Center for Migration Studies of New York, Inc. Publisher Description

The Center for Migration Studies of New York, Inc. is an educational nonprofit institute founded in New York in 1964, committed to encourage and facilitate the study of sociodemographic, economic, political, historical, legislative, and pastoral aspects of human migration, refugee movements, and ethnic group relations worldwide. CMS was founded on the belief that understanding is the basis for constructive policy, and understanding requires education. The different dimensions of the CMS mission - research, publishing, documentation, conferences and consultation - have contributed to the fundamental objective of CMS to educate about international migration. The education mission of the Center is guided by the basic values of the inherent universal dignity of each person and the interrelatedness of all human beings and countries.

Journals in JSTOR from Center for Migration Studies of New York, Inc.
2 Journals in JSTOR Date Range
In Defense of the Alien 1978 - 2003
The International Migration Review 1966 - 2017
The International Migration Digest 1964 - 1966