The Skinny at Starbucks

skinny latteShould you drink the lingo? (Elaine Thompson/Associated Press)

My regular coffee order at Starbucks sounds ridiculous. “I’ll have a grande, no-fat, sugar-free Cinnamon Dolce Latte, no whip. Please.” Once, a customer behind me chirped, “Would you like coffee with that?”

Now Starbucks is making it easier on patrons like myself who like to order a little coffee with their adjectives. Coffee drinks made with nonfat milk and sugar-free syrups are now called “skinny.” So I can order a “skinny” Cinnamon Dolce and get the same no-fat, sugar-free, no-whip drink without so much effort. There are also “skinny” mochas, “skinny” caramel lattes and “skinny” hazelnut lattes.

But in giving my coffee order a new, easier-to-pronounce name, Starbucks has also given me food for thought. If I can’t pronounce it easily, should I really be drinking it?

I may not have come to this conclusion had I not been reading Michael Pollan’s excellent new book, “In Defense of Food.” I learned that my coffee order breaks at least three of his rules.

  1. Don’t eat anything your great grandmother wouldn’t recognize as food.
  2. Avoid food products containing ingredients that are a) unfamiliar, b) unpronounceable, or c) more than five in number, or that include d) high-fructose corn syrup.
  3. Avoid food products that make health claims.

I’m not the only one fretting about the meaning of the skinny moniker. Last week, the Gothamist blog reported on a Starbucks barista who complained that the “skinny” terminology will exacerbate self-image issues of the overweight. (The Gothamist asks whether “no-fat” milk and “heavy” cream are insensitive as well.) Starbucks Gossip carries the full letter.

And while I save 200 calories by ordering the “skinny” rather than the regular Cinnamon Dolce Latte (which packs 330 calories), I’m still consuming an extra 130 calories daily in my so-called skinny drink. If I order it seven days a week for a year, that translates into a not-so-skinny 13.5 pounds worth of calories.

So thanks to Starbucks, the wisdom of Michael Pollan and the umbrage of an unnamed barista, I’ve decided to kick the flavored-coffee habit altogether. Now I’m just going to order coffee, although I’m not sure what to call it.

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I suggest not ordering it at Starbucks, certainly, regardless of what you call it. I don’t think their bitter brown beverage qualifies as coffee.

Why not just have it “Straight” like whiskey. A 16 oz of Black Coffee is only 8 calories I think.

Since I don’t know the lingo I always order a small coffee of whichever flavor I like that they are serving that day. The other advantage is that you get it from the cashier so there is no wait, just like at McDonalds

I agree with the customer’s quip. On my first visit, I walked out of Starbucks after watching a long line of customers in front of me place their orders. Before my turn came up, I walked out. I literally did not know what to order – I just wanted a small coffee.

Sugar-free syrup?! Yuck! What about people who can spare the calories but want nonfat milk for heart health or other reasons? I know they could order differently, but I hate to see artificial sweeteners promoted as healthful.

And as a former Starbucks barista, I think this will be pretty confusing. First of all, plenty of people already say “skinny” and most of them are only referring to nonfat milk, not sugar-free syrup. Second, when I worked at Starbucks, only vanilla and hazelnut syrups came in sugar-free versions, so unless they have severely cluttered the drink preparation area with two of each flavor, “skinny” will mean sugar-free syrup for vanilla but sugar syrup for cinnamon dolce.

If I remember correctly, Starbucks’ regular syrups are made with sugar, not high-fructose corn syrup, so in my opinion they are better for you than the artificial sweetener syrups.

Maybe at least the publicity will do something about the diving stock price and help all us former baristas still holding onto a few shares from the employee purchase plan.

Call it a cup of coffee. I always feel like such a piker, ordering a venti coffee at Starbucks, even the baristas pause then ask if I want a shot of something or can they pre-sweeten it for me. No, just coffee, please.

Why give it up? Order a tall, and you’ll be getting 90 calories instead of 135, will save some money (besides, can you really drink all that coffee before it gets cold?), and will be getting your calcium, too.

A point that should be also noted, is that if you order a skinny drink 7 days a week for a year, you’re paying nearly $1,500 a year for some crap tasting pseudo health beverage.

Over 90% of that “extra 130 calories daily” that the author refers to is from non-fat milk (and the other calories are from the espresso, which would also be present in regular coffee). I’m not sure what was implied by the word “extra”, but I don’t think 130 calories worth of non-fat milk everyday is worrisome. In fact, it seems quite healthy to me. I’d be more worried about the twelve to thirteen-hundred dollars that you’re going to spend buying Starbucks brand instead.

Just have coffee black without cream or sugar.
Not only does a grande or venti only have about 10 calories, there is an increasing amount of evidence in the peer reviewed medical literature that black coffee has multiple healthy effects including decreasing an individual’s risk of diabetes.
As I tell my children:
“why ruin a good cup of coffee with milk or sugar”

Starbucks is wonderful, skinny or fat. But the only sane person who would drink it every day, the price notwithstanding, is Morgan Spurlock. Save it for a treat!

I justify my daily no-fat latte by the consumption of skim milk that I would otherwise never drink, so I don’t view the calories as empty ones that simply cause weight gain. Maybe you should just cut out the artificially flavored syrups, which may be feeding your sweet tooth.

This is news? We’ve been ordering skinny coffee in Seattle for years. I moved here in 1992 and my Starbucks order was a tall skinny latte. And that’s how I’ve ordered it when I go home to the east coast.

As a consumer of black coffee, I find Starbucks to be undrinkable. I heard a rumour that they make their regular coffee taste bitter and burned on purpose so that people will order the more expensive “coffee” drinks.

Another thing I loathe about Starbucks is the fact that they have a NORMAL sized, “short” 8-oz option that they don’t post on the menu – you have to know about it and ask for it.

OMG no more grande no whip nonfat sugarfree skinny lattee

Of course, no one who is skinny would actually order one. Weighing very little(skinny is for girls; you’re scrawny if you’re a guy or that’s at least how it used to be) the last thing I ever want handed to me is anything “sugar free” or “fat free” or some such nonsense. So, in essence the “skinny” label is aspirational, like much of advertising.

Well…I’m skinny and the Starbucks baristas, if I’m not at the stores I visit regularly, often automatically assume I WANT a skinny latte! In fact, I always ask for “whole milk.” But thanks for the compliment!

Long ago I developed two other food rules: Never eat anything whose name is purposefully misspelled, and never eat anything of a color not found in nature. Keeps me off those center aisles in the grocery store…

One of my local coffee shops offers a “Cafe No Fun” which is a decaf latte with skim milk. I think it makes the point quite nicely, that for some of us the latte or cappuccino is the treat ending to a tasty dinner (despite my daily coffee consumption, I have perhaps two lattes a month), and if you drink enough of them that you have to count their calories, maybe you need to rethink your habits.

I’m glad you’re making the switch to plain coffee as a daily habit and hope you’ll still let yourself latte up on special occasions.

Myself, I’m a ‘real food’ advocate. My coffee is fresh-ground with a splash of cream and a touch of raw sugar, and it tastes much richer to me than a cup with a calorically equivalent amount of non-dairy lowfat creamer and refined sugar.

You’ll also save money. I love the online calculators where they tell you what the difference is, economically, between your daily Starbucks trip and drinking office coffee or brewing your own at home and having a thermos handy. When I realized that my daily trips across the street to Prima Tazza were costing me over a thousand dollars a year (2 trips a day, 5 days a week, 50 weeks a year, 2.50 a cup), I got into the habit of taking a thermos to work pretty quick ($8 a pound, half a pound a week, nominal increase in electric and water bill), and drinking office coffee if I forgot it (free, but often vile). For the first year, every day I didn’t go across the street I put the difference in money in a jar. Every month I put the jar’s contents in my savings account, and at the end of the year I bought a nice present for myself and spent the rest on my family to give them a nicer Christmas than I’d been able to afford for a few years.

Maybe you could find a way to bank the difference in cost each day and see how much you can save.

Coffee. You call it coffee.

Thanks but the Starbucks drinks are totally expendable. These Michael Pollan dicta are really circulating. They merit some criticism. If I ate only what my great grandmother recognized as food, ugh. No more Pad Thai or mangos! In fact, not many vegetables or fruits (lots of overcooked or picked cabbage). No seasoning except for salt. And no more pork, even if I hunted down a wild pig. Further, I’d have to farm (not garden) and raise a family of thirteen kids as my great grandparents did to work off all that butter and schmalz. Another piece is Pollan’s criticism of science. Nutrtional Science or “Food Science” is often an oxymoron. Really lousy research with poor experimental design and questionable statistics. Pollan is too smart to join the peasants with their pitchforks skewering good science. What Pollan is smart enough to do is to talk about how we, consumers, can evaluate scientific claims as pseudo or substantial.

Wow…no more than five ingredients, eh. Well, there goes my homemade, right-from-scratch, with tomatoes out of the garden pasta sauce; homemade cookies, cakes, pies, and other desserts of all kinds; homemade pasta; homemade hummus; homemade whole grain bread; and all the convenience stuff I buy: peanut butter and salad dressings. I guess I’ll be eating plain vegetables, plain tuna, and water from now on. And I’ll have to stop experimenting with all those “ethnic” foods, as some of the ingredients are both unfamiliar and unpronouncable (to me, at least), and they frequently contain A LOT of ingredients.

From TPP — Homemade is allowed !!! He’s talking about packaged stuff.

IdJustLikeSomeCoffee January 15, 2008 · 2:29 pm

The staff at my local starbucks is regularly confused when I order a ‘large coffee, please’. English is my first language; I’m born/bred in my local area, so it shouldn’t be an accent problem.

I think they just expect me to say at least a dozen more syllables to order a drink. Or maybe a customer saying please is so unfamiliar that it throws them for a loop.

The only thing that would end up skinny is your wallet. The price of those gourmet coffee drinks is ridiculous.

I’m SO happy I didn’t choose to become a coffee addict! I rely on my own bodily functions to awaken in the morning and boy does it feel good. :-)