Services for researchers

On these pages, you can read about our services for researchers and other science professionals, such as services in open science, data management and research ethics.
Services for open and ethical research

Openness is a policy of the University. We offer our researchers a variety of services, which help the researcher make their research more open. We support open publishing e.g. in questions of self-archiving and publication fees. We promote responsible and open research data management and publication metrics.

Our research infrastructures are at our researchers' disposal and many of them produce openly usable data. Our research ethics committees perform ethical review of research.

Services for research funding, collaboration and commercialisation

We help our researchers get competitive research funding such as European Research Council grants.

Our business collaboration services connect businesses and researchers who have shared interests. We support those of our researchers who want to turn their research into commercial successes.

Service providers

We have more than 3 000 specialists working with us. Many of them are involved in producing our various services for researchers. Get to know the researcher's service providers!

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