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Martin Luther

On Religion

The Lutheran Pastor Calling for a Sexual Reformation

In her new book, “Shameless,” Nadia Bolz-Weber sets out to build a sexual ethic around human flourishing rather than around rules encoded by men centuries ago.
A Critic at Large

How Martin Luther Changed the World

Five hundred years after he started the Reformation, his ideas and his ornery personality remain as potent as ever.
The Art World

Five Hundred Years of Martin Luther

In honor of the anniversary of the Ninety-five Theses, three museum shows are displaying items from his life and his religion.
A Critic at Large

God Talk


Asleep in the Lord

The Mail

On Slacktivism



Richard Brody


The Political Scene

The Choice


Martin Luther King, Jr.,’s Final Chapter 

The complicated relationship between the civil-rights leader and President Lyndon B. Johnson.
Briefly Noted

Briefly Noted

The Current Cinema

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