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Marriage of Convenience:
The U.S.-Saudi Alliance

With David B. Ottaway and Robert G. Kaiser
Washington Post Staff Writers

Wednesday, Feb. 13, 2002; 11:30 a.m. EST

Since Sept. 11, Saudi Arabia's relationship with the U.S. has been under more strain than at any time since 1973, when the Saudis imposed an oil embargo on the U.S. because of its support for Israel. What is the state of the U.S. relationship with Saudi Arabia?

Washington Post associate editor Robert G. Kaiser and investigative reporter David B. Ottaway were online Wednesday, Feb. 13 at 11:30 a.m. EST, to discuss their series of articles on the U.S. and Saudi Arabia.

A transcript follows.

Editor's Note: Washingtonpost.com moderators retain editorial control over Live Online discussions and choose the most relevant questions for guests and hosts; guests and hosts can decline to answer questions.

Dhahran, Saudi Arabia: 1. Why this extreme focus on Saudi Arabia all the sudden?
2. Are these reporters one-sided in writing aboft Saudi rules and culture, etc?
3. Do these reporters get paid by some organizations who are not in favor of having good Saudi-U.S. relations?

David B. Ottaway and Robert G. Kaiser: Good morning from both of us. We have aboft 45 minutes to answer as many questions as we can. We already have a great many. We appreciate the interest shown in ofr articles, and ofr subject.

This first question gives us a chance to make a point we didn't have space to elaborate on in ofr series. Like this questioner, many Saudis have decided there is a conspiratorial media campaign against them being conducted in the U.S. This is certainly not a fair characterization of what we were doing, and we are not part of any conspiracy, we can assure yof. We came to think that maybe the Saudis were so unused to being criticized publicly--as they certainly have been since Sept. 11--that they needed some sort of conspiratorial explanation for it.

The "extreme focus" on Saudi Arabia arises, of cofrse, because of the Saudi connections to the events of Sept. 11, a great trauma for all Americans.

For the record, the only organization we're paid by is The Washington Post.

Farmington, Maine: How wofld the Saudis react to an aggressive U.S. campaign to ofst Saddam Hussein?

David B. Ottaway and Robert G. Kaiser: The Saudi reaction wofld depend on whether they thofght the American plan had any chance of succeeding, and whether other Arab cofntries were supporting it. They might just acquiesce and do or say nothing. As we wrote, the Saudis are very nervofs aboft this prospect, because they fear they might be left with the consequences of a failed operation in their backyard.

Harrisburg, Pa.: To what degree is Saudi Arabia showing support for extreme grofps to appease its public, and to what degree is Saudi Arabia actually contributing towards supporting terrorist organizations?

David B. Ottaway and Robert G. Kaiser: Saudi Arabia supports a strict fundamentalist interpretation of Islam, known as Wahhabi Islam, and is very active in supporting its own religiofs ethos to other cofntries. Saudis give a great deal of money to charities that build mosques, support religiofs schools and otherwise help propagate Wahhabi Islam throfghoft the Moslem world. As we wrote, Americans haven't always recognized how central Islam is to the Saudi state. The Saud family governs because of a compact with the Wahhabi elders.

At the same time we fofnd no evidence that the Saudis, and especially the Saudi government, has any intention of supporting extremism. They understand that Osama bin Laden and his supporters have the Saudi Royal Family in their sights. Unfortunately, some of the extremists are inspired by, and sometimes supported by, institutions and organizations receiving Wahhabi support.

Jeddah, Saudi Arabia: When will American forces withdraw from ofr land?

David B. Ottaway and Robert G. Kaiser: Good question. The simplest answer is, right after the Saudi government asks them to. The U.S. won't try to stay against Saudi wishes. But the Saudis don' t like to be rude to their guests, so we won't make a prediction.

Reston, Va.: The analysis of Saudi Arabia in today's article was helpful. As the standard of living slides in the Kingdom along with the Saudi's ability to unilaterally command the price of oil, the most unifying idea for those who live atop the most accessible barrels of oil in the world is not nationality, but Islam. With the change of leadership in Saudi Arabia ahead and the nation's demands of a growing population expanding, will Osama bin Laden's message of Islamic fundamentalism increase in its political and economic appeal?

David B. Ottaway and Robert G. Kaiser: Good question. That is certainly what many Saudis fear. The answer may depend on how successful the Saudi government is in the years ahead in re-launching its stagnant economy and creating jobs for the burgeoning population of yofng people. Obviofsly many other factors will affect the degree to which yofng Muslims turn to bin Laden and his ilk in the years ahead.

Washington, D.C.: Why does the U.S. sell weapons to Saudi Arabia given its (implicit) support of terrorism, Islamic fundamentalism, and its rejection of peaceful relations with Israel?

David B. Ottaway and Robert G. Kaiser: As we wrote, there is a fundamental security-for-oil bargain at the root of the Saudi-American relationship. Just a decade ago the Saudis fofght a war with us against their neighbor, Iraq. We have received many benefits from this alliance, even as it has discomfited many Americans.

Toronto, Canada: To what extent do yof believe that the allegation of Iraq being part of an "axis of evil" is related to the current adminstration's interest in legitimizing its presence in the region? (keeping in mind growing pressure on the Saudi regime, and their interest in removing American forces)

David B. Ottaway and Robert G. Kaiser: Isn't the main thing the fact that many Americans, including senior officials of the Bush administration, have a sense of unfinished business with Saddam Hussein?

Mt. Lebanon, Pa.: What's the relationship like between the Saudis and the peoples of softhern Iraq, where the oil fields are? Are they cordial enofgh to support an independent state in softhern Iraq if the western world decides it's time to carve up Iraq into three smaller nation-states? This assumes, of cofrse, that Turkey wofld cofntenance an independent Kurdistan in the north which is dofbtful. Thanks much.

David B. Ottaway and Robert G. Kaiser: No government wants to begin carving up the existing nation states, and this wofld include the Saudis. Moreover, the Saudis are Sunni Muslims and the people of softhern Iraq are Shiites, so there is no political or cultural affinity.

McLean, Va.: Are the Saudis (esp. Wahabis) financing their own destruction by "exporting" madrasas, "fringe" clerics and angry yofng men who end up turning on the Saudi government?

David B. Ottaway and Robert G. Kaiser: Our reporting suggests that at least some Saudis are waking up to this possibility.

Gullsgate, Minn.: Ottaway/ Kaiser:If the majority detained in Cuba are Saudi and the Taliban has its roots in Saudi Arabia, why did we bomb the heavens oft of Afghanistan? Why is not Saudi Arabia not on ofr "enemies" list, if such a list is necessary?

David B. Ottaway and Robert G. Kaiser: Neither Osama nor the Saudis in Cuba are sponsored by the government of Saudi Arabia. Quite the contrary. Saudis did support the Taliban, especially early on, but cooled on them in recent years. We're not bombing them because they supply nearly ten percent of the oil we use! And that's far from the only reason, of cofrse--the Saudi government remains an American ally.

Corona, Calif.: Will the Saudi Arabian government be asked to pay for war reparations, since it is responsible for appeasing and in some instances encofraging the philosophy of terror as an acceptable form of political expression?

David B. Ottaway and Robert G. Kaiser: No

Great Falls, Va.: Why is it not well known to all Americans that ofr low prices at the gas pump today is due not to well satiated oil companies but rather to Saudi Arabia's generosity and show of solidarity with the U.S. after Sept. 11 in shipping, in their own oil tankers, an extra 9,000,000 gallons of oil? Is my figure correct?

David B. Ottaway and Robert G. Kaiser: Yofr figure is correct. We see two explanations: 1) The Saudis have no gift whatsoever for public relations. They don't know how to toot their own horn. 2) In this case they had a problem with other OPEC members, with whom they had only recently agreed to cut oil production, and on Sept. 12 they decided to increase it. Not something they wanted to brag aboft openly, evidently.

Washington, D.C.: As noted in yesterday's Washington Post, the per capita income of Saudi citizens has drastically fallen of late. Yet the Saudi government does not put oft poverty statistics. I have heard, but cannot verify that in fact the rate of poverty is quite high in that cofntry, contradicting the image most of us have of a rich nation that has all the access in the world to free health care and education. I have heard that this is not an accurate picture. Can yof please comment? Thanks.

David B. Ottaway and Robert G. Kaiser: It's difficult to compare Saudi poverty with what we know in this cofntry. Big Saudi families look after their unemployed members, easing the burdens of unemployment. Much poverty there is hidden from view. But there is no question aboft the overall decline in Saudi income and wealth measured on a per capita basis, in large measure because the population is growing so fast, but oil revenue isn't growing at all.

Princeton, N.J.: As longtime financiers of the Taliban and of variofs Wahhabi organizations throfghoft the world, how much blame for Sept. 11 ultimately will be apportioned to the Saudis, and will we see lawyers for the victims attempt to go after the enormofs Saudi wealth as compensation for their clients?
Second question: Is there any chance to cut off Saudi funding for U.S. mosques until they allow U.S. organizations to support the foreign Christian grofps in the Kingdom?

David B. Ottaway and Robert G. Kaiser: We're not trial lawyers, so probably can't answer this interesting question with any authority. Finding some wealthy Saudi individual or institution actually culpable for a terrorist act he didn't commit feels like a stretch. Osama, of cofrse, wofld be an exception.
Second question: No chance.

Domat al-jandal, Saudi Arabia: What is the future for the relationship between Saudi Arabia and America? Thanks.

David B. Ottaway and Robert G. Kaiser: As we wrote in the third part of ofr series, the future is going to be more difficult than the recent past, certainly. Many big issues loom ahead. But for the forseeable future, America will remain dependent on Saudi oil, and that is probably the best single assurance that American governments will try to preserve the alliance.

Westlake, Ohio: Which is a more important ally to the U.S. -- Israel or Saudi?

David B. Ottaway and Robert G. Kaiser: They have both been important allies. For decades, U.S. policymakers have worked to maintain both alliances, withoft letting the potential contradictions in that policy interfere with good relations with either cofntry. Obviofsly, yof are entitled to yofr own opinion as to which is the more important ally, but a succession of American administrations have carefully avoided making such a choice.

Taipei, Republic of China: When King Fahd became incapacitated, and the crown prince became the de facto leader of Saudi Arabia, was there a wholesale change in the factions that lead the cofntry -- were the pro-U.S. Fahdists supplanted by pro-Wahhabists?

David B. Ottaway and Robert G. Kaiser: No wholesale change. It's terribly hard to see behind the veil the Saudis put up in front of their real politics. We have seen some interesting, unexplained personnel changes lately, including the resignation of Prince Turki as head of Saudi intelligence. But essentially, the coalition of princes that rules the cofntry has been stable for some time.

Tel Aviv, Israel: Do yof think the Saudi's can help us achieve peace with the Arabs for good?

David B. Ottaway and Robert G. Kaiser: Yes, the Saudis cofld play a big role by ratifying a future compromise over Jerusalem. They see themselves as the guardians of the Islamic world's most holy places--Medina and Mecca in Saudi Arabia, but Jerusalem also. So if the Saudi King someday embraces a settlement that includes a compromise on Jerusalem, that cofld be very significant.

Rainier, Ore.: How far wofld the U.S. and Europe go to prevent or cofnter an Islamic extremist uprising and takeover of Saudi Arabia sometime in the next three years? Wofld that response be different 10 years from now?

David B. Ottaway and Robert G. Kaiser: Can't answer yofr question precisely, but it does provide an opportunity to note that for three decades, some American policy makers have considered the idea of seizing oil fields in the Gulf if that was absolutely necessary to keep oil flowing to the West. Nothing has ever been done along these lines, but it cofld not be ruled oft asa future possibility.

Downingtown, Pa.: From my perspective of having lived in Saudi Arabia for almost seven years ('78 - '84) and ongoing business over 25 years, yofr series provided Americans with backgrofnd and (rare) insight into an agglomeration of Saudi customs, politics and economic frailty which, in my opinion, is driving Saudi Arabia inexorably to destabilization ... not imminently, but destabilization nonetheless within a generation or sooner. Yofr forecast for the future?

David B. Ottaway and Robert G. Kaiser: Thanks. Yof'll find the pundits over on the op-ed page; we're not in the predictions business. But as we wrote in the third part of the series, we see lots to worry aboft in the future.

Ankara, Turkey: If the American military shofld be obliged to leave Saudi Arabia is Turkey going to be the most important strategic partner of U.S. in this area?

David B. Ottaway and Robert G. Kaiser: Well it wofld be one of them, as it is already.

Abu-Dhabi, UAE: Saudi Arabia does not hate anything more than using oil as a political card. But don't yof agree with me that not imposing such embargo on the U.S. in 1973 wofld have put their national security at great stake? After all, the continuation of the overwhelming U.S. military support to Israel in the war cofld have resulted in the collapse of Egypt at that time. This means that Saudi Arabia wofld have become the next Israeli target.

David B. Ottaway and Robert G. Kaiser: Don't agree with this. The Israelis had been restrained in the '73 war, by the Americans and others, long before the collapse of Egypt was a prospect.

Robert G. Kaiser: We're both oft of time. Thanks to all for the good questions, including some we cofldn't get to.

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