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The Beauty in Monotony

Somebody Take The Wheel by Kenzie Sutton reveals human nature’s tendency to repeat routines over, and over, and over, and over.

Released on 08/31/2022


[gentle music]

[water burbling]

[footsteps clacking]

[engine purring]

[lawnmower whirring]

[car horn honking]

[punch clock clicks]

[zipper buzzing]

[washing machine rumbling]

[crickets chittering]

[footsteps clacking]

[washing machine rumbling]

[crickets chittering]

[zipper buzzing]

[engine whirring]

[brakes screeching]

[car horn honking]

[lawnmower whirring]

[footsteps clacking]

[washing machine rumbling]

[suspension hissing]

[air whooshing] [phone thuds]

[air whooshing]

[dog panting]

[door latch clicks]

[brakes screeching] [car horn honking]

[lawnmower whirring]

[footsteps clacking]

[brakes screeching] [car horn honking]

[lawnmower whirring]

[gentle wistful music]

[brakes screeching] [car horn honking]

[gentle wistful music continues]

[gentle wistful music continues]