The InPhO Project

Welcome to the Internet Philosophy Ontology (InPhO) project!

We offer a variety of tools for students, researchers, programmers and scholars.
The ontology currently covers philosophical ideas, thinkers, and journals.

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Philosophy Big Data

The InPhO analyzes over 37 million words of philosophical content from:

We are committed to open access, with data available via a REST API, a monthly OWL archive of the ontology, visualizations and datafiles posted on our datablog, and source code at GitHub. All data uses the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 license.


The InPhOrmers

The InPhOrmers create the InPhO. Find out more about the team:

Dynamic Ontology

The InPhO is constructed by a novel 3-step semi-automated process, called dynamic ontology:

  1. Data Mining — Natural language processing (NLP) techniques generate statistical hypothesis about the relationships among philosophically-salient topics.
  2. Expert Feedback — These hypotheses are evaluated by domain experts through online interfaces.
  3. Machine Reasoning — Our machine reasoning program uses feedback and statistical measures to populate the ontology.

Further details on dynamic ontology can be found on the Articles and Papers page.


Data Blog

thumbnail of InPhO data blog