Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute Publisher Description

The Institute shall be devoted to the carrying out of the following objects

• To place within the easy reach of advanced students of research a first class and up to date Oriental library, and to afford them all other ready made helps in the way of select topical Bibliographies, digests of magazine articles, Card Indexes, Electronic Media and similar critical material.

• To train qualified students in the scientific methods of research by opening postgraduate classes, founding lectureships and in time, preparing students for higher degrees in research.

• To place indigenous learning of the Shastris upon a broader and sounder basis by making the necessary and suitable arrangements for their guidance and training.

• To undertake and publish with the co-operation of various scholars, critical editions of texts as also original and independent works of historical nature bearing upon Oriental Studies including Journals, Proceedings, Catalogues, Reports and Occasional Studies.

• To act as a bureau for literary advice and information on all points connected with Oriental Studies in general.

•And to plan and carry out all other projects not inconsistent with the foregoing and calculated to help the promulgation of Oriental Studies in general.

Journals in JSTOR from Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute
1 Journal in JSTOR Date Range
Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute 1918 - 2022