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  • There might be more than one job opportunity for you...

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    There might be more than one job opportunity for you this month. You might even be spoiled for choice with all the wonderful options that could be presented to you, leaving you not knowing which one to accept. It's a good problem to have in the grand scheme of things, but the pressure you could feel to make the right call might be extraordinary. Do what you can to delay any final decisions until the end of the month. While the Solar Eclipse (happening on June 10 in your work sector) may bring the prospects, Mercury stays retrograde there until June 22. Ask plenty of questions and let yourself marinate in the answers. Key themes for Capricorn: job, freelance, health, routine, schedule, projects, personal tension, love changes

  • This month you can anticipate major personal transitions. The most...

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    This month you can anticipate major personal transitions. The most important one, however, begins in your mind. With Mercury traveling retrograde in your sign until June 22, there is a definite swirl of internal change happening. This is a good thing, even if it may feel like a gigantic ball of confusion. After all, change occurs first on the inside. So, while you may be marinating in an ocean of bewildering thoughts for most of June, trust that you can ultimately make empowering decisions in several areas of your life, including relationships. Key themes for Gemini: new beginning, life change, relationship, partnership, new thoughts, mental edits, decisions, clarity

  • Although finances may seem confusing in the beginning of the...

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    Although finances may seem confusing in the beginning of the month, a Solar Eclipse on June 10 will help you see new doors opening. Unfortunately, since Mercury will remain retrograde until June 22, you might have trouble deciding which door to open for a while. Take your time investigating which investment, retirement plan, or other money venture is the best option. You'll have the opportunity to find clarity by the end of the month. Key themes for Scorpio: investment, taxes, inheritance, passive income, royalties, family stress, career, honor, award

  • A new communications-related project is possibly on the horizon for...

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    A new communications-related project is possibly on the horizon for you, thanks to the Solar Eclipse on June 10. This could be anything from a teaching opportunity to starting a book! The trouble is that Mercury will continue traveling retrograde until June 22, so you'll need to be patient about its progression. Move forward, but know that your greatest headway in this endeavor will be made next month. Key themes for Aries: writing, teaching, learning, sales, marketing, travel, love, sex, children, creativity

  • Expenses may run high after June 11, when Mars moves...

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    Expenses may run high after June 11, when Mars moves into your earned income sector. Although there is a potential inflammation here, Venus will join him in this area of your chart by June 27. Together, they can create solutions where you once saw only problems. Be patient and trust in yourself -- it's likely that your future cash cow will relate somehow to your creative talents or other gifts. Key themes for Cancer: expenses, money trouble, creative gifts, financial ambition, relationship test, fated attraction, breakup, romantic conflict

  • There's a brand-new social opportunity ahead for you, but it...

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    There's a brand-new social opportunity ahead for you, but it might feel as if it's clouded by a lot of mixed messages. The Solar Eclipse on June 10 falls in your 11th House of Friendships, while Mercury is still retrograde in the same area of your chart. Mercury does turn direct on June 22, so the eclipse energy promises an eventual fresh start with friends and in your social groups. However, it seems you'll be quite confused about how to accomplish this until the end of the month. Don't worry about the "how" of it all, Leo -- just know that there is new life being breathed into your connections with others. Let them evolve. Key themes for Leo: friends, groups, wishes, new dream, affiliations, social networks, misunderstandings, powerful, sexy, enterprising, passionate

  • Your professional world is about to take off in a...

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    Your professional world is about to take off in a potent new direction -- but you might not see it that way until the end of the month. A brilliant Solar Eclipse lands at the top of your chart on June 10, creating a fresh start in your career. The problem? This eclipse is ruled by Mercury, currently retrograde, so it looks like there's going to be a delay before you can take advantage of any promising enterprises. Mercury turns direct on June 22, and until then you might be too busy making your list of pros and cons for each decision to actually settle on any answers. Key themes for Virgo: promotion, honor, award, career height, new career, new goals, romantic karma, love lesson

  • Multiple revenue streams are likely to come your way, thanks...

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    Multiple revenue streams are likely to come your way, thanks to a dazzling Solar Eclipse that will land in your earned income sector on June 10. Try not to stress out too much if it takes a little longer than you thought to get these plans off the ground. Mercury will remain retrograde until June 22 in this same area of your chart. Instead of taking flight immediately, let this be an important time of revising your financial plans and ideas to strengthen their potential. Key themes for Taurus: money, business, career, professional changes, romantic gossip, neighborhood romance, reinventing self, values

  • Domestic changes could be on the horizon, which might feel...

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    Domestic changes could be on the horizon, which might feel a bit confusing at first. There will be a Solar Eclipse in your home sector on June 10, which may prompt a move or major new development within your clan. However, since Mercury will still be retrograde at the time of the eclipse, there's not much traction until he wakes up on June 22. The opportunity might reveal itself directly right in front of you, but you may feel so confused about whether or not to take it that you stand still. It's OK -- take the time you need to consider your options connected to any relocation or domestic decision. You'll likely have answers by the end of the month. Key themes for Pisces: home, family real estate, security, roots, heritage, pleasure, romance, work, job, health

  • Your love life is filled with possibilities as well as...

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    Your love life is filled with possibilities as well as uncertainty. A Solar Eclipse on June 10 will bring new romantic potential your way, if single. There's also potential for children or a new creative endeavor, no matter what your relationship status is. Since Mercury will be retrograde in your true love sector until June 22, you may not know which way to go or even how to start anything related to these topics. Don't hit the panic button just yet -- everything should start to fall in place by the end of the month, allowing you to see amazing fresh starts in one or more of these areas. Key themes for Aquarius: romance, babies, fertility, artistic, creative, speculation, love, commitment, family drama

  • This month you'll probably experience a seismic shift in love...

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    This month you'll probably experience a seismic shift in love and relationships. Mercury is currently traveling retrograde in your partnership sector, remaining in hibernation until June 22. This will possibly create a great deal of confusion for you about choices in love. It might be about options -- you may have more than one person you could choose. On the other hand, it could be about your current relationship and a major decision that you and your partner can't seem to agree on. Take heart -- it will all fall into place. A glorious Solar Eclipse lands in your partnership sector on June 10, and it's all about magnificent fresh starts in relationships. Once you get past all the confusion and miscommunication, that is. Don't worry; the cosmos is cheering you on! Key themes for Sagittarius: love, relationship, partner, relationship choice, commitment, marriage, publishing, language, philosophy, beliefs

  • You've got to address any situations in your love and...

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    You've got to address any situations in your love and intimate life, and the universe will provide a much-needed wake-up call this month. Saturn is currently moving through your romance sector, bringing lessons in love like crazy. The blocks around your heart are becoming clearer every day, yet you may not fully know how to destroy them until later. You may have more luck with that on June 14, when radical Uranus will square traditional Saturn, helping to break up the patterns that are not serving you in love. Change is rarely comfortable and it may not feel good at first, but you need to clean this mess up. It's the only way to move forward with an open heart. Key themes for Libra: karmic love, love lessons, heartache, heartbreak, loneliness, real love, family, moving, friendship



General Daily Insight for June 23, 2021

Confidence can turn into doubt, but only if we let it. The sensitive Moon sextiles disciplined Saturn at the break of day, starting us off feeling secure. That, combined with the confident Sun’s trine to optimistic Jupiter, can make it feel as if nothing could go wrong. However, the Moon opposing tricky Mercury may throw us a curveball with forgotten commitments or misunderstandings. Then, perfectionist Venus opposes turbulent Pluto at 7:39 pm EDT, which can create doubt and excessive criticism. Go easy on yourself and others — nobody’s perfect!

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March 21-April 19

Your words may have more power over others right now than you think they do. Although you may feel like you’re just being honest and sharing your opinion, you might not be giving others room to do so in turn. If they don’t speak up when you give them an opportunity, however, it’s not your job to shrink yourself in order to make them more comfortable. Be rational and level with your words, and respect others when they do the same.


April 20-May 20

Friends may compliment you today and make you feel secure, then in the next sentence — intentionally or otherwise — say something that insults you. Instead of letting your feelings blow around in the wind with someone’s words, stand strong and don’t let their opinions damage your self-confidence or cause you to lose faith in yourself. Besides, their comment probably wasn’t meant to slight you. Even if it was, you’re where you are now for a reason, and no one has the power to dismiss your journey outright.


May 21-June 20

Hiccups caused by miscommunication or a total lack of communication could create a rift in your plans. You may have committed to something that you’re no longer able to do, or perhaps you receive a bill that’s much higher than you thought it would be. Do your best to roll with the punches; use your wits to help you to remedy any issues. Being prepared and appreciating others for their time will help you make the best of today.


June 21-July 22

You may be more sensitive in matters of love and friendship right now, and a tendency to act passive aggressively could arise if you feel that someone is taking your place. Don’t give in to fear and doubt! Instead, be thankful for what makes you happy, and realize that there’s no reason to look for the worst in these relationships. If there is an issue that you can’t shake, let the other person know how you’re feeling so they’re not left in the dark.


July 23-August 22

Having good intentions is one thing, but creating the desired results is another. You may want to lift someone up with words, gifts, or good deeds, but think before you act! Ask yourself if this is something that they want or if you’re projecting your own likes onto them. Your desires are not one-size-fits-all, and you may be spending money on an expensive gift that this person will never use. Instead, buy what you want for yourself, and find out what they personally need to feel loved.


August 23-September 22

Emotional adjustments and dramatic circumstances in the workplace are more likely now, creating frustrating situations that may trap you between two stances. Resist the urge to pick sides or coddle someone who’s been behaving badly, even if they’re your friend. You’re capable of remaining neutral without losing friends, and if you pick a side, you’re more likely to create hurt feelings. In the spirit of a peaceful environment, do what you can to keep from getting involved.


September 23-October 22

Disagreements involving the authority figures in your life are likely to arise, and these people may try to restrict you with words. If they’re insisting that it’s their way or the highway, this is a sign that they’re more interested in controlling you than doing what’s best for you. While it can be frustrating to try and maintain your individuality under people who have power over you, finding a compromise that will benefit both of you in some way is the wisest course of action.


October 23-November 21

A secret may be revealed today that creates tension or awkwardness in your relationships. This doesn’t have to be your secret, but it’s likely one that you already know about — you may have even been present when it was originally being told. Do your best to avoid becoming the loose lips that give the secret away, because broken trust can damage friendships and start arguments. Even if it’s an exciting one, keep this story under lock and key!


November 22-December 21

Someone may strike a nerve in you today, bringing upsetting emotions from zero to sixty in no time flat. What they say may not even be directed at you personally, but they might dismiss or speak unkindly regarding a topic that you feel strongly about. Jumping to conclusions and verbally fighting back could catch them off guard and send them into defense mode. While it may not be the more appealing action, it’ll be worth it to explain gently why you’re disappointed.


December 22-January 19

Revisiting something that made you happy in the past could inspire you in the present. While trying to get back into an old hobby can be difficult, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try. You may need to retrain your muscles for a sport you used to play or reread the tutorial for a game you once loved, but your skills are probably still there. Someone else in your life may even provide an opportunity today to reconnect with something you previously enjoyed, so give in and have fun!


January 20-February 18

Showing vulnerability may not be your strong suit, but today you will have the opportunity to show someone else that you care. This will probably be an act of service, where someone in your circle will ask for your help, or you may see their need without them having to say anything. They may not necessarily show their gratitude in the moment, but as long as your method of help isn’t too invasive or pushy, you can assume they will be thankful for it.


February 19-March 20

Your family or the people that you live with may not understand your goals, but don’t let their confusion make you disheartened. It may take time for them to warm up to new ideas — or this could be a misunderstanding that turns into something more argumentative. Be patient and recognize that they still love you, but just aren’t able to conceptualize your vision. Once you’re able to make that vision a reality, it’ll be easier for them to understand.

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