
The ISA Constitution was last revised and formally amended by a vote of the membership on April 30, 2021. Visit the webpage of the Ad Hoc Committee on Constitutional Revision to learn more about the Constitution Revision process.


This association shall be known as the International Studies Association, referred to hereafter in this document as the Association.


  1. The purpose of the Association is to serve the needs and enhance the capacities of scholars, practitioners, and others without regard to nationality having a professional interest in expanding, disseminating, and applying knowledge of interrelations among nations and peoples.
  2. To achieve these ends, the Association shall actively pursue cooperative relationships with other appropriate organizations around the world.
  3. The Association is educational and non-partisan. It will not support or oppose political parties or candidates. It may take positions on issues if they are immediately and directly concerned with the purpose stated above and only within the limits that must be observed to maintain tax-exemption under the revenue laws of the country in which the headquarters are located.


  1. Any person sharing the purposes of the Association and paying dues set by the Governing Council may be a member. The Association is committed to fostering independent, responsible scholarly inquiry by all of its members.
  2. Members shall be entitled to:
    1. Receive access to the specified official publications of the Association.
    2. Participate in balloting arranged by the Association.
    3. Participate in other activities sponsored by the Association.
  3. Members have responsibility for abiding by the Association’s Code of Conduct.
  4. The Association consists of a diverse body of members and that diversity should be reflected in its leadership.
  5. For the purposes of calculating the number of members required for actions described below, the official number of members for a calendar year will be determined on November 1 of the prior year.


  1. Groups of members organized to promote purposes identified in Article II.1 may be recognized as Component Units of the Association on such conditions as the Governing Council may determine. Regional divisions, Sections organized to promote study and research on specific problems, and Caucuses of members with particular interests or characteristics are among the units that may be recognized.
    1. In addition to the Regions in existence at the time this amendment is adopted, other Component Units may be established upon petition of at least four percent of the membership to the Governing Council via the Executive Director. The petition will include a statement of purpose, organization, and activities. The Executive Committee will specify that portion of the Association membership dues to be credited to the Regions.
    2. Sections may be established upon petition of at least four percent of the membership to the Governing Council via the Executive Director. The petition shall include a statement of purpose, organization, and activities. Sections may establish their own dues. The Executive Office will disburse the funds to the activities of Sections.
    3. Caucuses may be established upon petition of at least one percent of the membership to the Governing Council via the Executive Director. The petition will include a statement of purpose, organization, and activities. Caucuses may establish dues. The Executive Office will disburse funds to the activities of Caucuses.
  2. All Component Units must have written by-laws filed with the Executive Office within two years of the establishment of the Component Unit. These by-laws must provide for democratic election of officers and must prohibit the same person from serving in an office for more than five consecutive years.
  3. All Component Units will present yearly reports to the Executive Office that review their activities and budgets. These reports will be made available to the membership of the Association.
  4. Any Region that falls below three percent of the membership, any Section that falls below three percent of the membership, and any Caucus that falls below 0.75 percent of the membership will be subject to review by the Executive Committee. In addition, any petition to the Executive Director by at least ten members of a Component Unit alleging impropriety in governance will trigger a review by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will report to the Governing Council, which will decide whether or not to re-charter the Section, Region, or Caucus.
  5. If the Governing Council elects to re-charter the Section, Region, or Caucus, the Governing Council may waive further reviews due to a membership below the required threshold for a period of up to three years.

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  1. The government of the Association shall consist of a President, three Vice Presidents, a President-Elect, the immediate Past-President, three Vice Presidents-Elect, a Treasurer, an Executive Director, a Governing Council, an Executive Committee, and members voting by ballot.
  2. The officers of the Association shall be a President, three Vice Presidents, a President-Elect, the immediate Past-President, the Treasurer, and the Executive Director.
  3. Terms for all officers, Governing Council members, Executive Committee members, and Committee members are measured in “ISA years”, which is the period from the scheduled end of one annual convention to the scheduled end of the next annual convention.

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  1. The Governing Council should reflect the diversity of the membership.
  2. The Governing Council shall consist of the following: The President, three Vice Presidents, the immediate Past-President, the Executive Director, the President-Elect, three Vice Presidents-Elect, the Treasurer, the head of each Component Unit of the Association, and six at-large representatives from institutions in countries that are or have historically been underrepresented in the Association membership or leadership. At-large representatives serve terms of two ISA years. All of the above shall have voting status.
  3. In cases of disputed elections, the Governing Council shall be the judge of its own membership.
  4. The President shall convene at least one meeting of the Governing Council in conjunction with each annual convention of the Association. In addition, with the approval of the Executive Committee, the President may convene extraordinary meetings. The President shall convene an extraordinary meeting if one-third or more of the members of the Governing Council request it. Except for meetings called during the period of the annual convention, members of the Governing Council shall be given at least one week's notice of their time and place. If the President is unable to preside over a meeting, the President may designate a Vice President to convene the meeting or a majority of the Executive Committee may ask a Vice President to convene the meeting in the absence of the president.
  5. The Governing Council may establish its own rules of procedure. In absence of contrary decision by the Governing Council, Robert's Rules of Order shall prevail.
  6. The President and the Executive Director will collaboratively develop the agenda for Governing Council meetings. Additional agenda items may be added through the following procedure:
    1. Items may be proposed by any member of the Governing Council or by a petition of at least two percent of the membership.
    2. If a majority of the Governing Council votes in favor of adding items proposed according to the procedures described in Article VI.6.a to the agenda, they are added to the agenda as new business.
  7. The Governing Council shall:
    1. Assume responsibility for setting long-term strategic goals for the Association and providing oversight.
    2. Elect five members of the Executive Committee from the membership of the concurrent Governing Council. Elections for membership in the Executive Committee to take office following the annual convention will be held in January each year. Members of the incoming Governing Council who have indicated a willingness to serve will be eligible for election; that is, Executive Committee members must be members of the Governing Council throughout the time they serve on the Executive Committee. Members serve for one ISA year, and no individual may serve more than two consecutive terms as a member of the Executive Committee elected from the Governing Council. If an Executive Committee member is unable or unwilling to complete a term, the President may appoint another member of the Governing Council to complete the term, with majority approval of the Executive Committee. Members of the Governing Council are encouraged to consider the Executive Committee’s reflection of the diversity of the Association in voting.
    3. Elect two members of the Nominating Committee from the membership of the Governing Council each year. Each member will serve a term of three ISA years. Elections will be held in January of each year with members of the current Governing Council who have indicated a willingness to serve eligible for election. No member may serve consecutive terms on the Nominating Committee. If a member of the Nominating Committee elected by the Governing Council is unable or unwilling to complete a term, the President may appoint a member of the Governing Council to complete the term, with majority approval of the Executive Committee. Members of the Governing Council are encouraged to consider the Nominating Committee’s reflection of the diversity of the Association in voting.
    4. Elect the Editor of all journals of the Association on the recommendation of the Executive Committee; the election shall be for a term of not more than five years.
    5. Elect the Executive Director on the recommendation of the Executive Committee.
    6. Recognize Component Units of the Association and terminate such recognition.
    7. Approve an annual budget recommended by the Executive Committee, without amendments.
    8. Adopt resolutions and undertake or approve activities designed to promote the purposes of the Association.
    9. Establish and terminate standing committees.
  8. The Governing Council, for adequate cause, may remove any officer of the Association by a majority vote of those present. It shall act only on the basis of a two-thirds recommendation of the members of the Executive Committee as described in Article VII.3.d below.

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  1. The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, the Vice Presidents, the President-Elect, the immediate Past-President, the Treasurer, the Executive Director and five at-large members elected by the Governing Council as detailed above. At-large members serve a term of one ISA year and should reflect the diversity of the Association. At-large members must be members of the Governing Council throughout their time on the Executive Committee.
  2. The Executive Committee shall meet at the call of the President. The President is obliged to call a meeting upon the request of one-third or more of the members of the Committee. If the President is unable to preside over a meeting, the President may designate a Vice President to convene the meeting or a majority of the Executive Committee may ask a Vice President to convene the meeting in the absence of the president.
  3. The Executive Committee shall:
    1. Have primary responsibility for oversight on financial, personnel, and contractual matters for the Association.
    2. Assist and advise the President as they request.
    3. Approve a budget to be presented to the Governing Council; this shall include policies regarding dues, fees, and Executive Director compensation.
    4. Review, at the request of any two members of the Executive Committee, the performance of duties of any officer of the Association, the Editors of any of the Association's publications, appointed Committee Chairpersons, or the Executive Director for the purpose of determining whether that person should be asked to alter their performance or be dismissed. Any person whose performance is under review shall be given the opportunity to respond to any allegations of inadequate performance, but shall not participate in the final deliberation or vote on the disposition of the case. By agreement of two-thirds of its members who are present, the Executive Committee may request modification in performance, issue a reprimand, or issue the appropriate recognition for outstanding performance of duties to the individual(s) reviewed. By a two-thirds vote of those who are present, the Executive Committee can recommend to the Governing Council that any Officer of the Association, Editor, Committee Chair or the Executive Director be dismissed.
    5. Meet in executive session to discuss and make decisions on personnel, legal, and contractual matters. The decisions will be reported and explained to the Governing Council in a manner that will not expose the Association to litigation or violation of confidentiality requirements.


  1. The President shall serve for a term of one ISA year.
  2. The President shall:
    1. Convene and preside over meetings of the Executive Committee and the Governing Council. If the President is unable to preside over a meeting, the President will designate a Vice President to serve as the presiding officer.
    2. Arrange for the preparation of an agenda for meetings of the Governing Council and the Executive Committee in collaboration with the Executive Director.
    3. Recommend a budget to the Executive Committee in collaboration with the Executive Director and the Treasurer.
    4. Arrange to inform the Governing Council of the Association's financial condition in collaboration with the Executive Director and the Treasurer.
    5. Report to the membership at least once per year on the state of the Association, including its financial condition.
    6. Oversee with the Treasurer the handling of the Association's funds.
    7. Oversee the work of the Executive Director.
    8. Propose programs and policies designed to advance the best interests of the Association.

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  1. The President-Elect shall take office as President-Elect at the scheduled end of the annual convention following their election and serve in that capacity for one ISA year.
  2. The President-Elect shall serve as a member of the Executive Committee and Governing Council.
  3. The President-Elect shall automatically succeed to the Presidency following their ISA year as President-Elect.
  4. If the President should die, resign, or be unable to perform the duties of the office, the President-Elect, if available, shall become the president for the remainder of the term.


  1. Three Vice Presidents shall be elected for a term of one ISA year each, coinciding with the term of the President.
  2. At least one of the Vice Presidents shall be from an institution in a country that is or has historically been underrepresented in the Association membership or leadership and the set of Vice Presidents shall be gender-diverse.
  3. The Vice Presidents shall be members of the Executive Committee and the Governing Council.
  4. If the President should die, resign, or be unable to perform the duties of the office, and if the President-Elect is unavailable to take over the duties of the office, the immediate Past-President will convene the Executive Committee to determine which Vice President should complete the term as President.
  5. Three Vice Presidents-Elect shall be elected at the same time as the President-Elect. Vice Presidents-Elect shall serve in that capacity from the scheduled end of the annual convention following their election until the scheduled end of the next annual convention when they shall automatically succeed to the office of Vice President and serve in that capacity for one ISA year.
  6. The Vice Presidents-Elect shall be members of the Governing Council.

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  1. The Treasurer shall serve a term of three ISA years. No one may serve more than two full terms as Treasurer.
  2. When a Treasurer’s term enters its final year, a Treasurer-Elect will be nominated by the President-Elect and confirmed by the Governing Council.
  3. If the Treasurer should die, resign, or be unable to perform the duties of the office, the President will, with the consent of a majority of the Executive Committee, appoint an Acting Treasurer to serve until the next Governing Council meeting.
  4. The Treasurer shall:
    1. Oversee, with the President and the Executive Director, the handling of the Association's funds.
    2. Advise the President and Executive Director on recommending a budget to the Executive Committee.
    3. Review the annual report of the Executive Director to the Governing Council and the annual report of the President to the membership on the Association's financial condition.
    4. Propose programs and policies to enhance the financial condition of the Association.
    5. Serve as a member of the Governing Council and the Executive Committee.
    6. Convene and chair meetings of the Finance Committee.


  1. The Executive Office shall consist of an Executive Director and such staff as they shall appoint under the budgetary authorization of the Executive Committee.
  2. The Executive Office shall be responsible for the day-to-day operation of the Association and shall provide support for the governing agencies of the Association.
  3. The Executive Director shall be the chief administrative officer and legal representative of the Association. They shall be elected by the Governing Council for a term of not more than five years on the recommendation of the Executive Committee. The Executive Director shall be eligible for reelection. If a vacancy occurs prior to the end of the anticipated term, the President, with majority approval of the Executive Committee, may appoint an acting Executive Director to serve until the office is filled.
  4. The Executive Director shall:
    1. Have charge of the Executive Office.
    2. Assist the President and other officers and agencies of the Association in the performance of their duties, responding to the requests and initiating proposals for their consideration.
    3. Publish the minutes of the meetings of the Governing Council.
    4. Propose an annual budget, in collaboration with the President and Treasurer, for consideration by the Executive Committee and the Governing Council.
    5. Draft agendas for the meetings of the Governing Council and the Executive Committee in collaboration with the President.
    6. Perform such other duties in the interest of the Association, in consultation with the President, the Executive Committee, and the Governing Council.

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  1. The Nominating Committee will include a total of nine members, each of whom serves a term of three ISA years.
  2. Each year, two members of the Nominating Committee shall be elected by the Governing Council from its own membership as described in Article VI.7.c.
  3. Each President-Elect shall select one member of the Nominating Committee to serve for a period of three ISA years, taking care that the selection contributes to a Committee that is diverse.
  4. The Convenor shall be elected by the Executive Committee and is not a voting member of the Nominating Committee. The Convenor should be a past President of the Association. The Convenor is responsible for coordinating the soliciting of nominations, including through outreach to the Component Units of the Association, communicating with the Executive Office, and overseeing committee procedures. The Convenor serves a term of three ISA years.
  5. The Nominating Committee shall work to ensure that the leadership of the Association reflects the diversity of its members.
  6. Elections shall be competitive. The Nominating Committee shall propose at least two candidates each year for President, at least six candidates each year for Vice President, and at least six candidates each year for at-large representative on the Governing Council. At least two of the nominees for Vice President and all of the nominees for at-large representative must be from institutions in countries that are or have historically been underrepresented in the Association membership or leadership. The set of nominees for Vice President must be conducive to the election of a gender-diverse slate. The Nominating Committee may choose to submit more nominees than the minimum to the membership for consideration.
  7. Qualifications for candidates for President and Vice President include (a) excellence in scholarship, (b) a distinguished record of service to the Association, (c) leadership and administrative skill, and (d) a commitment to diversity and the purpose and mission of the Association.
  8. The Nominating Committee shall report its recommendations to the Executive Director not later than August 15. The nominations shall be made known to the membership in the first newsletter following the receipt of that report.
  9. Any petition for alternative candidates with the documented support of four percent or more of the Association's membership that is received by the Executive Director by October 15 will be given the same publicity within the organization as accorded the nominees of the Nominating Committee.
  10. An election will be held between November 5 and December 5. The candidate who receives the most votes among those cast for President will be elected. The three candidates who receive the most votes for Vice President will be elected, as long as at least one of these three candidates is from an institution in a country that is or has historically been underrepresented in the Association membership or leadership and the resulting slate of Vice Presidents is gender- diverse. Otherwise, the top three candidates who receive the most votes and meet the requirements laid out in Article X.2 will be elected. The three candidates for at-large Governing Council seats who receive the most votes will be elected.
  11. In case of a disputed election, the Governing Council will determine the outcome.
  12. In the event that a candidate becomes unavailable after the nominations have been announced and before assuming office, the Executive Committee will determine how to proceed.

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  1. The work of the Association may be facilitated by the creation of standing and ad hoc committees. Standing committees are created for tasks that are anticipated to require continuous attention for an indefinite period of time. Ad hoc committees are established for assignments of a one-time or irregularly occurring nature that can be completed within a year.
  2. Standing committees are established or terminated by a majority vote of the Governing Council, which shall specify their mission, membership size, and terms of office. Standing committees are responsible to the Governing Council and should report to it at least once a year. On recommendation of the President-Elect, the Governing Council designates the individuals to serve as chair and members of standing committees.
  3. Ad hoc committees are appointed for a maximum period of one year by the President who determines their mission and membership. Ad hoc committees can be renewed by a vote of the Governing Council. Ad hoc committees report to the President in the manner the President specifies.

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  1. The Association shall seek to maintain tax-exemption under the terms of the internal revenue legislation of the country in which the Headquarters are located.
  2. No officer or agency of the Association shall borrow money in the name of the Association or from the Association.


  1. Proposed amendments that are approved by a two-thirds vote of the members of the Governing Council in attendance when the vote is taken shall be submitted to a ballot of the members of the Association.
  2. Amendments supported by a majority of those voting in a ballot of the Association members shall be declared adopted.

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