Institute for Social Development and Policy Research (ISDPR) Publisher Description
ISDPR undertakes multidisciplinary research and policy analysis on the social dimensions of contemporary issues in Korea and around the world. Ranging from sociology, social welfare, economics, public health, political science and technology, ISDPR collaborates with academic experts from China, Japan, Australia, Germany, France and the U.S., to name the few. The Social Quality research is the core project of 10 years here at ISDPR, whose findings are published each year through both academic publications and media broadcasting. ISDPR welcomes you to join our vibrant academic exchange.
Journals in JSTOR from Institute for Social Development and Policy Research (ISDPR)
1 Journal in JSTOR Date Range
Journal of Asian Sociology 2019 - 2023
Development and Society 1998 - 2018
Korea Journal of Population and Development 1990 - 1997
Bulletin of the Population and Development Studies Center 1972 - 1989