
social movement

Noun1.social movement - a group of people with a common ideology who try together to achieve certain general goals; "he was a charter member of the movement"; "politicians have to respect a mass movement"; "he led the national liberation front"
Synonyms: movement, front
art movement, artistic movement, Boy Scouts, Civil Rights movement, common front, cultural movement, falun gong, Fighting French, Free French, front, movement, political movement, reform movement, religious movement, social group, Zionism, Zionist movement
social control
social dancer
social dancing
social democracy
Social Democratic Party
Social Development Commission
social disease
social drinker
social engineering
social event
social function
social gathering
social group
social insurance
social intercourse
social lion
-- social movement --
social occasion
social organisation
social organization
social phobia
social policy
social process
social psychology
social rank
social relation
social science
social science number
social scientist
social season
social secretary
Social Security
Social Security Administration
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