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Maggie Doherty

The Poet Who Took It Personally

Delmore Schwartz tried to change poetry, often by putting his own painful life on the page. The cost was that failure felt all the more acute.

The Arrested Development of Carson McCullers

She was one of the great writers of American girlhood—possibly because she spent her life being tended to like a child.

Kathy Acker’s Art of Identity Theft

By stealing the work of others, the author remade herself—and reinvented what autobiographical writing could be.

How Fame Fed on Edna St. Vincent Millay

Millay was born poor in Maine, and she achieved unprecedented renown as a poet. But it came with a cost.

The Hard Choices of Elizabeth Hardwick

Behind the renowned prose, there was a writer constantly weighing the costs of freedom and submission.

The Long Awakening of Adrienne Rich

Some called her coarse, extreme, too quick to change. In fact, she was always one step ahead.

The Poet Who Took It Personally

Delmore Schwartz tried to change poetry, often by putting his own painful life on the page. The cost was that failure felt all the more acute.

The Arrested Development of Carson McCullers

She was one of the great writers of American girlhood—possibly because she spent her life being tended to like a child.

Kathy Acker’s Art of Identity Theft

By stealing the work of others, the author remade herself—and reinvented what autobiographical writing could be.

How Fame Fed on Edna St. Vincent Millay

Millay was born poor in Maine, and she achieved unprecedented renown as a poet. But it came with a cost.

The Hard Choices of Elizabeth Hardwick

Behind the renowned prose, there was a writer constantly weighing the costs of freedom and submission.

The Long Awakening of Adrienne Rich

Some called her coarse, extreme, too quick to change. In fact, she was always one step ahead.