An open recruitment process that leaves applicants feeling appreciated

Familiarise yourself with our recruitment process and related principles.
Recruitment at the University of Helsinki Recruitment stages

The recruitment process can vary depending on the position.

The process associated with tenure track positions is described here.

Equality and public nature of recruitment

The University of Helsinki is an equal and non-discriminatory employer, which also guides our recruitment. As we value a diverse work community, we wish to recruit to the University experts with different backgrounds. Recruitment decisions are made on the basis of the information obtained from the applicant or during the recruitment process. Decisions are based on predetermined assessment criteria. We pay attention to the quality of recruitment. 

In the recruitment of teaching and research personnel and in the assessment of career progression, we follow the recommendations and principles of responsible evaluation of a researcher.

The University of Helsinki is a corporation under public law, making our recruitment public. Recruitment decisions and applications for positions are available for viewing on request. The University never publishes information pertaining to applicants without a specific request. In such cases too, all identifying information is carefully redacted, so you do not need to worry about your privacy.



Open positions

Check our open positions and instructions for applying here.