Fundraising/tech/ssh config

Revision as of 15:33, 14 November 2018 by Cdentinger (talk | contribs) (more basic explanation)

In order to access frack hosts (such as frdev1001) you must have a proper ssh ssh config. This involves making a hidden directory inside your home directory:

mkdir -p ~/.ssh

Next make a new file in the new directory:

touch ~/.ssh/config

Open the file in your preferred text editor:

open -a TextEdit ~/.ssh/config

The file should look more or less like this:

    User your_username_here
    IdentitiesOnly yes
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
    ProxyCommand none

Host *.frack.* frdev1*
    User your_username_here
    IdentitiesOnly yes   
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
    ProxyCommand ssh -a -W %h:%p

Make it so, and save. The name of "id_rsa" may vary.