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hindrance is a synonym of drawback

noun [ hin-druhns ]

hindrance is another word for drawback

✅ A drawback is a disadvantage or issue with something (The only drawback is the distance we have to travel).

✅ A hindrance is something that gets in the way of something else (I love my dog, but he can be such a hindrance when I’m doing housework).

✅ Both of these words refer to issues that slow progress or make something difficult.

Drawback usually refers to an undesirable element of something that is overall positive. Hindrance usually refers to something which stops progress or keeps something going ahead as planned (His fame was a real drawback when keeping secrets; The rain was a hindrance to our plans).

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appreciation is a synonym of gratitude

noun [ uh-pree-shee-ey-shuhn ]

appreciation is another word for gratitude

Gratitude refers to the quality or feeling of being thankful for something or someone (I felt a lot of gratitude for the kindness of strangers).

Appreciation refers to recognition and thanks for a person’s work or efforts (I showed my appreciation of their hard work by gifting them a new watch).

✅ These words both refer to a feeling of thankfulness towards someone.

Appreciation emphasizes showing someone recognition, whereas gratitude emphasizes your own feelings of thankfulness.

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repair is a synonym of mend

verb [ ri-pair ]

repair is another word for mend

Mend means to make something that was damaged usable again (She mended the ripped spine of the book).

Repair means to fix something that is broken or unusable (They can repair the broken hinges).

✅ Both of these words mean to take something that you can’t use due to damage or wear and make it usable again.

Repair is usually used to refer to things that need to be fixed, whereas mend is generally used to refer to things that can be made whole again (mend a hole in the roof; repair a broken scooter).

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