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Abstract and Figures

Roads fragment landscapes and trigger human colonization and degradation of ecosystems, to the detriment of biodiversity and ecosystem functions. The planet’s remaining large and ecologically important tracts of roadless areas sustain key refugia for biodiversity and provide globally relevant ecosystem services. Applying a 1-kilometer buffer to all roads, we present a global map of roadless areas and an assessment of their status, quality, and extent of coverage by protected areas. About 80% of Earth’s terrestrial surface remains roadless, but this area is fragmented into ~600,000 patches, more than half of which are <1 square kilometer and only 7% of which are larger than 100 square kilometers. Global protection of ecologically valuable roadless areas is inadequate. International recognition and protection of roadless areas is urgently needed to halt their continued loss. Read more on ...
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3. H. E. Brooks, G. W. Carbin, P. T. Marsh, Science 346, 349352
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The authors thank A. Rhimes and K. McKinnon for
suggestions on the use of quantile regression with count
data. We thank two reviewers who provid ed constructive
and helpful comments. M.K.T. and C.L. were partially
supported by a Columbia University Research Initiatives
for Science and Engineering (RISE) award; Office of Naval
Research awards N00014-12-1-0911 and N00014-16-1-2073;
NOAAs Climate Program Offices Modeling, Analysis,
Predictions, and Projections program award
NA14OAR4310185; and the Willis Research Network.
J.E.C. was partially supported by U.S. National Science
Foundation grant DMS-1225529 and thanks P. K. Rogerson
for assistance during this work. The views expressed
herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily
reflect the views of any of the sponsoring agen cies. The
study was led by M.K.T.; calculations were carried out and
the manuscript was drafted by M.K.T. C.L. prepared the
environmental data. All authors were involved with designing
the research, analyzing the results, and revising and
editing the manuscript. All the authors d eclare no competing
interests. Correspondence and material reques ts should
be addressed to M.K.T. U.S. tornado report data come
from NOAAs Storm Prediction Center
North American Regional Reanalysis data are provided by the
NOAA/Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research/Earth System
Research Laboratory Physical Sciences Division, Boulder, Colorado,
USA, from their website at and the Data
Support Section of the Computational and Information Systems
Laboratory at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR).
NCAR is supported by grants from the National Science Foundation.
Materials and Methods
Figs. S1 to S5
Tables S1 and S2
References (2229)
4 August 2016; accepted 17 November 2016
Published online 1 December 2016
A global map of roadless areas and
their conservation status
Pierre L. Ibisch,
*Monika T. Hoffmann,
Stefan Kreft,
Guy Peer,
Vassiliki Kati,
Lisa Biber-Freudenberger,
Dominick A. DellaSala,
Mariana M. Vale,
Peter R. Hobson,
Nuria Selva
Roads fragment landscapes and trigger human colonization and degradation of ecosystems,
to the detriment of biodiversity and ecosystem functions. The planets remaining large and
ecologically important tracts of roadless areas sustain key refugia for biodiversity and provide
globally relevant ecosystem services. Applying a 1-kilometer buffer to all roads, we present a
global map of roadless areas and an assessment of their status, quality, and extent of
coverage by protected areas. About 80% of Earths terrestrial surface remains roadless, but
this area is fragmented into ~600,000 patches, more than half of which are <1 square
kilometer and only 7% of which are larger than 100 square kilometers. Global protection of
ecologically valuable roadless areas is inadequate. International recognition and protection of
roadless areas is urgently needed to halt their continued loss.
The impact of roads on the surrounding land-
scape extends far beyond the roads them-
selves. Direct and indirect environmental
impacts include deforestation and fragmen-
tation, chemical pollution, noise disturbance,
increased wildlife mortality due to car collisions,
changes in population gene flow, and facilitation
of biological invasions (14). In addition, roads
facilitate contagious development,in that they
provide access to previously remote areas, thus
opening them up for more roads, land-use changes,
associated resource extraction, and human-caused
disturbances of biodiversity (3,4). With the length
of roads projected to increase by >60% globally
from 2010 to 2050 (5), there is an urgent need
for the development of a comprehensive global
strategy for road development if continued bio-
diversitylossistobeabated(6). To help mitigate
the detrimental effects of roads, their construc-
tion should be concentrated as much as poss ible in
areas of relatively low environmental values(7).
Likewise, prioritizing the protection of remaining
roadless areas that are regarded as important for
biodiversity and ecosystem functionality requires
an assessment of their extent, distribution, and
ecological quality.
Such global assessments have been constrained
by deficient spatial data on global road networks.
Importantly, recent publicly available and rapidly
improving data sets have been generated by
crowd-sourcing and citizen science. We demon-
strate their potential through OpenStreetMap, a
project with an open-access, grassroots approach
to mapping and updating free global geographic
road data sets, OpenStreetMap and gROADS,
vary in length, location, and type of roads; the
former is the data set with the largest length of
roads (36 million km in 2013) that is not restricted
to specific road types (table S1). OpenStreetMap is
more complete than gROADS, which has been
used for other global assessments (7), but in cer-
tain regions, it contains fewer roads than sub-
global or local road data sets [see the example of
Center for International Forestry Research data
for Sabah, Malaysia (8);tableS1].Giventhepace
of road construction and data limitations, our
results overestimate the actual extent of global
roadless areas.
The spatial extent of road impacts is specific
to the impact in question and to each particular
road and its traffic volume, as well as to taxa,
habitat, landscape, and terrain features. Moreover,
for a given road impact, its area of ecological in-
fluence is asymmetrical along the road and can
vary among seasons, between night and day, accord-
ing to weather conditions, and over longer time
periods. We conducted a comprehensive literature
review of 282 publications dealing with road-effects
zonesor including the distance to roads as a
covariate, of which 58 assessed the spatial influ-
ence of the road (table S2). All investigated road
impacts were documented within a distance of
SCIENCE 16 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6318 1423
Centre for Econics and Ecosystem Management, Eberswalde
University for Sustainable Development, Alfred-Moeller-
Straße 1, 16225 Eberswalde, Germany.
Society for
Conservation BiologyEurope Section, 1133 15th Street
Northwest, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20005, USA.
Department of Conservation Biology, UFZCentre for
Environmental Research, Permoserstraße 15, 04318 Leipzig,
German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity
Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig, Deutscher Platz 5e,
04103 Leipzig, Germany.
Department of Environmental and
Natural Resources Management, University of Patras, Seferi
2, 30100 Agrinio, Greece.
Department of Ecology and
Natural Resources Management, Center for Development
Research, University of Bonn, Walter-Flex-Straße 3, 53113
Bonn, Germany.
Geos Institute, 84 4th Street, Ashland, OR
97520, USA.
Society for Conservation BiologyNorth America
Section, 1133 15th Street Northwest, Suite 300, Washington,
DC 20005, USA.
Department of Ecology, Federal University of
Rio de Janeiro, Av. Brg. Trompowski s /n, 21044-020 Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil.
Society for Conservation BiologyLatin
America and Caribbean Section, 1133 15th Street Northwest,
Suite 300, Washington, DC 20005, USA.
Writtle College,
Lordship Road, Writtle, Chelmsford, Essex CM1 3RR, 01245
42420, UK.
Institute of Nature Conservation, Polish Academy
of Sciences, Mickiewicza 33, 31-120 Kraków, Poland.
*Corresponding author. Email: (P.L.I.); (N.S.)
on December 15, 2016 from
1424 16 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6318 SCIENCE
Fig. 1. The global distribution of roadless areas, based on a 1-km buffer around all roads. The distribution is depicted according to (A) size classes, (B)the
ecological value index of roadless areas (EVIRA; based on patch size, connectivity, and ecosystem functionality), and (C) representation in protected areas (8).
on December 15, 2016 from
from the road, and only 14% extended out to 5 km
from the road (fig. S1). Because the 1-km buffer
along each side of the road represents the zone
with the highest level and variety of road impacts,
we defined roadless areas as those land units
that are at least 1 km away from all roads and,
therefore, less influenced by road effects. We com-
pared results from using this criterion with the
outcomes from using an alternative 5-km buffer
(see fig. S2 and table S3). We excluded all large
water bodies, as well as Greenland and Antarctica,
which are mostly covered by ice, from the analyses.
Roadless areas with a 1-km buffer to the nearest
road cover about 80% of Earths terrestrial surface
(~105 million km
). However, these roadless areas
are dissected into almost 600,000 patches. More
than half of the patches are <1 km
<5 km
(table S4 and
fig. S3). If the buffer is extended to 5 km, there is
a substantial reduction in roadless areas to about
57% of the worlds terrestrial surface (~75 million
), dissected into 50,000 patches (fig. S2 and
table S3). The occurrence, distribution, and size
of roadless areas differ considerably among con-
tinents (Fig. 1A and fig. S4). For instance, the mean
Europe, compared with >500 km
in Africa. Be-
cause of comparatively large gaps in available spa-
tial data on roads in many segments of the tropics,
estimated and should be treated with caution (e.g.,
Borneo; table S1).
All identified roadless areas were assessed for
a set of ecological properties that were selected to
reflect their relative importance to biodiversity,
ecological functions, and ecosystem resilience:
patch size, connectivity, and ecosystem function-
ality (9) (table S5). We normalized these three
indicators to between 0 and 100 to calculate an
additive and unitless index of the ecological val-
ue of each roadless area identified (termed the
ecological value index of roadless areas, or EVIRA)
[Fig. 1B and fig. S5; the specific rationale and
technicalities of the chosen indicators are described
in table S5 (8)]. The EVIRA values range from 0 to
80. A sensitivity analysis shows that ecosystem
functionality and patch size are the best single
indicators for the final index values (table S6 and
figs. S6 to S8). Areas with relatively high index
values tend to have a l ower coe fficient of varia-
tion (fig. S9).
We used the International Union for Conser-
vation of Nature (IUCN) and UN Environment
ProgrammeWorld Conservation Monitoring Centre
data set of global protected areas to determine
the extent of roadless areas that are protected (8)
(Fig. 1C). The roadless areas distribution across
human-dominated landscapes was determined
following the classification of so-called anthromes,
infrastructure (10)(Fig.2andtableS7).
When examining the density of roads within
different biomes, large discrepancies in distribu-
tion are apparent. The tundra and rock and ice-
covered biomes are nearly entirely roadless, whereas
temperate broadleaf and mixed forests have the
lowest share of roadless areas (41%; figs. S9 and
S10). Boreal forests of North America and Eurasia
still retain large tracts of roadless areas (figs. S10
and S11). In the tropics, large roadless landscapes
(>1000 km
and Southeast Asia, with the Amazon having the
single largest roadless segment. In relation to the
anthromes (10),about two-thirds of the worlds
roadless areas can be described as remote and un-
modified landscapes [26% uninhabited or sparsely
inhabited treeless and barren lands; 21% natural
and remote seminatural woodlands, with 17% wild
woodlands therein (8); Fig. 2 and table S7]. The
remaining one-third consists of rangelands, indicat-
ing that roadless areas can also occur in anthro-
pogenically modified landscapes.
SCIENCE 16 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6318 1425
Share of roadless areas (%)
Mixed settlements
Rice villages
Irrigated villages
Rainfed villages
Pastoral villages
Residential irrigated croplands
Residential rainfed croplands
Populated croplands
Remote croplands
Residential rangelands
Populated rangelands
Remote rangelands
Residential woodlands
Populated woodlands
Remote woodlands
Inhabited treeless and barren lands
Wild woodlands
Wild treeless and barren lands
Dense settlements
Seminatural lands
Fig. 2. Extent of roadless areas (1-km buffer) across anthromes. The majority of the worldsroadless
areas are in remote and unmodified landscapes, but they also occur in anthropogenically modified
landscapes. The so-called anthromes were mapped according to (10).
EVIRA Classes
Coverage by strict protected areas [%]
0−13 14−28 29−33 34−37 38−42 43−47 48−53 54−58 59−64 65−80
0 20 40 60 80 100
North America
South America
Fig. 3. Coverage of roadless areas by strictly protected areas (IUCN categories I and II) compared
with global and continental EVIRA values. If priority were given to protecting roadless areas with high
ecological functionality, we should see a positive correlation, with higher coverage associated with higher
EVIRA values.
on December 15, 2016 from
About one-third of the worldsroadlessareashave
low EVIRA values. Patches with relatively low EVIRA
values (ranging from 0 to 37; namely, <50% of the
maximum value) account for 35% of the overall
roadless area distribution, because most are small,
fragmented, isolated, or otherwise heavily disturbed
by humans. Some large tracts of roadless areas,
Asia, occur in areas of sparse vegetation and low
biodiversity and, thus, have low index values for
ecosystem functionality (9)(Fig.1B).HighEVIRA
values occur both in tropical and boreal forests.
The relative conservation value of roadless areas
is context-dependent. Comparatively small or
moderately disturbed roadless areas have higher
conservation importance in heavily roaded envi-
ronments, such as most of Europe, the conter-
minous United States, and southern Canada.
Although the worlds protected areas cover
14.2% of the terrestrial surface, only 9.3% of the
overall expanse of roadless areas is within pro-
tected areas (all IUCN categories; Fig. 1C and
table S8). There is no major difference in the
coverage of roadless areas by strictly protected areas
(IUCN categories I and II) versus the coverage of
the overall landscape by strictly protected areas
(3.8% roadless versus 4.2% overall). Only in North
America, Australia, and Oceania are more than
6% of roadless areas under strict protection (table
S8). If conservation efforts were to prioritize func-
tional, ecologically important roadless areas, we
would find a positive relation between strict pro-
tection coverage and EVIRA values of roadless
areas. However, with the exception of Australia,
this is not the case (Fig. 3 and table S9). Asia and
Africa have particularly low protection coverage
for roadless areas with high EVIRA values. For
instance, we found gaps in the Asian tropical
southeast, as well as in boreal biomes.
The recent Global Biodiversity Outlook (11)gives
a bleak account of the progress made toward
reaching the United Nationsbiodiversity agenda
as specified in the 20 Aichi Targets of the Con-
vention on Biological Diversity (12).Governments
have failed on several accounts to keep their use of
natural resources well within safe ecological limits
(target 4); to halt or at least halve the rate of
habitat loss and substantially reduce the degrada-
tion and fragmentation of natural habitats (target
5); and to appropriately protect areas of particular
importance for biodiversity and ecosystem ser-
vices (target 11). To achieve global biodiversity
targets, policies must explicitly acknowledge the
factors underlying prior failures (13). Despite in-
creasing scientific evidence for the negative im-
pacts of roads on ecosystems, the current global
conservation policy framework has largely ignored
road impacts and road expansion. Furthermore,
key policies on road infrastructure and develop-
ment, such as the Cohesion Policy of the European
Union, fail to take into account biodiversity.
In the much wider context of the United Na-
tionsSustainable Development Goals, conflict-
ing interests can be seen between goals intended
to safeguard biodiversity and those promoting
economic development (14). We analyzed how
roadless areas relate to the global conservation
and sustainability agendas. As a transparent syn-
thesis, we calculated simple scores of conflicts
versus synergies of Sustainable Development
Goals and Aichi Targets with the conservation
of roadless areas (tables S10 and S11). Roads are
explicitly mentioned in the Sustainable Develop-
ment Goals only for their contribution to economic
growth (goal 8), promoting further expansion
into remote rural areas, and consideration is
given neither to the environmental nor the social
costs of road development. The resulting scores
reflect substantial imminent conflicts (Fig. 4 and
table S10); only in five Sustainable Development
Goals do synergies with conservation of roadless
1426 16 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6318 SCIENCE
Fig. 4. Synergies and
conflicts between
conservation of road-
less areas and the
United NationsSus-
tainable Development
Goals. Scores <0.5
(blue bars) indicate that
conflicts with the goal
prevail; scores between
indicate a mixture of
synergies and conflicts
with the goal; and
scores >0.5 (green)
indicate prevailing syn-
ergies with the goal [for
details, see table S11
(8)]. The scores reflect
substantial imminent
conflicts between vari-
ous Sustainable Devel-
opment Goals and
conservation of road-
less areas (table S11).
on December 15, 2016 from
areas prevail, and four Sustainable Develop-
ment Goals are predominantly in conflict with
conservation of roadless areas. Maybe even more
surprisingly, several of the Aichi Targets are am-
bivalent with respect to conserving roadless areas,
rather than being in synergy entirely [six conflicting
versus 11 synergistic targets (8); table S11].
There is an urgent need for a global strategy
for the effective conservation, restoration, and
monitoring of roadless areas and the ecosystems
that they encompass. Governments should be en-
couraged to incorporate the protection of exten-
sive roadless areas into relevant policies and other
legal mechanisms, reexamine where road devel-
opment conflicts with the protection of roadless
areas, and avoid unnecessary and ecologically
disastrous roads entirely. In addition, governments
should consider road closure where doing so can
promote the restoration of wildlife habitats and
ecosystem functionality (4). Our global map of
roadless areas represents a first step in this di-
rection. During planning and evaluation of road
projects, financial institutions, transport agencies,
environmental nongovernmental organizations,
tified roadless areas.
The conservation of roadless areas can be a key
element in accomplishing the United Nations
Sustainable Development Goals. The extent and
protection status of valuable roadless areas can
serve as effective indicators to address several Sus-
tainable Development Goals, particularly goal 15
(Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of
terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests,
combat desertification, and halt and reverse land
degradation and halt biodiversity loss)andgoal
9(Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclu-
sive and sustainable industrialization and foster
innovation). Enshrined in the protection of road-
less areas should be the objective to seek and
develop alternative socioeconomic models that
do not rely so heavily on road infrastructure.
Similarly, governments should consider how
roadless areas can support the Aichi Targets (see
tables S10 and S11). For instance, the target of
expanding protected areas to cover 17% of the
worlds terrestrial surface could include a repre-
sentative proportion of roadless areas.
Although we acknowledge that access to trans-
portation is a fundamental element of human
well-being, impacts of road infrastructure require
a fully integrated environmental and social cost-
benefits approach (15). Still, under current condi-
tions and policies, limiting road expansion into
roadless areas may prove to be the most cost-
effective and straightforward way of achieving
strategically important global biodiversity and
sustainability goals.
1. S. C. Trombulak, C. A. Frissell, Conserv. Biol. 14,1830
2. N. Selva et al., Environ. Manage. 48, 865877
3. W. F. Laurance, A. Balmford, Nature 495,308309
4. N. Selva, A. Switalski, S. Kreft, P. L. Ibisch, in Handbook of
Road Ecology, R. van der Ree, D. J. Smith, C. Grilo, Eds. (Wiley
Chichester, 2015), pp. 1626.
5. J. Dulac, Global land transport infrastructure requirements.
Estimating road and railway infrastructure capacity and costs
to 2050(International Energy Agency, 2013).
6. W. F. Laurance et al., Curr. Biol. 25, R259R262 (2015).
7. W. F. Laurance et al., Nature 513, 229232 (2014).
8. Materials and methods are available as supplementary
materials on Science Online.
9. L. Freudenberger, P. R. Hobson, M. Schluck, P. L. Ibisch,
Ecol. Complex. 12,1322 (2012).
10. E. C. Ellis, K. Klein Goldewijk, S. Siebert, D. Lightman,
N. Ramankutty, Glob. Ecol. Biogeogr. 19, 589606 (2010).
11. P. W. Leadley, et al., Progress towards the Aichi Biodiversity
Targets: An assessment of biodiversity trends, policy
scenarios and key actions, Global Biodiversity Outlook 4
(GBO-4)(Technical Report, Secretariat of the Convention
on Biological Diversity, 2013);
12. Convention on Biological Diversity, Decision adopted by the
Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological
Diversity at its Tenth Meeting. X/2. The Strategic Plan for
Biodiversity 20112020 and the Aichi Biodiversity Targets
(UN Environment Programme/Conference on Biological
Diversity/Conference of the Parties, 2010); www.cbd.
13. D. P. Tittensor et al., Science 346, 241244 (2014).
14. United Nations, Transforming our world: The 2030 Agenda for
Sustainable Development. Resolution adopted by the General
Assembly (A/70/L.1)(2015);
15. L. Mandle et al., Conserv. Lett. 9, 221227 (2015).
The data set is available through and Dryad at The study was funded
by the Centre for Econics and Ecosystem Management at
Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development, Germany;
the Academy of Sciences and Literature, Mainz, Germany
(Biodiversity in Change,Nees Institute, Bonn University); and the
Institute of Nature Conservation, Polish Academy of Sciences.
Special thanks go to W. Barthlott for continued inspiration and
support. The authors declare that they have no competing
interests. P.L.I. acknowledges the research professorships
Biodiversity and natural resource management under global
change(20092015) and Ecosystem-based sustainable
development(2015 onward) awarded by Eberswalde University
for Sustainable Development. G.P. acknowledges funding from the
European Union Framework Programme 7 project EU BON (ref.
308454). N.S. acknowledges funding from the National Science
Center (DEC-2013/08/M/NZ9/00469) and the National Centre for
Research and Development in Poland (Norway grants, POLNOR/
198352/85/2013). P.L.I., N.S., and V.K. conceived the study. M.T.H.
collected and analyzed all data, with assistance from P.L.I.,
L.B.-F., and G.P. P.L.I. wrote a first draft of the text and moderated
its critical revision with important contributions by M.T.H., S.K.,
N.S., and D.A.D. All authors contributed to the interpretation of the
data and critical revision of further versions. N.S., M.T.H., M.M.V.,
V.K., S.K., L.B.-F., and P.L.I. elaborated the supplementary
materials. We appreciate the extraordinary contribution of
D. Biber, who adapted Insensa-GIS to our needs. We acknowledge
J. Sauermanns contributions to data processing. J.-P. Mund
suggested exploring the OpenStreetMap data set. This study is
part of the Roadless Areas Initiative of the Society for Conservation
Biology, led by the Policy Committee of the Europe Section.
Materials and Methods
Figs. S1 to S11
Tables S1 to S11
Data Sources
References (16180)
18 March 2016; accepted 16 November 2016
Regulation of sugar transporter
activity for antibacterial defense
in Arabidopsis
Kohji Yamada,
*Yusuke Saijo,
Hirofumi Nakagami,
Yoshitaka Takano
Microbial pathogens strategically acquire metabolites from their hosts during
infection. Here we show that the host can intervene to prevent such metabolite loss
to pathogens. Phosphorylation-dependent regulation of sugar transport protein 13
(STP13) is required for antibacterial defense in the plant Arabidopsis thaliana.
STP13 physically associates with the flagellin receptor flagellin-sensitive 2 (FLS2)
and its co-receptor BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE 1associated receptor kinase
1 (BAK1). BAK1 phosphorylates STP13 at threonine 485, which enhances its
monosaccharide uptake activity to compete with bacteria for extracellular sugars.
Limiting the availability of extracellular sugar deprives bacteria of an energy source
and restricts virulence factor delivery. Our results reveal that control of sugar
uptake, managed by regulation of a host sugar transporter, is a defense strategy
deployed against microbial infection. Competition for sugar thus shapes host-pathogen
Plants assimilate carbon into sugar by pho-
tosynthesis, and a broad spectrum of plant-
interacting microbes exploit these host sugars
(1,2). In Arabidopsis, pathogeni c bacterial
infection causes the leakage of sugars to
the extracellular spaces (the apoplast) (3), a major
site of colonization by plant-infecting bacteria.
Although leakage may be a consequence of mem-
brane disintegration during pathogen infection,
some bacterial pathogens promote sugar efflux
to the apoplast by manipulating host plant sugar
transporters (4,5). Interference with sugar ab-
sorption by bacterial and fungal pathogens re-
duces their virulence, highlighting a general
SCIENCE 16 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6318 1427
on December 15, 2016 from
(6318), 1423-1427. [doi: 10.1126/science.aaf7166]354Science
Mariana M. Vale, Peter R. Hobson and Nuria Selva (December 15,
Vassiliki Kati, Lisa Biber-Freudenberger, Dominick A. DellaSala,
Pierre L. Ibisch, Monika T. Hoffmann, Stefan Kreft, Guy Pe'er,
A global map of roadless areas and their conservation status
Editor's Summary
, this issue p. 1423Science
degradation of the world's remaining wildernesses.
Furthermore, environmental protection of roadless areas is insufficient, which could lead to further .
it is fragmented by them, with only 7% of land patches created by roads being greater than 100 km
cataloged the world's roads. Though most of the world is not covered by roads,et al.species loss. Ibisch
and trade. However, roads also damage wild areas and rapidly contribute to habitat degradation and
Roads have done much to help humanity spread across the planet and maintain global movement
Too many roads
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(print ISSN 0036-8075; online ISSN 1095-9203) is published weekly, except the last weekScience
on December 15, 2016 from
... The unprecedented expansion of the global road networks has been one of the key reasons underlying forest fragmentation (Spellerberg 1998). Ecological effects of roads, especially highways and railways, have been extensively studied (e.g., Spellerberg 1998;Coffin 2007;Lambert et al. 2014;Dorsey et al. 2015;Ibisch et al. 2016). Although country roads located in the remote mountainous areas are believed to receive low level of disturbance from traffic and human activities, they may cause potential negative effects on rodent movement and then animal-mediated seed dispersal, which has received less attention (Chen et al. 2019). ...
... In this study, there were fewer forest-shrub rodent species, but more farmland rodent species near the roadside compared to within the forest interior. These results are consistent with previous studies that road-induced forest fragmentation will change rodent distribution and community structure (e.g., Spellerberg 1998;Trombulak and Frissell 2000;Pardini 2004;Coffin 2007;Dorsey et al. 2015;Ibisch et al. 2016). Farmland species (e.g., T. triton, A. agrarius) usually inhabit farmlands and abandoned farmlands and mainly rely upon crops for survival. ...
... plant-animal and functional stability of the forest (López- Barrera et al. 2007;Morán-López et al. 2015;Niu et al. 2018;Chen et al. 2019;Zeng et al. 2019;but see Coffin 2007;Suárez-Esteban et al. 2013). In this study, fewer seed dispersers were captured near the roadside, which implies that road-induced forest fragmentation likely reduces the probability of rodent-mediated seed dispersal, consequently influencing rodent-plant interactions and ecosystem stability (Pardini 2004;Coffin 2007;Ibisch et al. 2016;Chen et al. 2019). As we predicted, intensities of seed removal and scatter-hoarding were reduced near the roadside compared to within the forest interior, suggesting that the focal country road has changed the rodent-mediated seed dispersal patterns along the roadside. ...
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Ecological effects of country roads have been largely ignored due to their remoteness and presumed light disturbance. In order to examine the effects of country roads on seed dispersal by rodents, rodent community, seed predation, and dispersal were compared between the roadside and the forest interior (road-seed station distance: less than 10 m, 30–50 m, more than 50 m). A total of 3240 wild apricot (Armeniaca sibirica) seeds were tracked in three 2.0 ha plots in 2014 (a seed-poor year) and 2016 (a seed-rich year), along a lightly disturbed country paved road (21.2 km length, 7.0 m wide, two-way, constructed in 2008) across the forests in the west of Beijing city. The results showed that there were more farmland rodent species, but fewer forest-shrub rodent species near the roadside compared to within the forest interior. During seed dispersal, fewer seeds were harvested, scatter-hoarded or moved toward the road, but seeds were moved longer distances near the roadside than those within the forest interior. Some seeds could be dispersed more than 20 m, but none of them crossed the road. These results suggest that the focal road has changed the rodent community and rodent-mediated seed dispersal dynamics. Compared in seed-poor year (2014), seed harvest and dispersal were reduced, while seed predation increased in seed-rich year (2016), suggesting that the negative effects caused by the road would be more obvious in seed-rich years. Our results imply that ecological-based assessment and management of country roads is also important although they are located in remote areas and have little disturbance in terms of traffic and people.
... Παρά τα σημαντικά οφέλη της ύπαρξης χρηστικού οδικού δικτύου, οι δρόμοι σχετίζονται με τις πέντε κυριότερες αιτίες της απώλειας της βιοποικιλότητας παγκοσμίως, οι οποίες είναι κατά φθίνουσα σειρά σοβαρότητας: η αλλαγή χρήσης γης, η άμεση εκμετάλλευση των πόρων, η κλιματική αλλαγή, η ρύπανση και τα εισβλητικά είδη [3]. Οι δρόμοι θεωρούνται επομένως μία από τις βασικότερες αιτίες της απώλειας της βιοποικιλότητας και της υποβάθμισης της λειτουργίας των οικοσυστημάτων παγκοσμίως, ιδίως όταν εισέρχονται σε φυσικά οικοσυστήματα και πρώην αδιατάρακτες περιοχές [4][5][6][7][8]. Τα ενδιαιτήματα των ειδών συρρικνώνονται, οι πληθυσμοί απομονώνονται, η θνησιμότητα της άγριας πανίδας από προσκρούσεις σε οχήματα στο οδικό δίκτυο αυξάνεται [Παράρτημα]. ...
... Ο Πλανήτης έχει κατακερματιστεί σε πάνω από 600.000 κομμάτια. Πολλοί κορυφαίοι επιστήμονες θεωρούν τους δρόμους ως τη χειρότερη απειλή στον Πλανήτη για την απώλεια της βιοποικιλότητας, και άρα τη διαφύλαξη των ΠΑΔ ως την καίρια πολιτική για την ανάσχεση της απώλειας της βιοποικιλότητας [4][5][6]. Τη νέα αυτή τάση της διαφύλαξης των ΠΑΔ έχουν σήμερα ενστερνιστεί παγκόσμιοι επιστημονικοί φορείς (SCB, IUCN, UNEP, Conservation International, Tebtebba) και το θέμα πήρε παγκόσμιες διαστάσεις στις συνδιασκέψεις κορυφής των Ηνωμένων Εθνών για τη Σύμβαση για τη Βιολογική Ποικιλότητα (COP 11, Ινδία και στο Rio+20, Βραζιλία, 2012) [13]. ...
... Συνάδει με την Ευρωπαϊκή Σύμβαση για το Τοπίο [26], όπως αυτή κυρώθηκε από την Ελλάδα, με βάση την οποία το τοπίο αποτελεί «βασικό συστατικό της Ευρωπαϊκής φυσικής και πολιτισμικής κληρονομιάς». Εφαρμόστηκε μια ζώνη αποκλεισμού ενός χιλιομέτρου εκατέρωθεν του κάθε δρόμου, καθώς αυτή είναι η απόσταση όπου εμφανίζονται οι πιο έντονες αρνητικές επιπτώσεις των δρόμων στην άγρια ζωή και στο περιβάλλον γενικότερα [5]. Το τοπίο της Ελλάδα έχει θρυμματιστεί σε 4.659 εναπομείναντα κομμάτια γης, υπογραμμίζοντας το πρόβλημα κατάτμησης της Ελλάδας. ...
Technical Report
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Οι Περιοχές Άνευ Δρόμων (ΠΑΔ) είναι εκείνες οι χερσαίες περιοχές οι οποίες έχουν έκταση άνω του 1km2 και απέχουν πάνω από 1 km από τον πλησιέστερο δρόμο. H πολιτική σύνοψη διαρθώνεται στα εξής υποκεφάλαια: 1. Τι είναι οι περιοχές άνευ δρόμων - ΠΑΔ; 2. Ποια η σχέση των δρόμων με την απώλεια της βιοποικιλότητας; 3. Γιατί οι ΠΑΔ αποτελούν μείζον πολιτικό θέμα παγκοσμίως; 4. Γιατί οι ΠΑΔ θα πρέπει να εισαχθούν στην εθνική περιβαλλοντική πολιτική; 5. Νέα ερευνητικά δεδομένα για τους δρόμους στην Ελλάδα 5.1. Πόσο σοβαρό είναι το πρόβλημα κατάτμησης του τοπίου στην Ελλάδα; 5.2. Πού βρίσκονται οι πιο σημαντικές Περιοχές Άνευ Δρόμων της Ελλάδας; 5.3. Έχει συνεισφέρει το δίκτυο Natura 2000 στην ανάσχεση της κατάτμησης; 5.4. Ποιες οι επιπτώσεις των δρόμων στην άγρια πανίδα; Το παράδειγμα του αγριόγιδου (Rupicapra rupicapra balcanica) 5.5. Ποια η άποψη της Ελληνικής κοινωνίας για τους δρόμους στην Ελλάδα; 6. Προτάσεις: ΠΑΔ & περιβαλλοντική πολιτική της Ελλάδας Βιβλιογραφία Παράρτημα: Ανασκόπηση- επιπτώσεις των δρόμων στην πανίδα της Ελλάδας
... It is estimated that 15-20% of the earth's landcover is influenced by this road effect (Forman 1998). Given that most BRI road projects are relatively large, we can estimate that the "road effect" will extend on average at least a kilometer into the adjacent roadside habitat (Benítez-López, Alkemade, and Verweij 2010;Ibisch et al. 2016). The China-Indochina Peninsula Economic Corridor in tropical Southeast Asia is especially vulnerable to edge effects because research has shown that this effect is especially pronounced in tropical ecosystems (Goosem 2015). ...
... The edge effect is exacerbated by another attribute of the road network: fragmentation of the landscape. Roads often fragment large habitat expanses into smaller patches, leading to dramatic landscape transformation and loss of the ability to support healthy ecosystems, populations of plants and animals, and other ecosystem services (Bruschi et al. 2015;Ibisch et al. 2016;Potapov et al. 2017). A review of almost four decades of fragmentation experiments around the world found that habitat fragmentation reduces biodiversity by 13 to 75%, decreases biomass and carbon storage, and alters nutrient cycles. ...
... As these large tracts diminish in number and size, the ecological importance of the remaining tracts increases because they create critical refugia for many plant and animal species that cannot survive in smaller fragments. They also provide significant ecosystem services such as carbon storage and sequestration, climate stabilization, water provision, indigenous culture, and the maintenance of human health (Ibisch et al. 2016;Selva et al. 2015;Watson et al. 2018). These large areas of undisturbed wilderness or frontier landscapes can be measured as "intact forest landscapes" (IFL), that is, connected mosaics of forest and naturally treeless ecosystems with no remotely detected signs of human activity and a minimum area of 500 km 2 . ...
... Η δε Ελλάδα κατατάσσεται στην 24 η θέση ανάμεσα σε 39 χώρες όσον αφορά τον ετήσιο ρυθμό αύξησης του δείκτη σφράγισης (impervious indicator: μετατροπή γης σε τεχνητή έκταση) με μειούμενη τάση για την περίοδο 2006-2015 [8], αλλά ανάμεσα στις πρώτες θέσεις αύξησης του δείκτη κατάτμησης τοπίου (landscape fragmentation indicator: κατακερματισμός οικοσυστημάτων σε μικρότερα τμήματα, λόγω δρόμων και λοιπών τεχνητών επιφανειών) για την περίοδο 2009-2015 [9]. Η διάνοιξη δρόμων στη φύση επιφέρει αλλαγή της χρήσης γης και απώλεια βιοποικιλότητας Η επέκταση του οδικού δικτύου σε φυσικά οικοσυστήματα είναι το έναυσμα για την αλλαγή της χρήσης γης και που επιφέρει απώλεια της βιοποικιλότητας παγκοσμίως, ενώ οι δρόμοι σχετίζονται άμεσα και με τις πέντε καίριες αιτίες απώλειας της βιοποικιλότητας [10,11]. Η δε Ευρώπη είναι η πιο κατακερματισμένη ήπειρος του κόσμου [10]. ...
... Η διάνοιξη δρόμων στη φύση επιφέρει αλλαγή της χρήσης γης και απώλεια βιοποικιλότητας Η επέκταση του οδικού δικτύου σε φυσικά οικοσυστήματα είναι το έναυσμα για την αλλαγή της χρήσης γης και που επιφέρει απώλεια της βιοποικιλότητας παγκοσμίως, ενώ οι δρόμοι σχετίζονται άμεσα και με τις πέντε καίριες αιτίες απώλειας της βιοποικιλότητας [10,11]. Η δε Ευρώπη είναι η πιο κατακερματισμένη ήπειρος του κόσμου [10]. Το πρόβλημα κατακερματισμού των φυσικών οικοσυστημάτων της Ελλάδας από το οδικό δίκτυο είναι επίσης σοβαρό: η πιθανότητα να βρισκόμαστε σε ένα χερσαίο τμήμα γης (έκτασης άνω του 1km 2 ) που να βρίσκεται πάνω από 1 km από τον πλησιέστερο δρόμο είναι μικρότερη του 5%, ενώ έχουν απομείνει λιγότερες από 1115 Περιοχές Άνευ δρόμων (ΠΑΔ) στη χώρα και μόνο 6 εκτεταμένες ΠΑΔ έκτασης άνω των 50 km 2 [12]. ...
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Η παρούσα πολιτική σύνοψη (policy brief) παρουσιάζει ένα βιώσιμο σενάριο χωροθέτησης των Αιολικών Σταθμών Παραγωγής Ηλεκτρικής Ενέργειας (ΑΣΠΗΕ), για την επίτευξη του εθνικού ενεργειακού στόχου αξιοποίησης της αιολικής ενέργειας με το ελάχιστο περιβαλλοντικό και κοινωνικό κόστος. Το βιώσιμο σενάριο: i. Ορίζει χερσαία επενδυτική ζώνη για την εγκατάσταση νέων ΑΣΠΗΕ (41,4% της χερσαίας έκτασης της Ελλάδας) όπου ο εθνικός στόχος του 2030 επιτυγχάνεται και υπερκεράζεται κατά 1,5 φορές στο 1,22% της έκτασης της επενδυτικής ζώνης, με προοπτικές κάλυψης μελλοντικών ενεργειακών στόχων του 2050, ενώ το αιολικό δυναμικό της ζώνης είναι 4% μικρότερο από τη ζώνη αποκλεισμού. ii. Ορίζει χερσαία ζώνη αποκλεισμού οικολογικά ευαίσθητων περιοχών και τοπίων (58.6% της χερσαίας έκτασης της Ελλάδας), περιλαμβάνοντας τις περιοχές του δικτύου Natura 2000 και τις ζώνες πολύ χαμηλής και χαμηλής κατάτμησης εκτός του δικτύου Natura, όπου προστατεύεται αποτελεσματικά η βιοποικιλότητα, συμπεριλαμβάνοντας τα είδη Ευρωπαϊκού ενδιαφέροντος διατήρησης και τις Περιοχές Άνευ Δρόμων. iii. Αναμένεται να μετριάσει τις κοινωνικές αντιδράσεις και συνάδει με ψηφίσματα Περιφερειακών Συμβουλίων. iv. Αναμένεται να αυξήσει την ασφάλεια των αιολικών επενδύσεων, αυξάνοντας το ποσοστό των αιτήσεων ΑΣΠΗΕ που λαμβάνει τελική άδεια λειτουργίας και επιταχύνοντας τη διαδικασία αδειοδότησής με λιγότερες δικαστικές καθυστερήσεις και απορρίψεις. v. Συνεισφέρει θετικά στην επίτευξη 20 στόχων του εθνικού και διεθνούς πλαισίου περιβαλλοντικής πολιτικής και μειώνει αισθητά την πιθανότητα για νέα περιβαλλοντική καταδίκη της χώρας μας από το Ευρωπαϊκό Δικαστήριο για μη συμμόρφωση με την κείμενη περιβαλλοντική νομοθεσία. Εναρμονίζεται ιδιαίτερα με το στόχο 2.2.3 της Ευρωπαϊκής Στρατηγικής για τη Βιοποικιλότητα (Αντιμετώπιση δέσμευσης γης), και με τους στόχους 5.6 και 7.3 της Εθνικής Στρατηγικής για τη Βιοποικιλότητα («Διασφάλιση συμβατότητας των έργων και δραστηριοτήτων παραγωγής ενέργειας από ανανεώσιμες πηγές» και «Μείωση των επιπτώσεων στη βιοποικιλότητα από δράσεις αντιμετώπισης της κλιματικής αλλαγής»). Βασίζεται στα αποτελέσματα του έργου με τίτλο «ΑΣΠΗΕ και Στόχοι Βιώσιμης Ανάπτυξης: βέλτιστη προσέγγιση ως προς την κατάτμηση και την αλλαγή χρήσης γης» που χρηματοδοτείται από τον ΟΦΥΠΕΚΑ με Ανάδοχο το Πανεπιστήμιο Ιωαννίνων και Επιστημονικά Υπεύθυνη την Αν. Καθ. Β. Κατή. Το περιεχόμενο της έκθεσης βασίζεται: (α) στην επιστημονική δημοσίευση: Kati, V., Kassara, C., Vrontisi, Z., Moustakas, A. (2021) The biodiversity-wind energy-land use nexus in a global biodiversity hotspot. Science of the Total Environment. και (β) στο παραδοτέο του έργου: Κατή Β., Κασσάρα Χ. 2020. Έκθεση σχετικά με τη χωροθέτηση ΑΣΠΗΕ και τους Στόχους Βιώσιμης Ανάπτυξης. Πανεπιστήμιο Ιωαννίνων. Ιωάννινα. 19 σελ. Περισσότερες πληροφορίες στην ιστοσελίδα του Εργαστηρίου
... Recentemente, identificou-se que a densidade de rodovias é tão alta ao redor do mundo que a maioria dos fragmentos sem rodovias possui área menor do que 100 ha e apenas 7% dos fragmentos possuem áreas maiores do que 10.000 ha (IBISCH et al., 2016). No atual cenário mundial, onde a dispersão é um dos principais mecanismos de adaptação das espécies às mudanças climáticas, a conectividade na paisagem se torna um elemento ainda mais importante (HELLER; ZAVALETA, 2009;VOS et al., 2008), e a recuperação da conectividade das paisagens transpostas por estradas pode ter um papel fundamental nesse processo. ...
... Recentemente, identificou-se que a densidade de rodovias é tão alta ao redor do mundo que a maioria dos fragmentos sem rodovias possui área menor do que 100 ha e apenas 7% dos fragmentos possuem áreas maiores do que 10.000 ha (IBISCH et al., 2016). No atual cenário mundial, onde a dispersão é um dos principais mecanismos de adaptação das espécies às mudanças climáticas, a conectividade na paisagem se torna um elemento ainda mais importante (HELLER; ZAVALETA, 2009;VOS et al., 2008), e a recuperação da conectividade das paisagens transpostas por estradas pode ter um papel fundamental nesse processo. ...
... Their impacts extend far beyond their immediate physical footprint when the new roads built penetrate natural ecosystems or former wilderness areas. Road sprawl can trigger a cascade of further adverse anthropogenic pressures to nature, such as further land use change, habitat loss, fragmentation, land degradation, intensive resource extractions or illegal activities (Hoffmann et al., 2020;Ibisch et al., 2016;Kati et al., 2020a;Laurance and Arrea, 2017;Selva et al., 2015). ...
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Wind energy is the leading renewable technology towards achieving climate goals, yet biodiversity trade-offs via land take are emerging. Thus, we are facing the paradox of impacting on biodiversity to combat climate change. We suggest a novel method of spatial planning that enhances windfarm sustainability: investments are prioritized in the most fragmented zones that lie outside the Natura 2000 network of protected areas. We showcase it in Greece, a biodiversity hotspot with a strong climate policy and land conflict between conservation and wind energy schemes. The analysis indicates that the suggested investment zone supports wind harnessing 1.5 times higher than the 2030 national goal, having only marginally lower (4%) wind speed. It performs well for the conservation of the annexed habitats and species of the two Nature Directives and it greatly overlaps with the Important Bird Areas (93%) and the roadless areas (80%) of Greece. It also greatly overlaps (82%-91%) with the exclusion zones suggested according to three sensitivity maps for bird conservation. Since land use change triggers biodiversity decline, we underline the necessity of such approaches for meeting both climate and biodiversity goals and call for a greater environmental policy convergence towards biodiversity conservation and no net land take.
... Highways and main or secondary roads cover large surfaces of industrialised countries worldwide while road construction and traffic density rise continuously (Ibisch et al., 2016;van der Ree et al., 2015a). Both networks lead to troubling impacts on wildlife, namely death by collision, loss of habitat amount and quality, population fragmentation, which in turn lead to negative impacts on population survival in numerous taxa (Rytwinski and Fahrig, 2015). ...
... Dessa forma, comunidades e ecossistemas inteiros podem ser transformados pela construção e operação de uma estrada (CLEVENGER, 2005;PLANILLO et al., 2018). Redes de estradas estão espalhadas por quase todos os continentes (LAURANCE et al., 2014), com mais de 36 milhões de quilômetros de estradas mapeados mundialmente até 2013 (IBISCH et al., 2016). O Brasil conta com 1.563,6 mil quilômetros de malha rodoviária, o principal sistema de transporte do País, sendo 94,7% rodovias estaduais e municipais e 5,3% federais (76,5 mil quilômetros) (BRASIL, 2017). ...
In recent decades, the world has been suffering from a severe crisis of land degradation. To combat this, a scientific understanding of global land degradation processes based on empirical evidence is needed. However, a complete study of how the global land degradation processes operate within complex biophysics and socioeconomics is lacking. Depending on the latest Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) time-series (1982–2015) as a surrogate measure of land degradation, this study uses linear regression and correlation analyses to provide valuable insight into the degradation processes as well as their underlying drivers. We found that a dynamic trend is more capable of objectively and accurately describing the underlying status of land degradation compared to a static pattern. Globally, the area interchanges between the degradation and improvement trends over short terms indicate that the long-term crisis of land degradation is not completely reversed. Meanwhile, either inter-annual rain variability or atmospheric fertilization affects the degradation processes to varying degrees at the regional rather than the global scale. Thus, we concluded that the irregular processes of global land degradation are collectively driven by related biophysical attributes interacting with local socioeconomics in different areas and years. Finally, a number of hotspot areas with degradation risks or improvement opportunities can be targeted accordingly.
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Understanding how wildlife responds to road and traffic is essential for effective conservation. Yet, not many studies have evaluated how roads influence wildlife in protected areas, particularly within the large iconic African National Parks where tourism is mainly based on sightings from motorized vehicles with the consequent development and intense use of roads. To reduce this knowledge gap, we studied the behavioral response and local spatial distribution of impala Aepyceros melampus along the heterogeneous (with variation in road surface type and traffic intensity) road-network of Kruger National Park (KNP, South Africa). We surveyed different types of roads (paved and unpaved) recording the occurrence of flight responses among sighted impala and describing their local spatial distribution (in relation to the roads). We observed relatively few flight responses (19.5% of 118 observations), suggesting impalas could be partly habituated to vehicles in KNP. In addition, impala local distribution is apparently unaffected by unpaved roads, yet animals seem to avoid the close proximity of paved roads. Overall, our results suggest a negative, albeit small, effect of traffic intensity, and of presence of pavement on roads on the behavior of impala at KNP. Future studies would be necessary to understand how roads influence other species, but our results show that even within a protected area that has been well-visited for a long time, wildlife can still be affected by roads and traffic. This result has ecological (e.g., changes in spatial distribution of fauna) and management implications (e.g., challenges of facilitating wildlife sightings while minimizing disturbance) for protected areas where touristic activities are largely based on driving.
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Context Roads are a pernicious form of habitat loss for many wildlife populations because their effects often extend far beyond the roads themselves, giving rise to reduced wildlife abundance in road-effect zones. Quantifying the extent of road-effect zones more accurately portrays their impact on populations and the true extent to which habitat is lost for many species. Aim The purpose of the present study was to evaluate ways of determining the extent of road-effect zones for a model study species to better quantify the effect of roads on habitat loss. Methods We conducted road-side surveys for signs of Mojave desert tortoises (Gopherus agassizii) 0, 200, 400, 800 and 1600m from county roads and interstates, two of the most common road types in critical habitat of this threatened species. Using data from these road-side surveys, we estimated the extent of road-effect zones using piecewise regression and modified von Bertalanffy models. Key results We found reduced abundances of tortoise sign along both county roads and interstates. Reductions extended farther from the large, high-traffic interstate than from the smaller, lower-traffic county roads (306m versus 230m). The increase in the abundance of tortoise signs with distance from roads approximated a negative exponential curve. Conclusions Interstate and county roads both contribute to habitat loss in road-side areas by making these habitats unsuitable to desert tortoises, presumably by removing animals via mortality from collisions with vehicles. Larger roads with greater traffic have more extensive effects. Implications Roadside mitigation fencing has been proposed as one way to reduce mortality of desert tortoises and to reclaim habitat by allowing tortoises to recolonise currently depauperate road-effect zones. Immediate mortality is more likely to be prevented by fencing county roads where tortoises occur closer to roads and are more likely to be struck by vehicles and killed. However, fencing interstate should yield more reclaimed habitat than that obtained from fencing county roads. Managers must consider balancing these goals along with other concerns when deciding where to place roadside fencing.
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Male frogs call to attract females for mating and to defend territories from rival males. Female frogs of some species prefer lower-pitched calls, which indicate larger, more experienced males. Acoustic interference occurs when background noise reduces the active distance or the distance over which an acoustic signal can be detected. Birds are known to call at a higher pitch or frequency in urban noise, decreasing acoustic interference from low-frequency noise. Using Bayesian linear regression, we investigated the effect of traffic noise on the pitch of advertisement calls in two species of frogs, the southern brown tree frog (Litoria ewingii) and the common eastern froglet (Crinia signifera). We found evidence that L. ewingii calls at a higher pitch in traffic noise, with an average increase in dominant frequency of 4.1 Hz/dB of traffic noise, and a total effect size of 123 Hz. This frequency shift is smaller than that observed in birds, but is still large enough to be detected by conspecific frogs and confer a significant benefit to the caller. Mathematical modelling predicted a 24% increase in the active distance of a L. ewingii call in traffic noise with a frequency shift of this size. Crinia signifera may also call at a higher pitch in traffic noise, but more data are required to be confident of this effect. Because frog calls are innate rather than learned, the frequency shift demonstrated by L. ewingii may represent an evolutionary adaptation to noisy conditions. The phenomenon of frogs calling at a higher pitch in traffic noise could therefore constitute an intriguing trade-off between audibility and attractiveness to potential mates.
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There has been enormous progress in geospatial data acquisition in the last decade. Centralized data collection, mainly by land surveying offices and local government agencies, has changed dramatically to voluntary data provision by citizens. Among a broad list of initiatives dealing with user generated geospatial information, OpenStreetMap (OSM) is one of the most famous crowd-sourced products. It is believed that the quality of collected information remains a valid concern. Therefore, qualitative assessment of OSM data as the most significant instance of volunteered geospatial information (VGI) is a considerable issue in the geospatial information community. One aspect of VGI quality assessment pertains to its comparison with institutionally referenced geospatial databases. This paper proposes a new quality metric for assessment of VGI accuracy and as well as for quality analysis of OSM dataset by evaluating its consistency with that of a reference map produced by Municipality of Tehran, Iran. A gridded map is employed and heuristic metrics such as Minimum Bounding Geometry area and directional distribution (Standard Deviational Ellipse), evaluated for both VGI and referenced data, are separately compared in each grid. Finally, in order to have a specific output as an integrated quality metric for VGI, its consistency with ground-Truth data is evaluated using fuzzy logic. The results of this research verify that the quality of OSM maps in the study area is fairly good, although the spatial distribution of uncertainty in VGI varies throughout the dataset..
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The effects of a highway extending beyond the axis of the road, within regions with variable dimensions depending on the variables tested, are called "road effect zones". The limits can vary according to the landscape and in areas where human occupation is more intense and, especially where settlements are formed along the roads, there is an accelerated rhythm of environmental degradation through destructive exploitation. Currently, only 35% of the Cerrado biome remain unchanged for the Brazilian remnants, and the southwestern part of the biome mostly suffers from deforestation. During the '80s, in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, there was a high rate of colonization and as a result vast areas of native vegetation were replaced by agricultural lands, such as cash crops and pasture. The objective of this study was to estimate the evolution of deforestation in the cerrado within a road zone effect of 200 km on the highway BR-262, between Campo Grande and Miranda (Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil). The effects were evaluated by using temporal and spatial analysis with geotechnology techniques and remote sensing data. Our hypotheses were that there is an evolution of deforestation since the 1980s, and that deforestation is more intense near the highway. The study area comprises 9 km (divided in three different distances) for each side of the road. This road begins in Brazil's central highlands and extends into the Pantanal, an environmentally important area. Based on satellite images from 1985 and 2001 we could estimate a 32.6% loss of cerrado along the highway. In addition, we found that the road impacts the distribution of vegetation cover, with pasture growing near the road, and forest cover growing further away. The roads are considered an accelerating factor to habitat degradation.
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Estimates of extinction risk for Amazonian plant and animal species are rare and not often incorporated into land-use policy and conservation planning. We overlay spatial distribution models with historical and projected deforestation to show that at least 36% and up to 57% of all Amazonian tree species are likely to qualify as globally threatened under International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List criteria. If confirmed, these results would increase the number of threatened plant species on Earth by 22%. We show that the trends observed in Amazonia apply to trees throughout the tropics, and we predict that most of the world's >40,000 tropical tree species now qualify as globally threatened. A gap analysis suggests that existing Amazonian protected areas and indigenous territories will protect viable populations of most threatened species if these areas suffer no further degradation, highlighting the key roles that protected areas, indigenous peoples, and improved governance can play in preventing large-scale extinctions in the tropics in this century.
This book analyses the potential socio-economic and environmental impacts of the Initiative for Regional Infrastructure Integration in South America (IIRSA), a continent-wide programme. IIRSA aims at facilitating intra-regional trade and at improving trade and transport links with world markets. This is the first book on IIRSA and its potential implications for South America and more specifically for Amazonia. The book provides an in-depth analysis of the infrastructure programme and deals particularly with methods to assess the probable effects of road construction in environmentally fragile territories. To deepen our understanding of the potential impacts of roads in these areas, the book combines insights from economic and environmental sciences and gives a critical review of traditional assessments and strategic environmental assessments (SEAs). A comprehensive approach of assessing impacts is presented in three case studies of SEAs: the Corredor Norte in Bolivia, the road between Manaus and Porto Velho in Brazil, and the proposed road to link Suriname with Brazil.
This paper presents the results of monitoring and evaluating the degree of environmental pollution in Gdańsk, Poland, based on the analysis of rainwater and runoff waters from roads with high traffic intensity. Rainwater and road runoff were collected at two sites located in Gdańsk. The concentrations of the following analytes were determined: petroleum hydrocarbons (PH), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), heavy metals, anions, cations and pH. Road runoff from the two sites was slightly basic with average pH values ranging from 7.04 to 7.45. Heavy metals concentrations in runoff water samples were higher than in rainwater samples. Higher concentrations of heavy metals were observed in precipitation samples and runoff samples during the day, which is connected with traffic intensity. The concentration of ions, PH and PAH in runoff waters was higher than in precipitation waters and increased during the day, together with increasing traffic intensity. Overall, the results confirmed that road runoff waters are heavily polluted and their quality should be monitored.
Our study focused on the putative effects of roads on small-mammal communities in a high desert region of southern Utah. Specifically, we tested whether or not roads create adjacent zones characterized by lower small- mammal densities, abundance, and diversity. We sampled abundance of small mammals at increasing distances from Interstate 15 during two summers. We recorded 11 genera and 13 species. We detected no clear abundance, density, or diversity effects relative to distance from the road. Only two of 13 species were never captured near roads. The abundance of the remaining 11 small mammal species was either similar at different distances from the road or higher closer to the road. We conclude that although roads may act as barriers and possible sources of mortality, adjacent zones of vegetation often provide favorable microhabitat in the desert landscape for many small mammals.