Smarter marketing has arrived

Sharing Intelligence™ powered by actionable interest and intent data from real consumers

Get Started
Understand Your Audience
Unlock true consumer understanding across channels – who they are, what they do, where they go, and what they buy.
Reach Your Most Engaged Customer
Target the right customer in the right place at the right time, like a skiing enthusiast aiming to hit the slopes, or a bride planning her wedding.
Optimize Your Campaign
Drive campaign success with a holistic understanding of what is going on in the online world right now.

Start With Smarter Data

  • Philosophy
  • Collection
  • Processing


The desire to share is rooted deep within, reflecting passions, intent, and lifestyles that are constantly evolving. Consumers are telling us what they care about – let’s listen.


We provide publishers and their global audiences the tools to engage with content they care about. In turn, we collect shares, searches, clicks and views that reflect people’s passions, interests and intent.
Publisher Domains
Monthly Events
Monthly Targetable Cookies


Our unique data engine ingests billions of data points from the open web in real-time. Then, our data science works like a super-brain to categorize and clarify, ensuring both privacy compliance and transparency.

Put Our Data To Work

Data Feed

Connect with real consumers and make engagements more meaningful and successful. With our full data feed, you gain a more holistic view of your customers and their recent interests and intentions.

Audience Segments

Reach the right consumer in the right place at the right time. Select from Vertical, Seasonal, Life Event, and Demographic Audiences, or let us build you highly targeted Custom or Lookalike Audiences.

Trust Our Data

Global Scale

18B events across 3M global domains generates 1.8B monthly targetable cookies

Proprietary data with full visibility into collection methodology and audience creation
Fresh and relevant data feed that reflects up-to-date consumer interest and intent in the moments that matter
Privacy Compliant

Guaranteed privacy compliance through legal, ethical, and self-regulatory processes within our publisher network

    To learn more about Sharing Intelligence, drop us a line!