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Gilbert SF. Developmental Biology. 6th edition. Sunderland (MA): Sinauer Associates; 2000.

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Developmental Biology. 6th edition.

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Multicellularity: The Evolution of Differentiation

One of evolution's most important experiments was the creation of multicellular organisms. There appear to be several paths by which single cells evolved multicellular arrangements; we will discuss only two of them here (see Chapter 22 for a fuller discussion). The first path involves the orderly division of the reproductive cell and the subsequent differentiation of its progeny into different cell types. This path to multicellularity can be seen in a remarkable series of multicellular organisms collectively referred to as the family Volvocaceae, or the volvocaceans (Kirk 1999).

The Volvocaceans

The simpler organisms among the volvocaceans are ordered assemblies of numerous cells, each resembling the unicellular protist Chlamydomonas, to which they are related (Figure 2.11A). A single organism of the volvocacean genus Gonium (Figure 2.11B), for example, consists of a flat plate of 4 to 16 cells, each with its own flagellum. In a related genus, Pandorina, the 16 cells form a sphere (Figure 2.11C); and in Eudorina, the sphere contains 32 or 64 cells arranged in a regular pattern (Figure 2.11D). In these organisms, then, a very important developmental principle has been worked out: the ordered division of one cell to generate a number of cells that are organized in a predictable fashion. As occurs during cleavage in most animal embryos, the cell divisions by which a single volvocacean cell produces an organism of 4 to 64 cells occur in very rapid sequence and in the absence of cell growth.

Figure 2.11. Representatives of the order Volvocales.

Figure 2.11

Representatives of the order Volvocales. (A) The unicellular protist Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. (B) Gonium pectorale, with 8 Chlamydomonas-like cells in a convex disc. (C) Pandorina morum. (D) Eudorina elegans. (E) Pleodorina californica. Here, all 64 (more...)

The next two genera of the volvocacean series exhibit another important principle of development: the differentiation of cell types within an individual organism. The reproductive cells become differentiated from the somatic cells. In all the genera mentioned earlier, every cell can, and normally does, produce a complete new organism by mitosis. In the genera Pleodorina and Volvox, however, relatively few cells can reproduce. In Pleodorina californica (Figure 2.11E), the cells in the anterior region are restricted to a somatic function; only those cells on the posterior side can reproduce. In P. californica, a colony usually has 128 or 64 cells, and the ratio of the number of somatic cells to the number of reproductive cells is usually 3:5. Thus, a 128-cell colony typically has 48 somatic cells, and a 64-cell colony has 24.

In Volvox, almost all the cells are somatic, and very few of the cells are able to produce new individuals. In some species of Volvox, reproductive cells, as in Pleodorina, are derived from cells that originally look and function like somatic cells before they enlarge and divide to form new progeny. However, in other members of the genus, such as V. carteri, there is a complete division of labor: the reproductive cells that will create the next generation are set aside during the division of the original cell that is forming a new individual. The reproductive cells never develop functional flagella and never contribute to motility or other somatic functions of the individual; they are entirely specialized for reproduction. Thus, although the simpler volvocaceans may be thought of as colonial organisms (because each cell is capable of independent existence and of perpetuating the species), in V. carteri we have a truly multicellular organism with two distinct and interdependent cell types (somatic and reproductive), both of which are required for perpetuation of the species (Figure 2.11F). Although not all animals set aside the reproductive cells from the somatic cells (and plants hardly ever do), this separation of germ cells from somatic cells early in development is characteristic of many animal phyla and will be discussed in more detail in Chapter 19.


2.4Volvoxcell differentiation. The pathways leading to germ cells or somatic cells are controlled by genes that cause cells to follow one or the other fate. Mutations can prevent the formation of one of these lineages. http://www.devbio.com/chap02/link0204.shtml

Although all the volvocaceans, like their unicellular relative Chlamydomonas, reproduce predominantly by asexual means, they are also capable of sexual reproduction, which involves the production and fusion of haploid gametes. In many species of Chlamydomonas, including the one illustrated in Figure 2.10, sexual reproduction is isogamous (“the same gametes”), since the haploid gametes that meet are similar in size, structure, and motility. However, in other species of Chlamydomonas—as well as many species of colonial volvocaceans—swimming gametes of very different sizes are produced by the different mating types. This pattern is called heterogamy (“different gametes”). But the larger volvocaceans have evolved a specialized form of heterogamy, called oogamy, which involves the production of large, relatively immotile eggs by one mating type and small, motile sperm by the other (see Sidelights and Speculations). Here we see one type of gamete specialized for the retention of nutritional and developmental resources and the other type of gamete specialized for the transport of nuclei. Thus, the volvocaceans include the simplest organisms that have distinguishable male and female members of the species and that have distinct developmental pathways for the production of eggs or sperm. In all the volvocaceans, the fertilization reaction resembles that of Chlamydomonas in that it results in the production of a dormant diploid zygote, which is capable of surviving harsh environmental conditions. When conditions allow the zygote to germinate, it first undergoes meiosis to produce haploid offspring of the two different mating types in equal numbers.

Differentiation and Morphogenesis in Dictyostelium: Cell Adhesion

The life cycle of dictyostelium

Another type of multicellular organization derived from unicellular organisms is found in Dictyostelium discoideum.* The life cycle of this fascinating organism is illustrated in Figure 2.17A. In its asexual cycle, solitary haploid amoebae (called myxamoebae or “social amoebae” to distinguish them from amoeba species that always remain solitary) live on decaying logs, eating bacteria and reproducing by binary fission. When they have exhausted their food supply, tens of thousands of these myxamoebae join together to form moving streams of cells that converge at a central point. Here they pile atop one another to produce a conical mound called a tight aggregate. Subsequently, a tip arises at the top of this mound, and the tight aggregate bends over to produce the migrating slug (with the tip at the front). The slug (often given the more dignified title of pseudoplasmodium or grex) is usually 2–4 mm long and is encased in a slimy sheath. The grex begins to migrate (if the environment is dark and moist) with its anterior tip slightly raised. When it reaches an illuminated area, migration ceases, and the grex differentiates into a fruiting body composed of spore cells and a stalk. The anterior cells, representing 15–20% of the entire cellular population, form the tubed stalk. This process begins as some of the central anterior cells, the prestalk cells, begin secreting an extracellular coat and extending a tube through the grex. As the prestalk cells differentiate, they form vacuoles and enlarge, lifting up the mass of prespore cells that had made up the posterior four-fifths of the grex (Jermyn and Williams 1991). The stalk cells die, but the prespore cells, elevated above the stalk, become spore cells. These spore cells disperse, each one becoming a new myxamoeba.

Figure 2.17. Life history of Dictyostelium discoideum.

Figure 2.17

Life history of Dictyostelium discoideum. Haploid spores give rise to myxamoebae, which can reproduce asexually to form more haploid myxamoebae. As the food supply diminishes, aggregation occurs at central points, and a migrating pseudoplasmodium is formed. (more...)

In addition to this asexual cycle, there is a possibility for sex in Dictyostelium. Two myxamoebae can fuse to create a giant cell, which digests all the other cells of the aggregate. When it has eaten all its neighbors, it encysts itself in a thick wall and undergoes meiotic and mitotic divisions; eventually, new myxamoebae are liberated.

Dictyostelium has been a wonderful experimental organism for developmental biologists because initially identical cells are differentiated into one of two alternative cell types, spore and stalk. It is also an organism wherein individual cells come together to form a cohesive structure composed of differentiated cell types, akin to tissue formation in more complex organisms. The aggregation of thousands of myxamoebae into a single organism is an incredible feat of organization that invites experimentation to answer questions about the mechanisms involved.


Slime mold. The life cycle of Dictyostelium—the remarkable aggregation of myxamoebae, the migration of the slug, and the truly awesome culmination of the stalk and fruiting body—can best be viewed through movies. [Click on Slime Mold]

Aggregation of dictyostelium cells

The first question is, What causes the myxamoebae to aggregate? Time-lapse microcinematography has shown that no directed movement occurs during the first 4–5 hours following nutrient starvation. During the next 5 hours, however, the cells can be seen moving at about 20 μm/min for 100 seconds. This movement ceases for about 4 minutes, then resumes. Although the movement is directed toward a central point, it is not a simple radial movement. Rather, cells join with one another to form streams; the streams converge into larger streams, and eventually all streams merge at the center. Bonner (1947) and Shaffer (1953) showed that this movement is due to chemotaxis: the cells are guided to aggregation centers by a soluble substance. This substance was later identified as cyclic adenosine 3´,5´-monophosphate (cAMP) (Konijn et al. 1967; Bonner et al. 1969), the chemical structure of which is shown in Figure 2.18A.

Figure 2.18. Chemotaxis of Dictyostelium myxamoebae due to spiral waves of cAMP.

Figure 2.18

Chemotaxis of Dictyostelium myxamoebae due to spiral waves of cAMP. (A) Chemical structure of cAMP. (B) Visualization of several cAMP “waves.” Central cells secrete cAMP at regular intervals, and each pulse diffuses outward as a concentric (more...)

Aggregation is initiated as each of the cells begins to synthesize cAMP. There are no dominant cells that begin the secretion or control the others. Rather, the sites of aggregation are determined by the distribution of myxamoebae (Keller and Segal 1970; Tyson and Murray 1989). Neighboring cells respond to cAMP in two ways: they initiate a movement toward the cAMP pulse, and they release cAMP of their own (Robertson et al. 1972; Shaffer 1975). After this, the cell is unresponsive to further cAMP pulses for several minutes. The result is a rotating spiral wave of cAMP that is propagated throughout the population of cells (Figure 2.18B-D). As each wave arrives, the cells take another step toward the center.

The differentiation of individual myxamoebae into either stalk (somatic) or spore (reproductive) cells is a complex matter. Raper (1940) and Bonner (1957) demonstrated that the anterior cells normally become stalk, while the remaining, posterior cells are usually destined to form spores. However, surgically removing the anterior part of the slug does not abolish its ability to form a stalk. Rather, the cells that now find themselves at the anterior end (and which originally had been destined to produce spores) now form the stalk (Raper 1940). Somehow a decision is made so that whichever cells are anterior become stalk cells and whichever are posterior become spores. This ability of cells to change their developmental fates according to their location within the whole organism and thereby compensate for missing parts is called regulation. We will see this phenomenon in many embryos, including those of mammals.

Cell adhesion molecules in dictyostelium

How do individual cells stick together to form a cohesive organism? This problem is the same one that embryonic cells face, and the solution that evolved in the protists is the same one used by embryos: developmentally regulated cell adhesion molecules.

While growing mitotically on bacteria, Dictyostelium cells do not adhere to one another. However, once cell division stops, the cells become increasingly adhesive, reaching a plateau of maximum cohesiveness around 8 hours after starvation. The initial cell-cell adhesion is mediated by a 24,000-Da (24-kDa) glycoprotein that is absent in myxamoebae but appears shortly after division ceases (Figure 2.19; Knecht et al. 1987; Loomis 1988). This protein is synthesized from newly transcribed mRNA and becomes localized in the cell membranes of the myxamoebae. If myxamoebae are treated with antibodies that bind to and mask this protein, they will not stick to one another, and all subsequent development ceases.

Figure 2.19. Dictyostelium cells synthesize an adhesive 24-kDa glycoprotein shortly after nutrient starvation.

Figure 2.19

Dictyostelium cells synthesize an adhesive 24-kDa glycoprotein shortly after nutrient starvation. These Dictyostelium cells were stained with a fluorescently labeled antibody that binds to the 24-kDa glycoprotein and were then observed under ultraviolet (more...)

Once this initial aggregation has occurred, it is stabilized by a second cell adhesion molecule. This 80-kDa glycoprotein is also synthesized during the aggregation phase. If it is defective or absent in the cells, small slugs will form, and their fruiting bodies will be only about one-third the normal size. Thus, the second cell adhesion system seems to be needed for retaining a large enough number of cells to form large fruiting bodies (Müller and Gerisch 1978; Loomis 1988). In addition, a third cell adhesion system is activated late in development, while the slug is migrating. This protein appears to be important in the movement of the prestalk cells to the apex of the mound (Ginger et al. 1998). Thus, Dictyostelium has evolved three developmentally regulated systems of cell-cell adhesion that are necessary for the morphogenesis of individual cells into a coherent organism. As we will see in subsequent chapters, metazoan cells also use cell adhesion molecules to form the tissues and organs of the embryo.

Dictyostelium is a “part-time multicellular organism” that does not form many cell types (Kay et al. 1989), and the more complex multicellular organisms do not form by the aggregation of formerly independent cells. Nevertheless, many of the principles of development demonstrated by this “simple” organism also appear in embryos of more complex phyla (see Loomis and Insall 1999). The ability of individual cells to sense a chemical gradient (as in the myxamoeba's response to cAMP) is very important for cell migration and morphogenesis during animal development. Moreover, the role of cell surface proteins in cell cohesiveness is seen throughout the animal kingdom, and differentiation-inducing molecules are beginning to be isolated in metazoan organisms.

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Sex and Individuality in Volvox.

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Evidence and Antibodies.

Differentiation in dictyostelium

Differentiation into stalk cell or spore cell reflects another major phenomenon of embryogenesis: the cell's selection of a developmental pathway. Cells often select a particular developmental fate when alternatives are available. A particular cell in a vertebrate embryo, for instance, can become either an epidermal skin cell or a neuron. In Dictyostelium, we see a simple dichotomous decision, because only two cell types are possible. How is it that a given cell becomes a stalk cell or a spore cell? Although the details are not fully known, a cell's fate appears to be regulated by certain diffusible molecules. The two major candidates are differentiation-inducing factor (DIF) and cAMP. DIF appears to be necessary for stalk cell differentiation. This factor, like the sex-inducing factor of Volvox, is effective at very low concentrations (10-10 M); and, like the Volvox protein, it appears to induce differentiation into a particular type of cell. When added to isolated myxamoebae or even to prespore (posterior) cells, it causes them to form stalk cells. The synthesis of this low molecular weight lipid is genetically regulated, for there are mutant strains of Dictyostelium that form only spore precursors and no stalk cells. When DIF is added to these mutant cultures, stalk cells are able to differentiate (Kay and Jermyn 1983; Morris et al. 1987), and new prestalk-specific mRNAs are seen in the cell cytoplasm (Williams et al. 1987). While the mechanisms by which DIF induces 20% of the grex cells to become stalk tissue are still controversial (see Early et al. 1995), DIF may act by releasing calcium ions from intracellular compartments within the cell (Shaulsky and Loomis 1995).

Although DIF stimulates myxamoebae to become prestalk cells, the differentiation of prespore cells is most likely controlled by the continuing pulses of cAMP. High concentrations of cAMP initiate the expression of prespore-specific mRNAs in aggregated myxamoebae. Moreover, when slugs are placed in a medium containing an enzyme that destroys extracellular cAMP, the prespore cells lose their differentiated characteristics (Figure 2.20; Schaap and van Driel 1985; Wang et al. 1988a,b).

Figure 2.20. Chemicals controlling differentiation in Dictyostelium.

Figure 2.20

Chemicals controlling differentiation in Dictyostelium. (A) and (B) show the effects of placing Dictyostelium slugs into a medium containing enzymes that destroy extracellular cAMP. (A) Control grex stained for the presence of a prespore-specific protein (more...)


2.5 The control of Dictyostelium cell type. Whether a myxamoeba becomes a spore cell or a stalk cell depends on the stage in the cell cycle at which it stops moving as well as on what chemical cues are in its immediate environment. http://www.devbio.com/chap02/link0205.shtml



Though colloquially called a “cellular slime mold,” Dictyostelium is not a mold, nor is it consistently slimy. It is perhaps best to think of Dictyostelium as a social amoeba.

The biochemistry of this reaction involves a receptor that binds cAMP. When this binding occurs, specific gene transcription takes place, motility toward the source of the cAMP is initiated, and adenyl cyclase enzymes (which synthesize cAMP from ATP) are activated. The newly formed cAMP activates the cell's own receptors, as well as those of its neighbors. The cells in the area remain insensitive to new waves of cAMP until the bound cAMP is removed from the receptors by another cell surface enzyme, phosphodiesterase (Johnson et al. 1989). The mathematics of such oscillation reactions predict that the diffusion of cAMP should initially be circular. However, as cAMP interacts with the cells that receive and propagate the signal, the cells that receive the front part of the wave begin to migrate at a different rate than the cells behind them (see Nanjundiah 1997, 1998). The result is the rotating spiral of cAMP and migration seen in Figure 2.18. Interestingly, the same mathematical formulas predict the behavior of certain chemical reactions and the formation of new stars in rotating spiral galaxies (Tyson and Murray 1989).

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