
Transgender 'bathroom bills' are a Kafkaesque state intrusion – and Republicans should oppose them

North Carolina's state senate debates the controversial 'bathroom bill' 
North Carolina's state senate debates the controversial 'bathroom bill' Credit: Jonathan Drake/Reuters

In the immediate aftermath of Donald Trump’s victory, there was a wave of introspective think-pieces from liberal media outlets about how the progressive left had lost their way. Voters in rural Michigan and Pennsylvania whose livelihoods were decimated by globalisation and automation were feeling disconnected from raging debates about "boutique" issues like gender identity. These voters wanted change. They wanted leaders who would bring back their jobs, not navel gaze about which bathrooms transgender people should use.

And thus Donald Trump was elected, propelling to the Republicans to victory in both chambers of Congress and in state legislatures across America. Finally, an opportunity to curb exorbitant occupational licensing along with state regulation, cut taxes, and move on from this incessant culture war. 

But something odd has happened. Texas, a bastion of Republicanism and libertarianism, has just unveiled the Texas Privacy Act, making it illegal for people to use a public bathroom corresponding to a gender other than that on their birth certificate. In doing so, they betray that they are just as obsessed with the culture war as Democrats are, if not more so. But they also make a mockery of Republicans who actually believe in small government.

Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick speaks at a news conference on the introduction of the Texas Privacy Act
Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick speaks at a news conference on the introduction of the Texas Privacy Act Credit: Jon Herskovitz/Reuters

So-called “bathroom bills” are aimed at protecting women from sexual assault in public bathrooms, which supposedly justifies government action. But the “harm” that such bills aim to address simply does not exist. There have been zero reported instances of a transgender person attacking a woman in this way, despite the fact that transgender Americans have been using the bathrooms of their choice for decades without causing any problems to other bathroom users. Women, who do face sexual assault on a daily basis that is often dealt with ineffectively and insensitively by government authorities, will not get any extra protection from these laws. In fact, 70 percent of transgender people reported being the victim of discrimination or harassment when trying to use a public bathroom, and also suffer much higher risks than the general population (over 50 percent, compared to one in 6 women and one in 33 men).

So bathroom bills offer no discernible benefits. Yet the harm they cause, both to transgender people and to anyone who values personal autonomy and freedom of expression, is significant.  Think for a moment about what it means for the state to attempt to regulate this area of life. Gender expression – how we dress, act, and ask others to treat us – is a deeply personal thing, and gender identity – how we feel about and define ourselves – even more so. If we fear state interference in the way we do our jobs and raise our children, how much worse is the intrusive regulation over such a life-changing decision?

Students protest against North Carolina's House Bill 2 outside the state governor's mansion in Raleigh
Students protest against North Carolina's House Bill 2 outside the state governor's mansion in Raleigh Credit: Jill Knight/AP/The News and Observer

Indeed, transgender people who try to comply with bathroom bills must enter a bureaucratic minefield. In order to change the legal gender on a birth certificate in Texas, you must obtain a court order, which necessitates a letter from a doctor. To be referred to a doctor, you normally need a letter from a therapist, which adds additional time, expense and stress. After that it is standard practice for doctors to mandate that a patient to live as the gender they wish to transition to for at least a year before recommending treatment such as gender reassignment surgery. During that time, transgender people will be presenting according to their preferred gender but will be unable to legally change their gender on their birth certificate.

“The Republican National Committee encourages state legislatures to enact laws that protect student privacy and limit the use of restrooms, locker rooms and similar facilities to members of the sex to whom the facility is designated”
RNC resolution on 'bathroom bills'

The law proposed in Texas would mean they are prohibited from using the appropriate bathroom during this time. But in other states, the laws can be even stricter. In North Carolina, the state that sparked it all off with House Bill 2 (a template for the Texan bill), gender reassignment surgery is a prerequisite, requiring transgender people to undergo a serious medical procedure which renders them infertile if they want legal recognition. This surgery is very expensive, usually prescribed only after a long waiting period, and many transgender people don't even want it. These are not trivial regulations to comply with if you want a government-stamped piece of paper allowing you to define how you want.

All of those hoops inevitably mean the Texas Privacy Act will impose people who look like men in women’s bathrooms, and people who look like women in men’s bathrooms. Somehow, this is meant to keep women feeling safer than they do under the current system, in which individuals quietly choose the bathrooms appropriate to them without government interference. Though liberals have taken the heat for waging the national battle over LGBT issues, they didn’t start this war on transgender bathrooms rights. Rather, a dedicated socially conservative faction has turned the Republican party into culture warriors, at an alarming cost.

Upending the perfectly acceptable status quo puts transgender people at risk, whips up anti-LGBT sentiment, and does nothing to reduce the risks of sexual assault. It is also, incidentally, economically harmful. When the Republican legislature in North Carolina decided this was a key issue to push through, consequences be damned, business began withdrawing in protest, and the state has to date lost around $400 million and over 1000 jobs.

You can argue that this issue shouldn’t be a priority for either party, as it directly affects only about 0.6 percent of Americans. I would say that laws uniquely targeting any minority group for legal discrimination are a major national issue. But even if you believe other things are more important, you should be outraged that politicians who claim to be pro-freedom think the state should regulate gender identity in this way. It is a strange ambition for people who say they believe in small government to subject citizens who only want to go about their ordinary lives in peace to such quasi-Soviet rigmarole. 

If the majority of American people really don’t care about transgender bathrooms, then why has it become a priority of the new Republican agenda? Why is the first move of Republicans in Texas under Trump to fan the flames of the culture war? And what are pro-freedom, anti-regulation Republicans going to do about it?


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