clips, especially if you're a heavy user. Contact your network operator for further details.

- Use wi-fi. Many mobile phones now come with wi-fi built-in. You can reduce data costs by accessing BBC Mobile this way, via your wireless broadband connection at home or at a wireless hotspot. If you're unsure whether your phone has wi-fi built in, contact your phone manufacturer or network operator.

- Use Bluetooth. Some of the video clips available on BBC Mobile are not locked and can be sent by Bluetooth to another phone, so you can share them with your friends.

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