
Big questions about technology, science, and culture, hosted by The Atlantic’s Derek Thompson.

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About Crazy/Genius

Big questions about technology, science, and culture, hosted by The Atlantic’s Derek Thompson. On Season 3 (launching May 9): Unbreak the internet.

How Has Netflix Changed Entertainment?

Netflix has changed where we watch -- that's obvious. But has it also changed what we watch, and how?

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Should We Be Afraid of AI in the Criminal Justice System?

Could computers make the legal system more fair? Or is it inherently unjust to put a person’s life in the hands of an algorithm?

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Influencers: Frauds or the Future of Online Commerce?

What the growing influencer industry can teach us about the future of life online.

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The U.S. and China: A Tale of Two Surveillance States

A look at two communities living under the microscope.

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How Did the Far Right Take Over the Web?

How did the Web become one big media channel for the far right, and how can we make the Internet safe from extremism?

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What Is Pornography Doing to Our Sex Lives?

We wade into the debate over pornography and determine what, if anything, can be said about its effect on our relationships.

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Why Should We Care About Privacy?

The 200 year history of privacy in America, and what the new age of “surveillance capitalism” means for all of us.

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Season 3 Trailer: Unbreak the Internet

Surveillance capitalism, porn wars, totalitarian AI in Brooklyn and Beijing, and other real-life dystopias

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