CIDOB Publisher Description

CIDOB (Barcelona Centre for International Affairs) is an independent think tank based in Barcelona, devoted to the study and research of international issues. Its main areas of interest are international politics, conflicts and crises, global security, intercultural dynamics, migrations, development and Spanish foreign policy.

CIDOB is therefore devoted to promote policy-oriented ideas and to enrich the international debate on different global issues, with a special focus on four geographical areas: Europe, the Mediterranean and Middle East, Latin America and Asia.

Through policy-oriented research, seminars and publications, CIDOB aims to promote a better understanding of the international challenges which face Spain, the European Union and the contemporary world.

Journals in JSTOR from CIDOB
2 Journals in JSTOR Date Range
DCIDOB 1988 - 2009
Dossier-CIDOB 1983 - 1988
Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals 1992 - 2022
Afers Internacionals 1982 - 1985