Go Hunting

Hunt for books the BookCrossing way - below is the list of countries with books in the wild! After registering and releasing a book, members have the option of making Release Notes, specifying where exactly (or approximately) they left a book. You can browse through these active releases here, by Country, State, City, and Crossing Zone.

The number indicates how many books were released within the last 30 days that have not yet been caught. If the number listed is red, the location has books released in the last 3 days.

Country List > France

France: States / Provinces

Location Count
-- Airports & Planes -- 
-- Trains, Tube, Metro, Buses -- 
Alsace  347 
Aquitaine  15 
Bourgogne  19 
Ile-de-France  274 
Location Count
Languedoc-Roussillon  16 
Midi-Pyrénées  102 
Nord-Pas-de-Calais  16 
Pays de la Loire 
Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur  12 
Rhône-Alpes  27 

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