
British 'no' on way, Parliament called, Nazi war preparations are completed

By Frederick C. Oechsner

BERLIN -- Adolf Hitler today completed German military preparations for any emergency.

All regular military units called up -- reportedly totaling around 2,500,000 men -- now have reached war stations, the last arriving late this morning.


All preparations such as distribution of gasoline supplies have now been completed, it was understood.

With British Ambassador Sir Nevile Henderson en route to Berlin carrying the British reply to Hitler's peace suggestions, the Nazi government issued food and other ration cards, decreed a limited wardrobe for Germans and kept at a high pitch the press campaign of abuse and charges of frontier violations against Poland.

Hitler, having been angered by French declarations that he rejected proposals for conciliation with Poland, accused French Premier Edouard Daladier of attempting to blame him for the danger of war and publicly demanded the return of Danzig and the Polish Corridor to Germany.


The next and probably the deciding move was expected when Mr. Henderson sees the Fuehrer again, presumably this evening, to deliver the British reply to Hitler's stand.

Meanwhile, the public sought to make the most of the limitation of food supplies and read in the official gazette that the normal clothing supply for Germans from now on included:

One coat, two suits, three shirts and two pair of shoes for men.

Two dresses, one coat, two petticoats and two pair of shoes for women.

According to new decrees supplementing the food and other material rationing, articles of clothing may be bought with a special permit only when the number of articles in the owner's possession can be proved to be below this maximum. Clothing presently owned above the maximum may be retained,.

To conserve soap, it was decreed that men must obtain special permission to buy one tube of shaving cream every five months. Persons sending clothes to the laundry must provide the laundry with soap from their own ration which is a quarter pound of washing soap and half a pound of soap powder until Sept. 25. Toilet soap cannot be obtained on ration cards.

The household dry goods will be similarly limited. Two bed sheets, three bath towels, three dishtowels, one pillow case, two bed covers will be permitted per person. Two dust rags and two dish rags per person will also be allowed.


As these regulations were published, a crowd of several hundred persons continued a vigil outside the Reichschancellory awaiting a decision in connection with Hitler's diplomatic exchanges with Britain.

Men and women of all ages, most of the lower middle class, stood impassively across the street from the new chancellory.

There was not much talk in the crowd, but occasional conversations exclusively concerned "the situation." All seemed to believe a decision must come today and many openly expressed wonder that Hitler had not decided long ago.

Now and then long heavy cars rolled into the chancellory drive and necks were craned to see the new arrival.

When Constantine Von Neurath, protector of Bohemia and Moravia, arrived a cry went up:

"Do you think you can do it again?"

The crowd referred to the German triumph over Czecho-Slovakia, but the Reichsprotector merely smiled and hurried inside the chancellory.

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