More than 6,500 Open Access ebooks from 90 publishers, including Brill, Cornell University Press, De Gruyter, and University of California Press, are now available at no cost to libraries or users.

  • High-quality content: These titles reflect JSTOR’s high standards for quality content and are freely available for anyone in the world to use.
  • Ease of use: Users won’t need to register or log in, and there are no DRM restrictions or limits on chapter PDF downloads or printing. Ebooks work just like journal articles on JSTOR.
  • Digital preservation: The ebooks are also preserved in Portico, ensuring that they will be available to researchers in perpetuity.
  • Integration for libraries: Librarians can receive free MARC records and activate the titles in discovery services.

Title list (xlxs)

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The impact of Open Access

The Open Access titles have been heavily used, and usage has been recorded in every country and territory. In 2019, the OA ebooks were used more than nine million times. These OA ebooks are being used at more than 11,700 institutions, some of which might not otherwise afford access to publishers’ books, including high schools and community colleges.

Collaboration with El Colegio de México

Thanks to a grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, we’ve digitized more than 600 out-of-print books published by El Colegio de México and made them available on an Open Access basis on JSTOR. We are delighted to work with this important research center to make its scholarly works freely accessible to researchers.

Partnership with the Latin American Council of Social Sciences

Books at JSTOR has also begun a pilot project led by the Latin American Research Resources Project (LARRP) in collaboration with the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO), and Latin American bookseller García Cambeiro. This project has made 200 of CLACSO’s frontlist titles, published in Argentina in 2018-2019, available.

Popular Open Access Spanish-language ebooks