Weekly operational update on COVID-19 - 16 March 2021


In this edition of the Weekly Operational Update on COVID-19, highlights of country-level actions and WHO support to Member States include:

  • Historic roll-out of shipments from COVAX facility gathers pace globally
  • International Women’s Day 2021: Challenging barriers women face accessing life-saving knowledge for COVID-19 response
  • Vaccination data now available on the WHO COVID-19 dashboard
  • Preparedness activities including enriched Intra-Action Reviews, WHO facilitated learning on safe hospitals and reviewing preparedness assessment tools for enhancements
  • The Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan (SPRP) 2021 Operational Planning Guidelines, resource requirements and progress made to continue investing in the COVID-19 response and for building the architecture to prepare for, prevent and mitigate future health emergencies
  • Updates on WHO/PAHO procured items, participation in the Unity Studies, and select indicators from the COVID-19 Monitoring and Evaluation Framework


WHO Team
Emergency Response (WRE)