The Hudson Review, Inc Publisher Description
The Hudson Review was founded in 1947 by Frederick Morgan and Joseph Bennett, both Princeton University alumni, class of 1943. They were students in the first creative writing course that was taught at Princeton by the poet Allen Tate. The two students became editors of the college's Nassau Literary Magazine, and Allen Tate advised them to begin their own literary magazine once they completed their service in World War II. Volume I, Number 1 of The Hudson Review was published in spring 1948, and the quarterly magazine has been in continuous publication in New York City ever since. In 1998, Frederick Morgan turned over the Editorship to Paula Deitz, who joined the magazine in 1967 and became co-editor in 1975. The Hudson Review has no university affiliation and is not committed to any narrow academic aim or to any particular political perspective.
Journals in JSTOR from The Hudson Review, Inc
1 Journal in JSTOR Date Range
The Hudson Review 1948 - 2020