Government of New Brunswick

 by OverDrive is the mobile application for reading books you have downloaded from The interface supports English or French but the content available for download is mostly in English. It is available for iOS or Android devices.

Application/app allows you to:

  • Check out OverDrive's eBooks and audiobooks using your library card
  • Download them to your mobile device
  • Read or listen to them

Pretnumerique is the mobile application for reading books you have downloaded from The interface supports English or French but the content is in French. Pretnumerique is available for iOS and Android devices.

Application/app allows you to:

  • Check out’s eBooks and audiobooks using your library card
  • Download them to your mobile device
  • Read or listen to them

Learn Languages: Rosetta Stone is the application that allows you to access the Rosetta Stone online database on your mobile device. The interface is available in multiple languages including English and French. It is available for iOS devices and Android devices.

Application/app allows you to:

  • Access Rosetta Stone on your mobile device.

PressReader is the application that provides access to newspapers and magazines on your mobile device. The interface and the content are available in multiple languages, including English and French. PressReader is available for iOS devices through the App Store, for Android® devices through Google Play, and for Windows® devices through the Microsoft Store.

Application/app allows you to:

  • Access PressReader on your mobile device.

EBSCOhost is the application that allows you to access the Canadian Reference Centre online database on your mobile device. The interface and the content are in English. It is available for iOS devices and Android devices.

Application/app allows you to:

  • Access Canadian Reference Centre on your mobile device.