Legal Notices

Legal Notices
See current legal and public notices from the state of Utah.
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How to Submit a Legal Notice

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Submit a Notice

To submit a legal or public notice in legal liner format or display format, please send an email with the following information to

Please include:

  • The name(s), address and telephone number of the billing party
  • Your name and contact information (if different than billing party)
  • Indicate whether you require a price quote. (Any request to publish without request for quote prior to publication will be published if we are not contacted within a reasonable period of time before first publication.)
  • A document attachment containing the text and format (if special formatting is required)


Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. MST, excluding holidays.

Contact: For rates and other information for Public Notices contact us directly at 801-204-6245 or

Deadlines (Standard Non-Holiday)

  • PLEASE NOTE: As of Jan. 2021, the Deseret News is a Friday only publication.
  • The deadline for Legal Liners is Wednesdays at 4 p.m. for Friday publication.
  • Display format requires additional time for development and placement. Call 801-204-6245 for next availability.

Value Statement

Public and Legal Notices inform citizens of the everyday activities of government. From spending to developing new policies, it is important for people to be informed of actions taken by public officials that affect citizens’ everyday lives. Public Notices are essential to a democracy and an informed citizenry.

Legal and Public Notices

Confirmation and quote — Receive an order confirmation and formal quote within 24 hours.

Affidavit of publication — Receive a digital proof of publication within 7-10 business days of the completion of the final publishing date. Print copies are available for $10. Please specify in your email to us if you want a print copy.