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Is your permanent place of residence in Finland? You can now take all video content on Areena with you when travelling within the EU

Kolme naista nauraa keittiössä, yhdellä kädessä kännykkä.
Kolme naista nauraa keittiössä, yhdellä kädessä kännykkä. Picture by: Jyrki Valkama / Yle Yle,brändit,media,mediankäyttö arjessa

The Finns can now watch all video content on Yle Areena when travelling in the EU. The users must log in by using the Yle ID and authenticate that their permanent place of residence is in Finland. The transportability feature was made available for the Finns 20th of December 2018 and it works in the latest versions of the Areena app for Android and iOS.

Audio content and content on the Areena web platform will be made available within the EU during the first half of 2019.

Areena contents are available when visiting another EU country thanks to EU's portability regulation. Yle is the first of the Nordic public broadcasters to implement the regulation.

“We were set on implementing the change so that Finns visiting other EU countries will be able to use all contents on Yle Areena. Portability gives them easy access to Areena and provides value for taxpayers’ money, even when abroad”, says Ismo Silvo, Yle’s director of media.

The portability regulation requires that the service has to determine where the users have their permanent residence. This is why only users domiciled in Finland will be able to access to all Areena content everywhere in the EU.

Users verify their permanent residence through their Yle ID profile. The verification is checked from the Population Register Centre's database through the e-identification service by using the online banking codes, a mobile certificate or personal electronic identity card. Yle does not record the user’s domicile, identity number or other details. When the permanent residence has been verified, the user will have access to all Areena content when loggin in with Yle ID. The permanent residence must be verified only once in the Yle ID profile.

Yle Areena can also be accessed without logging in or verifying the permanent residence. More than 80% of the Yle Areena content is globally accessible.

Yle ID is Yle’s free and secure platform for logging in to Yle’s services.