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Annals of Technology

The Highest Tree House in the Amazon

In 2023, conservationists and carpenters converged on Peru to build luxury accommodations in the rain-forest canopy.

A Guide to the Total Solar Eclipse

Eclipses dazzled the ancient world. Now that we understand them better, they may be even more miraculous.

Black Holes Are Even Weirder Than You Imagined

It’s now thought that they could illuminate fundamental questions in physics, settle questions about Einstein’s theories, and even help explain the universe.

The Magic of Bird Brains

Crows are smart enough to pick up trash. Why won’t they?

A New Era of Moon Exploration Is Upon Us

The wildly ambitious Artemis program aims to get us back to the moon for good.

Thinking About A.I. with Stanisław Lem

The science-fiction writer didn’t live to see ChatGPT, but he foresaw so much of its promise and peril.

Will Plants Ever Fertilize Themselves?

Biologists aim to engineer crops that can eat nitrogen straight from the air.

Where Will Virtual Reality Take Us?

Apple’s Vision Pro headset suggests one possible future—but there are others.

What We Lost When Twitter Became X

As a former Twitter employee, I watched Elon Musk undermine one of the Internet’s most paradoxical, special places.

It’s Time to Dismantle the Technopoly

As technology accelerates, we need to stop accepting the bad consequences along with the good ones.