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Morgan Freeman : a biography Preview this item
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Morgan Freeman : a biography

Author: Kathleen Tracy
Publisher: Fort Lee, N.J. : Barricade Books, 2006.
Edition/Format:   Print book : Biography : EnglishView all editions and formats
Traces the life and four-decade career of the esteemed African-American film star, discussing such topics as his southern childhood, his near-decision to leave acting, and his rise to Hollywood's A-list.

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Genre/Form: Biographies
Named Person: Morgan Freeman; Morgan Freeman; Morgan Freeman
Material Type: Biography
Document Type: Book
All Authors / Contributors: Kathleen Tracy
ISBN: 9781569803073 1569803072 9781569803073
OCLC Number: 69672088
Description: xiii, 193 pages, 8 unnumbered pages of plates : illustrations ; 24 cm
Responsibility: by Kathleen Tracy.


Traces the life and four-decade career of the esteemed African-American film star, discussing such topics as his southern childhood, his near-decision to leave acting, and his rise to Hollywood's A-list.


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