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Revolution in Cairo

Day-to-Day Feb. 1

Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images

Mahmoud Salem (@Sandmonkey) i've never seen mubarak so nervous #jan25 #egypt
Sultan Al Qassemi (@SultanAlQassemi) Mubarak "I am addressing the farmers, women and men, everyone in Egypt, I did not seek this position. Everyone knows my sacrifices"

“My primary responsibility now is security and independence of the nation to ensure a peaceful transfer of power in circumstances that protect Egypt and the Egyptians and allow handing over responsibility to whoever the people choose in the coming presidential election.” President Hosni Mubarak

“President Hosni Mubarak lost his political power on Friday, 28 January. On that night the Egyptian military let Mubarak's ruling party headquarters burn down and ordered the police brigades attacking protesters to return to their barracks. When the evening call to prayer rang out and no one heeded Mubarak's curfew order, it was clear that the old president been reduced to a phantom authority.” Paul Amar "Why Mubarak Is Out" (Jadaliyya)

Sultan Al Qassemi (@SultanAlQassemi) Essam El Erian of the Muslim Brotherhood now to Al Jazeera: "We refuse to talk to Mubarak or Suleiman. We demand a new constitution"
Sultan Al Qassemi (@SultanAlQassemi) Latest full screen page grab of Meydan Tahrir. It's an awesome scene.

“… the anger at Mubarak is growing. At first, the demands were simply that he leave office. But today on Tahrir, I heard people say and saw signs saying that he should be exiled, put on trial, or even executed.” Nicholas Kristof, "Clueless in Cairo" (The New York Times)

VideoProtesters in Cairo's Tahrir Square React to Mubarak's Speech

“A few months after Barack Obama took office, CIA analysts monitoring the Middle East received an unusual request from the National Security Council. The president had appreciated the in-depth country profiles the intelligence community had prepared for him to read. But there was something missing. The white papers all assessed what various groups within each country didn't like about the United States - but there was very little about what they admired. So that's what Obama wanted to know: What do Yemenis, Qataris and Egyptians like about the U.S.?” Marc Ambinder, "A White House Policy on Egypt Evolves" (National Journal)

“There is still some cellphone service, so a new social-media link that marries Google, Twitter and SayNow, a voice-based social media platform, gives Egyptians three phone numbers to call and leave a message, which is then posted on the Internet as a recorded Twitter message. The messages are at and can also be heard by telephone. The result is a story of a revolution unfolding in short bursts.” Christine Hauser, "New Service Lets Voices From Egypt Be Heard" (The New York Times)

benwedeman (@bencnn) Protestor in #Tahrir square says " Mubarak may have thick skin but we have sharper nails" #jan25 #Egypt
Nic Robertson (@NicRobertsonCNN) Just met man says he wants Mubarak to continue, shud only go when ready,says others same but afraid to speak out t#egypt #jan25 #mubarak


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Posted Feburary 22, 2011

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