National Parks

In the United States, a national park is an area of isolated land protected by the government in order to foster conservation and outdoor activities as well as emphasize national pride. Sovereign states typically designate their own national parks and are responsible for their general upkeep. Depending on the country and park, visitors from the general public may be charged an admission fee to enter the property. More often than not, national parks, although this can vary depending on circumstances, are designed and made to protect the region's natural wildlife and ecosystem.

These parks are typically protected from environmental destruction for the purposes of economic needs, including deforestation, hunting, fishing, mining, etc. Through time these areas can become important international destinations, attracting couples, large families, and individuals looking to appreciate the local wildlife. The first national park was created by the United States in 1872, called Yellowstone National Park. The law established during this year allowed for the term to be widely used across the U.S. and the world.

Yellowstone is considered the oldest park in the world and one of the largest in North America. However, another area of wildlife that was blocked off from public usage and maintained but not deemed at the time a national park was established in 1776 called the Tobago Main Ridge Forest Reserve. The area is surrounded by the Bogd Khan Uul Mountain, which is still protected in order for farmland to thrive. International organizations estimate that there are over 6,500 areas in the world that meet the classification of a national park.

National parks are typically open to the public during certain hours unless a natural disaster damages them. The most famous national parks in the United States besides Yellowstone include Yosemite Park in Central California, the Grand Canyon in Arizona, and Zio National Park located in Utah.