Abadesi Osunsade, Columnist

Having a Side Hustle Can Transform Your Career

There's more to side gigs and second jobs than earning extra cash.


Source: Bloomberg

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I am a staunch advocate for side hustles. There are lots of stories about how Gen Z and Millennials are increasingly taking on second jobs and side gigs. The main reason is usually to earn extra cash, but there are also other benefits, like learning new skills and making connections.

Starting a side hustle was hugely beneficial for my own career and wellbeing. I spent my 20s working in different tech teams and feeling overworked, underpaid and out of place. I struggled with a toxic work culture where offensive jokes were constantly made and brushed off as “banter,” where I received more comments about my outfit choices than the goals I reached, and where all-male groups would often exclude me from social events.