The Hastings Center Publisher Description

Founded in 1969 The Hastings Center is the longest-serving independent, nonpartisan bioethics research institute in the world. Hastings’ mission is to address fundamental ethical issues in health, health care, life sciences research and the environment that affect individuals, communities, and societies.

The Hastings Center has identified five broad areas where the nation and global community face serious challenges and where bioethics can help. They create the blueprint for the Center’s work over the coming years. Several ethics through-lines cut across these areas, including genetics, neuroethics, research ethics, public health, and professional ethics.

1. Health and Health Care
2. Children and Families
3. Aging, Chronic Conditions, and End of Life Care
4. Science and the Self
5. Humans and Nature

Journals in JSTOR from The Hastings Center
2 Journals in JSTOR Date Range
Ethics & Human Research 2019 - 2020
IRB: Ethics & Human Research 1979 - 2018
The Hastings Center Report 1971 - 2020
The Hastings Center Studies 1973 - 1974